Effective Programming with the Logical Framework (Logframe) Approach Part I Project Cycle Management (PCM)
CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa The Project Cycle CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
The Project Cycle : The Role of the Logical Framework Key Tool for all stages: Logical Framework CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
The Project Cycle : The Role of the Logical Framework Analyse Situation Ensure Relevance Identify Objectives / Strategies CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
The Project Cycle: The Role of the Logical Framework Supports planning Ensures measureable results Ensures Risk Management CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
The Project Cycle: The Role of the Logical Framework Key management tool for monitoring CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
The Project Cycle: The Role of the Logical Framework Provides basis for Performance and impact assessment CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Effective Programming with the Logical Framework (Logframe) Approach Part II The Problem-Objective Logic
CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa Identifying Problems CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa Identifying Problems CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa Identifying Problems No documentation of violation and abuse Gender-based violence Participation (of youth) limited by an environment that is not conducive and does not espouse opportunities for inclusion and recognition in a sense of communal development (Youth groups) lacking the capacity to run their tasks effectively (Youth organisations’) limited knowledge and skills Social disintegration Exploitation Widespread rite of female genital mutilation (FGM) Internally displaced people … suffer … violence against them Intractable political process Orgy of violence Run-away Insecurity Widespread poverty Vicious civil war Discrimination, violence and neglect (against children) Shrinking ability of duty-bearers to provide protective environment Vulnerab(ility) to violence and exploitation Disabled political, social and economic infrastructure Inability to provide children with their entitled rights and adequate care and protection Extreme violation and abuses CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Building a Problem Tree causes causes causes Problem Problem Problem causes causes causes causes causes Problem Problem Problem Problem CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Building a Problem Tree Widespread rite of female genital mutilation (FGM) Discrimination, violence and neglect Extreme violation and abuses Gender-based violence Exploitation Internally displaced people … suffer … violence against them Vulnerab(ility) to violence and exploitation No documentation of violation and abuse (Youth groups) lacking the capacity to run their tasks effectively Inability to provide children with their entitled rights and adequate care and protection Shrinking ability of duty-bearers Participation (of youth) limited (Youth organisations’) limited knowledge and skills Disabled political, social and economic infrastructure Social disintegration environment that is not conducive Orgy of Violence Run-away Insecurity Widespread Poverty Intractable Political Process Vicious Civil War CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Making problems into solutions – the Objective Tree If-Then If-Then If-Then Objective Objective Objective If-Then If-Then If-Then If-Then If-Then Objective Objective Objective Objective CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Building an Objective Tree Rite of female genital mutilation (FGM) occurs rarely No Discrimination, violence and neglect Little violation and abuses Little Gender-based violence Little Exploitation Internally displaced people are well protected and integrated Low Vulnerab(ility) to violence and exploitation Regular documentation of violation and abuse (Youth groups) have good capacity to run their tasks effectively Children have their entitled rights and get adequate care and protection Good ability of duty-bearers Strong Participation (of youth) in society (Youth organisations’) have good knowledge and skills Improved political, social and economic infrastructure Social cohesion Conducive environment for youth participation Peaceful social interactions Good security Reduced Poverty Successful peace process Peace and Stability CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Selecting a Strategy Rite of female genital mutilation (FGM) occurs rarely No Discrimination, violence and neglect Little violation and abuses Little Gender-based violence Little Exploitation Internally displaced people are well protected and integrated Low Vulnerab(ility) to violence and exploitation Regular documentation of violation and abuse (Youth groups) have good capacity to run their tasks effectively Children have their entitled rights and get adequate care and protection Good ability of duty-bearers Strong Participation (of youth) in society (Youth organisations’) have good knowledge and skills Improved political, social and economic infrastructure Social cohesion Conducive environment for youth participation Peaceful social interactions Good security Reduced Poverty Successful peace process Peace and Stability CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Selecting a Strategy Rite of female genital mutilation (FGM) occurs rarely No Discrimination, violence and neglect Little violation and abuses Little Gender-based violence Little Exploitation Internally displaced people are well protected and integrated Low Vulnerab(ility) to violence and exploitation Regular documentation of violation and abuse (Youth groups) have good capacity to run their tasks effectively Children have their entitled rights and get adequate care and protection Good ability of duty-bearers Strong Participation (of youth) in society (Youth organisations’) have good knowledge and skills Improved political, social and economic infrastructure Social cohesion Conducive environment for youth participation Peaceful social interactions Good security Reduced Poverty Successful peace process Peace and Stability CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Selecting a Strategy Overall Objective Rite of female genital mutilation (FGM) occurs rarely No Discrimination, violence and neglect Little violation and abuses Little Gender-based violence Little Exploitation Internally displaced people are well protected and integrated Low Vulnerab(ility) to violence and exploitation Regular documentation of violation and abuse Overall Objective (Youth groups) have good capacity to run their tasks effectively Children have their entitled rights and get adequate care and protection Good ability of duty-bearers Strong Participation (of youth) in society (Youth organisations’) have good knowledge and skills Improved political, social and economic infrastructure Social cohesion Conducive environment for youth participation Peaceful social interactions Good security Reduced Poverty Successful peace process Peace and Stability CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Selecting a Strategy Purpose Rite of female genital mutilation (FGM) occurs rarely No Discrimination, violence and neglect Little violation and abuses Little Gender-based violence Little Exploitation Internally displaced people are well protected and integrated Low Vulnerab(ility) to violence and exploitation Regular documentation of violation and abuse Purpose (Youth groups) have good capacity to run their tasks effectively Children have their entitled rights and get adequate care and protection