Foodborne illness Guidelines for Preventing Foodborne Illness
F.B.I Foodborne illness is an illness or disease transmitted to humans through contaminated food.
Outbreaks When a group of people consumes the same contaminated food, and two or more become ill.
Who is most at risk for FBI Infants and pre-school age children Pregnant women Elderly people –whose immune systems have weakened with age People taking medications- such as antibiotics or immune suppressants People who are ill- or who have had recent surgery or chronic illness
What are the symptoms of foodborne illnesses? Diarrhea. Vomiting. Stomach Cramps. Headache What are the symptoms of foodborne illnesses? Diarrhea. Vomiting. Stomach Cramps. Headache.
What causes foodborne illnesses? C O N T A M I N E N T S also know as…..stuff that gets inside food
How does food get contaminated? Sometimes it happens at the source…. When the animal is slaughtered or when it is irrigated with contaminated water. During slaughter, food can come in contact with small amounts of intestinal contents. Food may also be irrigated with water that has been contaminated with animal or human sewage, or animals and humans may contaminate them directly.
The more common ways that food becomes unsafe Purchasing foods from unsafe sources Holding food at the wrong temperatures Using contaminated equipment Failing to cook food properly Poor personal hygiene
Types of Contamination Biological Physical Chemical
Biological Contaminants Bacteria Virus Parasites Fungi
Physical Contaminants Glass Hair Fingernails Metal shards (from cans) Paper Etc….etc….etc….
Chemical Contaminants Window cleaner Soap Pesticides Bleach Hairspray, Gel Nail polish, Perfume Etc…….etc…….etc…..
Potentially Hazardous Food Any food that allows harmful bacterial to grow These foods MUST be handled more carefully
Potentially Hazardous Foods Milk and milk products Shell Eggs Tofu and other soy protein foods Garlic and oil mixtures Cooked rice, beans, potatoes Sliced melons Mayonnaise Meat: beef, pork, lamb, Poultry Fish Shellfish and crustaceans
Time &Temperature Abuse Anytime that food has been allowed to remain at an incorrect temperature it easy for microorganisms to grow rapidly.
DANGER ZONE Rapid Bacterial growth happens in the danger zone between 40 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit
Bacteria grow when they have F A T T O M FOOD ACIDITY TEMPERATURE – 40 -140 TIME OXYGEN MOISTURE
F A T food acidity temp T O M time oxygen moisture
Cross Contamination This happens when micro organisms are TRANSFERRED from one source to another
What causes cross-contamination? Foods- especially raw protein foods like meat, dairy and eggs Human hands Utensils Work surfaces, including cutting boards and prep tables Kitchen Equipment Cleaning materials, including dish towels and sponges
More on CC Surfaces are not clean and sanitized before touching cooked or ready to eat food Raw contaminated ingredients are added to food that receives no further cooking Raw food is allowed to drip fluids into cooked or ready to eat foods
A food handler touches contaminated food and then touches other food Contaminated towels are not cleaned and sanitized before being used on food contact surfaces
Keys to Food Safety Keep hot foods hot Keep cold foods cold Be aware of the Danger Zone Avoid Cross Contamination Wash Hands Use Hot water and soap for cleaning
PEST MANAGEMENT Pests can pose a serious problem for restaurants and food service establishments The greatest danger comes from their ability to to spread diseases, including foodbourne illnesses.
Common Pests Mice Roaches Flies Ants Rats
Infestation An infestation occurs when pests have come into the facility in large numbers. They can be very difficult to eliminate
Integrated Pest Management Three rules: Do not provide food, water, or shelter for pests Keep pests out by repairing and maintaining facilities Work with a licensed Pest Control Operator (PCO)
Lifecycle of a Cockroach
Identifying Cockroach Feces
Damage from Mice
Mouse and Rat Feces Rat Mouse
The Food Gambler
Dun Get Sicki Wid It
You Better wash Your Hands
Microbe Medley
Dude Wash Your Hands