Don Quijote de la mancha Thanks for your help. This is the power point that you will use for Man of La Mancha. I emailed you my schedule and hopefully the office gave you a copy as well. If you need anything please feel free to call or text me at 801 589 2268 Por Miguel de Cervantes
La Campana: Hoy es miércoles el 2 d noviembre de 2016 Answer these questions. You may answer them in English. Please answer in paragraph form. Who is your favorite author? Why do like that author? Have the students open their notebooks and turn to section 1. Have them answer the two questions in paragraph form. Give them about 5 minutes to complete this task. When they are done, you can give them 2 minutes to talk to each other about their favorite author.
Spain’s most famous author: Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra Read the first page about Miguel Cervantes and his life. Take two minutes to discuss with a partner what you read about this well know author. Hand out the packets for Man of La Mancha. Have the kids read with a partner about his life. After they have read it, they should discuss it for about 2 minutes, then go onto the next slide.
History of Spain during Cervantes life King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella Read the page that discusses the history of Spain. After reading it, take two minutes to discuss it with a partner. Have the kids read about King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. They again can read as partners and then discuss what they read. Then have them go to the next page.
What was chivalry during the life of Cervantes? What is chivalry now? Talk as a class and compare and contrast chivalry from the time of Cervantes to today. Read about Chivalry and answer the questions. Talk as a class to compare and contrast the two time periods. Pass out the Chivalry Project. They are to do it this weekend and turn it in the first class of next week. Then have them turn to the next page of the packet.
Before Viewing: Don Quixote- Man of la Mancha Read the summary of the story in your packet. In section 2 of your notebook- record the names of the characters or objects. Be sure to leave a space, so that you can tell who/what each is. As you watch the video- Answer the questions that are in the rest of the packet and define the characters that you wrote in you notebook. They need to read the summary of the story. Have them follow the power Point very carefully. Have them turn the page and begin answering the questions as they watch the video.
Video: Man of La Mancha The video is on my desk. Place the video in my computer, that way the sound will be loud enough for everyone to hear it.