Structure of the presentation AU CAADP Malabo Business Plan: Programs and subprograms 2017 Priorities and progress in implementation 2018 Priorities and estimated budget Partnerships for Business Plan financing and implementation Call for Action
AU Malabo Business Plan:2017-2021 Aligned with AU Agenda 2063, Ten-year Implementation Plan, AU Strategic Plan (2013-2017), CAADP Results Framework Intended to support implementation of the Malabo Declaration on agriculture It’s a joint Business Plan between AUC-DREA and NPCA
AU-Malabo Business Plan Has seven (7) programs corresponding to the Malabo commitments Has thirty six (36) sub-programs across the 7 programs Has a corresponding detailed Operational Plan
AU CAADP Malabo Prog. and Sub-prog. (1) P 1: Supporting Country and Regional systems Strengthened agricultural policy and regulatory frameworks, and evidenced-based and results-focused planning and budgeting for the agricultural sector; Enhanced agricultural sector organizational and functional arrangements, capacity and performance; Strengthened in country and regional coordination and accountability mechanisms; and Strengthened and use of partnerships and alliances, including farmer organizations, apex bodies, agribusiness, and civil society. P 2: Private and Public Investments Strengthened policy, regulatory & financing framework for catalyzing private sector investments; Enhanced level and quality of agricultural public expenditures; Expanded domestic and foreign investment promotion and levels; Inclusive and sustainable access to agricultural finance; and Strengthened public-private-partnership and dialogue (PPP&D). P 3: Productivity, Food Security and Nutrition Expanded access to and usage of agricultural inputs and mechanization; Enhanced post-harvest management (PHM); Expanded homegrown school feeding and nutrition programmes; Strengthened food bio fortification of commonly consumed foods, especially to improve household nutrition of low-income households; Improved food and nutrition knowledge management and coordination; and Strengthened social protection and safety nets. P 4: Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural Production and Accelerated Growth Sustainable land management and governance; Enhanced irrigation and water management; Enhanced animal resources development; Strengthened technology generation, dissemination and adoption; Expanded agripreneurship for youth and women; and Competitive value chain and agro-industry development.
AU CAADP Malabo Prog. and Sub-prog. (2) P 5: Expanded Intra-Africa Trade for Agric Strengthened policy and trade regime harmonization; Enhanced food and trade standards, food safety and compliance; Expanded market-oriented infrastructure; Expanded agricultural growth zones/corridors; and Strengthened trade negotiation capacity. P 6: Enhanced Resilience Building, and Climate Change and Risk Management Improved Climate Early Warning and Response Systems; Mainstreaming of climate change and risk management approaches; Developing stronger climate change negotiation capacity (at country level); Strengthening natural resource management for enhanced climate change response and livelihoods (especially forestry management); and Improved Disaster Risk Reduction and Management. P 7: Strengthened Programme Coordination, Partnerships, and Mutual Accountability for Strategic Results Enhanced strategic knowledge management and scale-up; Improved strategic communication and advocacy; Strengthened continental, REC, and country-level coordination, partnerships and resource mobilization; Enhanced continental accountability, biennial reviews and M&E systems/reporting; and Strengthened leadership and political engagement for CAADP implementation.