Good ability of duty-bearers Strong Participation (of youth) in society (Youth organisations’) have good knowledge and skills Improved political, social and economic infrastructure Social cohesion Conducive environment for youth participation Peaceful social interactions Good security Reduced Poverty Successful peace process Peace and Stability CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Selecting a Strategy Results Rite of female genital mutilation (FGM) occurs rarely No Discrimination, violence and neglect Little violation and abuses Little Gender-based violence Little Exploitation Internally displaced people are well protected and integrated Low Vulnerab(ility) to violence and exploitation Regular documentation of violation and abuse Results (Youth groups) have good capacity to run their tasks effectively Children have their entitled rights and get adequate care and protection Good ability of duty-bearers Strong Participation (of youth) in society (Youth organisations’) have good knowledge and skills Improved political, social and economic infrastructure Social cohesion Conducive environment for youth participation Peaceful social interactions Good security Reduced Poverty Successful peace process Peace and Stability CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Effective Programming with the Logical Framework (Logframe) Approach Part III Building a Logical Framework
Logical Framework Structure CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Logical Framework – Implementation Logic From the Objective Tree CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Overall Objective The impact to which the project contributes To contribute to strong participation of Children and Youth in society and to support a well protected environment free from violence and harmful practices such as FGM CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Purpose The impact the project generates The vulnerability to violence and abuse of Children and Youth living in marginalised communities is reduced and a conducive environment for participation in society exists CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Results The direct outcome delivered by the project 1 - Regular documentation of violation and abuse 2 - Duty-bearers have good ability to give children their entitled rights and provide adequate care and protection 3 - Youth groups have good capacity to run their tasks effectively 4 -Youth organisations have good knowledge and skills CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Activities What needs to be carried out to deliver the results Activities supporting Result 1 …. Activities supporting Result 2 … etc. CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Logical Framework and UNICEF AWP’s Overall Objective The impact to which the project contributes CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Logical Framework and UNICEF AWP’s Purpose The impact the project generates CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Logical Framework and UNICEF AWP’s Results The direct outcome delivered by the project CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Logical Framework and UNICEF AWP’s Output of Activities (in between Activities and Results – not part of Logframe) CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Logical Framework and UNICEF AWP’s Activities What needs to be carried out to deliver the results CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Logical Framework and UNICEF AWP’s Logframe AWP Equivalent 5 Year Programme Objective 5 Year Sub-Project Objectives Annual Sub-Project Objectives Activities / Tasks CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Logical Framework - Assumptions Factors that impact the project – including problems not addressed ! CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa Assumptions Assumptions = Factors outside project management control that may impact on the linkage from Activities to Results Results to Purpose Purpose to Overall Objective CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Assumptions Make the project take its environment seriously ! CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Assumptions Make the project take its environment seriously ! CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Assumptions Examples – Activity Level Result 1 - Regular documentation of violation and abuse Activity 1.1. Set up a social worker office in the municipality Assumption: The office running cost will be borne by the municipality Activity 1.2. Train two social workers to counsel victims and document abuse Assumption: The social worker’s salaries will be paid by the municipality Activity 1.3. Train relevant government officials on how to act on reports Assumption: The trained officials will remain in post CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Assumptions Examples – Results Level Purpose: The vulnerability to violence and abuse of Children and Youth living in marginalised communities is reduced and a conducive environment for participation in society exists Result 1 - Regular documentation of violation and abuse Assumption: Documentation is acted upon by government officials Assumption: The penal code will incorporate such offences to allow prosecution (UNDP Project) CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Assumptions Examples – Purpose Level Overall Objective: To contribute to strong participation of Children and Youth in society and to support a well protected environment free from violence and harmful practices such as FGM Purpose: The vulnerability to violence and abuse of Children and Youth living in marginalised communities is reduced and a conducive environment for participation in society exists Assumption: Youth Groups continue to actively contribute to social decision making Assumption: Political process continues to include marginalised and vulnerable communities CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Logical Framework – Indicators and Verification CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Logical Framework – Indicators and Verification CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Logical Framework – Indicators and Verification Examples Overall Objective: To contribute to strong participation of Children and Youth in society and to support a well protected environment free from violence and harmful practices such as FGM Indicators: Significant policies and laws make reference to the rights of children and youth Means of Verification: Legal text, policy documents Subsequent social surveys show a 80 % reduction in cases of abuse and violence against minors Means of Verification: Survey results CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Logical Framework – Indicators and Verification Examples Purpose: The vulnerability to violence and abuse of Children and Youth living in marginalised communities is reduced and a conducive environment for participation in society exists Indicators: 90 % of cases of abuse and violence are reported by the victims Means of Verification: Documentation records Youth group representatives participate in social decision making Means of Verification: Participant lists of meetings and forums CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Logical Framework – Indicators and Verification Examples Result 1 - Regular documentation of violation and abuse Indicator: All known cases have a corresponding record Means of Verification: Documentation records compared to interview results CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Final Logical Framework CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa
Final Logical Framework CPP Logframe Workshop January 22-27, Hargeisa