FIND YOUR NEW SEAT!! 1) BellRinger: What are 2 ways you can improve this marking period? 2) Worksheet #1 3) Draw your favorite thing about Fall and tape it up on the cabinet
CLOSING ACTIVITY What if Thomas Edison is right about his quote. What is one thing that you have given up on that you think you should maybe try again?
Reminder that tomorrow we will have our Veterans Ceremony. 1 Reminder that tomorrow we will have our Veterans Ceremony. 1. We are running an adjusted schedule. 1st hour: 7:16-8:01 (45 minutes) 2nd hour: 8:07-8:52 (45 minutes) (video announcements during seminar) 3rd hour: 8:58-9:43 (45 minutes) 5th hour: 9:49-10:34 (45 minutes) 4th hour: A lunch 10:40-11:10 B lunch 11:07-11:37 C lunch 11:34-12:04 SEMINAR in 6th hour classrooms: 12:10-1:00 (Students should stay put, no seminar passes should be given.) 6th hour: 1:00-2:00