Delivery Model for Malabo Implementation Guiding Principles Catalytic and empowering role of AU-DREA and NPCA, working as a team; Strong performance-based and accountability orientation within AUC, NPCA and RECs; Emphasis on fostering effective partnerships and alliances with strategic stakeholders, within and outside the AU umbrella, working toward a common goal What do we deliver? Formulation of strategic frameworks, good practices and tools for each of the sub-programmes outlined in the BP; Provision of high quality capacity building tools, training materials Provision of high quality and demand- driven support to RECS and member states Establishment and operationalization of effective frameworks and mechanisms for mutual learning and mutual accountability
Priorities for 2017 Domesticating Malabo commitments into NAIPs Biennial Review reporting and Agricultural Performance Scorecard Mobilizing private sector investment (CAP-F into NAIPs) Strengthening technical capacity for implementation (TNs) Thematic area support and frameworks Strengthening stakeholder platforms: 13th CAADP PP
1. Malabo domestication. Targeted 14 Countries by 2017 AUC-DREA, NPCA and other technical partners (AGRA, IFPRI, FAO, GIZ, AL) have begun a process of supporting AU member states to domesticate the commitments in the Malabo Declaration through the review and formulation of National Agricultural Investment Plans at country level Seven countries covered by May 2017: Malawi, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Ghana Another seven countries will be covered before the end of August
Countries visit plans/after CAADP PP Activities Dates and involved partners Remarks Ivory Coast 13th-15 June (GIZ, FAO, AGRA, AL) Letters sent Tanzania 27th -29th June (AGRA, AL, GIZ) Senegal 10th-12th July (AGRA, AL, GIZ) Burkina Faso 25th-27th July (AGRA, AL, GIZ) Mali 8th-10th August (AGRA, AL, GIZ) Mozambique 22-24th August (AGRA, AL, GIZ) Benin 29th-31st August (AGRA, AL, GIZ)
Expected outcomes Reviewed/Formulated National Agriculture Investment Plans (NAIP) with priority programmes in line with Malabo commitments Optimized in-country coordination and driving an inclusive implementation process Improved policy architecture and reforms to promote inclusive agriculture systems and private sector investment Presence of a multi-year comprehensive spending plan with the Ministry of Finance. Performance scorecard built out of the CAADP results framework, to ensure a focus on results and accountability
General Observations Countries are at different stages in the process of reviewing the implementing their pre-Malabo NAIPs and/or formulating new generation NAIPs The process used by countries differs – with some adopting a participatory process, whereas others use a more narrow/somewhat top-down approach Diversity/Inclusiveness of stakeholders (e.g. CSOs, smallholder farmer organizations) varies from country to country Participation of the private sector in the process also varies, however almost all the countries acknowledge the need for stronger private sector engagement in order to bring about the needed quantum and quality of investments into the sector Participation of the Country level development partners is limited
2. Biennial Review Progress Tools developed and launched: Technical Guidelines that provide the profile of each indicator and detailed computing methods. Country Performance Reporting Template which will be used by the countries to collect data required for the country report preparation based on the guidance provided in Technical Guidelines. Technical Notes that will exhibit the benchmarking methods for evaluating country progress in terms of being ''on-track'' or ''not-on-track'' for a specific target of the Malabo commitment
Expected Outcomes from the BR Process Country Level: Individual Country Reports to assess progress in achieving the goals and targets of the Malabo Declaration in the NAIPs Regional Level: Regional Reports and synthesis of country challenges that can be addressed at regional level (e.g. intra regional trade of agricultural commodities and services) through the implementation of RAIPs Continental level: Continental report and Africa Agricultural Transformation Scorecard, to aid peer review and learning, and to stimulate action by African leaders
Regional Trainings undertaken (2017) REC involved Venue Dates Status Western Africa francophone ECOWAS Abidjan 6-10 March Completed Western Africa Anglophone Accra 27 Feb-3 March Southern Africa SADC Jo’burg 24-28 April Competed Central Africa CEEAC Yaounde 8-12 May Eastern Africa IGAD-EAC-COMESA Arusha 10-14 April Northern Africa UMA Tunis July Planned
Observation on BR Process Strong engagements of RECs and countries in the process, RECs capacity strengthened to facilitate the smooth roll out of the process and ownership, RECs are key to support AUC & NPCA to follow up country progress, Strong team of trainers support the trainings and can be used to support the country process Strong engagements from partners to support the process - IFPRI/ReSAKSS, AGRA, FAO, AfricaLead
CAP-F 3. CAP-F is expected to set the key policy reforms in motion through institutional support systems, help trigger and coordinate private investment flows, as well as provide an avenue for mutual accountability among all parties involved Country Agribusiness Partnership Framework CAP-F NAIP 1 Policy Change and creation of conducive environment 2 Coordination mechanisms 4 Dialogue and Mutual Accountability Platform (MAP) 3 Investment Mobilization: Domestic and FDI
