Class of 2018
Things we need to go over Syllabus Review Procedures Textbooks Review of topics for senior religion
TEXTBOOKS Exploring the Religions of Our World (Student Text) Author: Nancy Clemmons, S.N.J.M. for an e-copy OR for a hard copy Theology of the Body for Beginners: A Basic Introduction to Pope John Paul II's Sexual Revolution, Revised Edition: Author Christopher West New American Bible to be accessed off of the website
Supplies A 1 inch 3 ring binder 5 dividers for the binder Dark blue/black ink pens 1 red pen or pencil (for editing) Pencils Loose leaf paper Work that is done on paper that is torn or has ragged edges will not be accepted or graded. Colors (crayons or color pencils)
Categories and percentages Grading Policy: Test = 30% Quizzes = 20% (ONLY quizzes will have extra credit) Projects/Papers = 25% Community Service = 10% Daily = 15% In general quizzes are open notes and tests are not.
Senior religion website
3 Breaks per Semester on a Break Sheet! Water (ONLY) is allowed in class. Eating food/snacks IS NOT allowed in my class! Should a student break this rule they will be given a detention and will serve the detention by cleaning the classroom. 3 Breaks per Semester on a Break Sheet! Because due dates will be clearly stated and given well in advance -- if a student misses the date that a test or quiz was given the student is expected to report to my classroom by 7:15am the day they return to school in order to take the missed test or quiz. Conduct Expectations for Class: Be On Time Be Ready To Participate Be Ready With Necessary Materials Be Open Minded & Open Hearted Be Respectful In Attitude & Behavior Towards Everyone In Class
THIS IS THE VERSION YOU NEED! TEXTBOOK ISSUE. THIS IS THE VERSION YOU NEED! WRONG BOOK! If you choose to use this edition it will not correspond to Ms. Montoya’s edition and lesson planning.
First we learn to Breathe Clear your desk top Sit up comfortably in your chair Ms. Montoya will instruct you in the “Breathing Exercise” You may close your eyes if you would like to but you do not have to
As you continue to breathe and quiet your mind Ms As you continue to breathe and quiet your mind Ms. Montoya will read out loud several questions for you to reflect upon. Remember to keep breathing! No need to answer anything right now!
What are my goals for my senior year in high school? What are my God-given talents? How might I use my talents in a career? Where do I see myself in five years? What do I need to do to learn to be more independent? How can I show my family I appreciate their love and care? How can I improve my faith-life? What kind of Catholic/Christian will I be when I get out of high school? How can I better express my true self to my family and friends?