Activity: “Artists Observe” Mind Map Wed 02/08/2017 Activity: “Artists Observe” Mind Map Sharpened pencil Sketchbook/ paper Supplies Needed: Copy planner info Entry Task: Observational Drawing Write in Planner: Learning Target: I can list the ways that artists use observation for art.
Artists Observe In this unit, students will: Explore observation and how it relates to art making. What do artists observe? Why do artists observe? Develop observational drawing skills. Sketching, contour drawing, scribble drawing, negative space, simplifying shapes, shading
#1 EXPLORE: MindMap Get in a group of 2-3 people. Make a mind map in your sketchbook. What are different things artists observe? What do you like to observe? You should have at least 10 parts to your mind map. Artists Observe ?
Grab your drawing object as you enter Thurs 02/09/2017 Activity: Grab your drawing object as you enter Learning different ways to “Sketch” Non-dominate hand Continuous line Contour draw 1 min quick sketches Sharpened pencil Sketchbook/ paper Supplies Needed: Copy planner info Grab your drawing object as you enter. Entry Task: Observational Drawing Write in Planner: Learning Target: I can practice different methods of observational drawing.
Sketching Sketches are not “finished” pieces of artwork. What is the purpose of a sketch? To record something the artist sees To develop an idea for later use To visually communicate an idea Sketches are not “finished” pieces of artwork. The artist draws quickly. Sketches can take as little as a a few seconds.
Examples of Sketches
Examples of Sketches
DEVELOP SKILLS: Sketching #2 DEVELOP SKILLS: Sketching Object Suggestions Toy car or animal Wooden mannequin Plant or flower Tape dispenser Old camera Too simple: Glue bottle, book, laptop, cell phone Choose a fairly complex 3 dimensional object (not a photo or anything on a screen) to draw. Complete all drawings based on the directions given on each slide.
Drawing Exercises Instructions Use the SAME object for each drawing exercise. Complete the slides in order. Each exercise builds on the last. Follow the directions on each slide. Explore. Try. Fail. You are learning and growing - don’t expect everything to look perfect (or even good). Your mindset (attitude) is more important than what your drawings look like. This is an example of what your finished drawings should look like.
#1~Non-Dominant Hand Drawing Use one page in your sketchbook and a pencil or marker for this drawing. Set up your object Set a timer for 3 minutes Start your timer and draw your object with your non-dominant hand Label each drawing
#2~ Continuous Line Contour Drawing The “contour” is the outside edge of an object If you have never done a contour drawing, watch the video tutorial Create a continuous line contour drawing of your object. Remember to go slow and add inside details like in the video. Label each drawing
#3~ 1-Minute Sketches x 5 Complete a series of quick sketches of your object. Draw it at least 5 times, spending one minute on each drawing. TIPS: ● Sketching means working quickly and loosely and rarely lifting your drawing tool. ● Use Ghost lines! ● Don’t erase! Label each drawing
#4~ Negative Space Drawing Use an entire page in your sketchbook Use a chunk of charcoal or the side of your pencil. Draw ONLY the negative space and color it in with a solid color like the example. Label each drawing
Grab your drawing object as you enter Mon 02/13/2017 Activity: Grab your drawing object as you enter Learning different ways to “Sketch” Simplify shapes Measuring/ sighting Value scale Sharpened pencil Sketchbook/ paper Supplies Needed: Copy planner info Grab your drawing object as you enter. Entry Task: Observational Drawing Write in Planner: Learning Target: I can practice different methods of observational drawing.
#5~ Simplify the Shapes Break down your object into it’s simplest shapes. Video Tutorial: Label each drawing
#6~ Measuring/ Sighting Using your pencil and one eye closed, measure parts of your object to better draw in proper proportion. lDs Label each drawing
Using a drawing pencil create a 5 (or more) level VALUE scale. ZFB0 Label each drawing activity
Grab your drawing object as you enter TUE 02/14/2017 Activity: Grab your drawing object as you enter Learning different ways to “Sketch” Value Sphere Long-draw with value Sharpened pencil Sketchbook/ paper Supplies Needed: Copy planner info Grab your drawing object as you enter. Entry Task: Observational Drawing Write in Planner: Learning Target: I can practice different methods of observational drawing.
Let’s Talk About Value
Adding Dimension by Adding Value Many students have a goal of drawing realistically. The biggest step to achieving this goal is learning how to make a two dimensional drawing look three dimensional by adding value through shading. Read the directions
Looking at this image, where is the: Light Source Highlight Shadows
The light source is the direction the light is coming from.
Highlights are the places the light first hits. Don’t get highlights confused with light colors.
Shadows are areas that are blocked from the light source. Don’t get shadows confused with dark colors.
#8 Shade a Sphere After the video on how to shade a sphere, make a shaded sphere in your sketchbook. Personal sphere
Grab your drawing object as you enter Wed 02/15/2017 Activity: Grab your drawing object as you enter Full period to work on Final Draft Drawing Sharpened pencil Sketchbook/ paper Supplies Needed: Copy planner info Grab your drawing object as you enter. Entry Task: Observational Drawing Write in Planner: Learning Target: I can practice different methods of observational drawing.
#9~ Detailed Drawing Spend at least 60 minutes (about 2 class periods) drawing your objects as accurately and as detailed as you can. Use your favorite sketching technique and “ghost lines” to START the drawing. Use a pencil and NEW page in your sketchbook. FILL the page! Add texture, value and details! TIPS: ● Start with the sketching or basic shape method and then add details after ● Draw LIGHTLY Label each drawing
Ian Sands Credits Thank You Parts of this presentation and unit were borrowed and added to from several places on the internet (especially YouTube) including: Ian Sands Jean Barnett behavior-boot-camp/