4. Bridging Capacity Gap: Technical Networks The Seven Technical Networks based on Malabo Commitments Agricultural investment financing Food security and nutrition Agricultural research and extension Agro-industry & value chain development Markets and regional trade Resilience, risk management & NRM Knowledge management, policy analysis and accountability for results Examples of things CAADP Technical Networks do Best practice or state-of- the-art methods/tools in specific technical areas Targeted training and other capacity development support as appropriate & demanded Technical advice responding to specific queries/challenges – e.g. links to specific technologies/innovation Occasional situational analyses as needed Facilitation of continuous learning and sharing
5.Thematic area support and frameworks Continental Agribusiness Strategy developed Continental Mechanization Framework Post-harvest Resilience Food Security Strategic Communication and Advocacy CAADP PP Thematic area Status Partners involved Continental Agribusiness Strategy Validated and launched GIZ Continental Mechanization Strategy Validation workshop done FAO Post Harvest Strategy Under development FAO/Rockefeller Food Security and Nutrition coordination framework Advocacy and Strategic communication Launched AGRA, USAID
6. Strengthening Stakeholder Platforms: 13th CAADP PP Theme: Strengthening Mutual Accountability to Achieve Malabo Goals and Targets Policy dialogue and result oriented platform for all partners to strengthen accountability mechanisms Build a shared understanding of country, regional and continental needs and expectations to roll out the mutual accountability mechanisms in line with the Malabo declaration Focus on the National Agriculture Investment Plan as a strong foundation of change and tracking progress. Mobilizing private investments into agriculture through inclusive mechanisms and accountability for results and impacts
Partner Support in 2017 Activities Partners involved NAIP Appraisals AGRA, Africa Lead, EU, GIZ, FAO, IFPRI Biennial Review AGRA, Africa Lead, FAO, BMGF, IFPRI/ReSAKSS CAP-F MDTF (Closed) Technical Networks USAID, AGRA CAADP PP AGRA, RF, AL,FAO, GIZ, AU-IBAR
Priorities and Budget for 2018 Work stream Activities Outputs Budget (US) NAIP Domestication and Implementation Country convening and workshops towards the development and/or refresh NAIP/RAIP At least 20 countries 1,200,000 NAIP independent reviews to ensure quality of plans and implementation strategies At least 25 reviews conducted Unlocking Private Sector Investments Integration of CAP-F into national agricultural investment plans 20 countries supported 2,000,000 Facilitate the Development of regional value chains At least 3 regional value chains developed Strengthening Trade systems and Intra Africa Trade Facilitate youth and women agri though incubation centers and TVET At least one model incubation center per REC 600,000 Setting up continental food safety framework Continental framework developed Formulate a framework for agricultural growth zones Framework developed Resilience and Climate Change Risk Reduction Support member states to validate their NDCs, develop reporting mechanism Food and Nutrition Security Propose a joint and integrated coordination on food security and nutrition at country 200,000
Priorities and Budget for 2018 Work stream Activities Outputs Budget (US) Increased productivity and reduced postharvest losses Facilitate and conduct training on smart subsidies in for agriculture inputs 3 Trainings developed 1,200,000 Continental framework and facilitate PHM mainstreaming in NAIPs Framework developed Facilitate consultations on land tenure and land management Continental framework Biennial Review Process Mutual accountability architecture and data systems strengthened At least 20 countries 2,000,000 Use the agricultural performance scorecard from the CAADP biennial review process as a policy and communications tool for engaging government leaders and the public Policy briefs developed and disseminated widely Communication Build strong narratives around the RAIP and NAIP domestication process, biennial review process and agriculture scorecard. Information note developed and widely disseminated 350,000 Create major visibility of NAIP refresh and Biennial Review process through holding high level convening at the Jan 2018 AU Summit, PP, AGRF… Messages and thematic meetings during the convening Coordination and Resource mobilization CAADP thematic meetings and technical network for Malabo implementation At least 4 meetings 600,000 Facilitate and coordinate meetings and fora for policy discussion and planning to advance the CAADP agenda CAADP PP, PS Retreat, 2 Joint AUC/NPCA/RECs planning meetings
Partnership and financing the AU Business Plan Agree on partnership and financing mechanisms and framework for engagement around the BP; Bilateral engagements on preferred support mechanism Specific project/program formulation schedule for partners ready to support Operationalize Malabo Working Group for BP coordination/synergy/policy dialogue with sub-groups on thematic areas
Conclusion AUC-NPCA-RECs have: Demonstrated the delivery capacity in the last 6 months with limited support thanks to the team work of AUC-NPCA and technical partners Developed an ambitious Business Plan to help to catalyze Malabo implementation which needs everyone support Proposed coordination mechanisms to improve harmonization, synergy and efficiency
Call for Action Support AU Malabo Business Plan by: aligning donor support to the priorities in the business and operation plans providing resources to for the 2018 priorities to maintain the momentum generated in 2017 support AU efforts in resource mobilization towards multi-year financing to create stability and dedicate energy on implementation