Navy Expeditionary Logistics Support Group (NAVELSG)
NAVELSG Organization After POM-14 Active Force (AD/FTS): 457 Civilian Force: 16 Reserve Force: 2,271 ~84% Reserve Force Structure Command Echelon COMNAVELSG Williamsburg, VA IV 1ST NELR Williamsburg, VA 2ND NELR Williamsburg, VA 4th NELR Jacksonville, FL 5th NELR Point Mugu, CA V NCHB 1 Williamsburg, VA NCHB 8 Lakehurst, NJ NCHB 11 Jacksonville, FL NCHB 5 Tacoma, WA VI Staffed from NAVELSG HQ AC Staff NCHB 10 Yorktown, VA NCHB 13 Gulfport, MS NCHB 14 Port Hueneme, CA An NCHB is our Deployable Unit of Action VI TOTAL GROUP: 2,744 PERSONNEL
Mission Capabilities (What’s our Role / How we Contribute) Mission: Deliver expeditionary logistics for the geographic Combatant Commanders, Naval Component Commanders, and COMNECC, directly supporting the National Military Strategy, including: Support Logistics Operations, as called out in OPLANs / CONPLANs, i.e., 10XX / 50XX and Contingency Operations Conduct Maritime Preposition Force (MPF) operations Conduct Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore (JLOTS) operations (i.e., Unified Response) Support the Range of Military Operations (ROMO) Foreign Humanitarian Assistance (or HA/DR – CTF 48) Civil Support, and Stability, Security, Transition and Reconstruction operations
Core Functional Capabilities Surface Cargo Handling and Port Terminal Operations Crane Operations Yard Management Air Cargo Handling and Air Terminal Operations Palletizing HAZDEC MHE Operations Staging/Warehousing Pax services Cargo Transport Expeditionary Fuels Operations Bulk Fuel Management Retail Operations Air/Surface Ordnance Handling and Reporting Tent Camp (LSA) Operations – Organic Only
NELR / ECD / NCHB Organizational Structure What we are bringing to RIMPAC NAVY EXPEDITIONARY LOGISTICS REGIMENT (NELR) – (27) Expeditionary Communications Detachment (30) AC/FTS: NELR O4 – CSO E6 – YN E6 – LS E7 – BMC NCHB O4 – XO E7 – BMC (9517) E6 – CM E5 – YN NAVY CARGO HANDLING BATTALION (NCHB) = 342 NAVY CARGO HANDLING BATTALION (NCHB) = 342 ENGINEERING CBMU 303 & 130TH NCHB HQ (23) NCHB HQ (22) NCHB HQ (22) PROJECT DET Surface Company ALPHA (32) Surface Company ALPHA (32) ASSESSMENT TEAM Surface Company BRAVO (32) Surface Company BRAVO (32) Surface Company CHARLIE (32) Surface Company CHARLIE (32) Surface Company DELTA (32) Surface Company DELTA (32) Regiment has 27 PAX with an ECD assigned Battalion has 300 PAX, with the following configuration: (1) HQ Company (4) Surface Cargo Companies (1) Cargo Terminal Company Air Cargo Company (1) Fuels Company (1) Expeditionary Support Company Air Cargo Company (40) Air Cargo Company (40) Expeditionary Support Company APLHA (20) Expeditionary Support Company APLHA (20) Expeditionary Support Company BRAVO (37) Expeditionary Support Company BRAVO (37) Cargo Terminal Company ALPHA (22) Cargo Terminal Company ALPHA (22) Cargo Terminal Company BRAVO (51) Cargo Terminal Company BRAVO (51) Fuels Company (22) Fuels Company (22)
NAVY EXPEDITIONARY LOGISTICS REGIMENT (NELR) NECC Deployable Battle Staff Located in Williamsburg, Jacksonville, and Point Mugu OPCON / ADCON for assigned Battalions Command and Control for: Logistics Operations NEF Functional Component Foreign Humanitarian Assistance (FHA) REGIMENT # PERS LOCATION 1st NELR (AC) 33 Williamsburg, VA 2nd NELR 27 4th NELR Jacksonville, FL 5th NELR Point Mugu, CA 114 TOTAL PERSONNEL
EXPEDITIONARY COMMUNICATIONS DETACHMENT (ECD) Capabilities One ECD assigned to each Regiment Setup and support secure HF, VHF, and UHF voice nets (PRC-150, PRC-152, PRC-117F/G) Setup and support NIPRNET & SIPRNET data networks for HQ and Outlying sites Provide EKMS Local Element services Deploys in task size groups to support Adaptive Force Packaging requirements Required Training Support ULT, ULTRA, and NIEX Certification with the NELRs Pilot COMFEX Tactical Training JQRs for all personnel (3 qualification levels) Detachment # PERS LOCATION ECD 1 (RC) 30 Washington, DC ECD 2 (RC) Williamsburg, VA ECD 4 (RC) Charleston, SC ECD 5 (RC) San Diego, CA Total Personnel: 120
SURFACE CARGO COMPANY (SCC) Q S Stevedore (8 wks) Winch Operator (+ 4 wks) Crane Operator (+ 12 wks) Hold Boss (+ 12 wks) Hatch Captain (+ 26 wks) Ship Sup (26 wks) AC Timeframe RC – 3x longer Operations / Exercises Native Fury Bright Star Cobra Gold Deep Freeze Javelin Thrust JLOTS/JTF-PO MPF / BIC Freedom Banner OIF/OEF Pacer Goose Talisman Saber Trident Arch TURBOCAD Golden cargo Bold Alligator Capabilities Load and unload break bulk and containerized cargo including ammunition either pier-side or in-stream Load and unload vehicles Provide in transit visibility of cargo Secure cargo for sea RC NCHB can offload two ships simultaneously in 4 days pier-side and 7 days in-stream RC NCHB has 4 Surface Cargo Companies SCC can offload up to three holds on one ship for a 12 hour period SCC comprised of 3 Hatch Teams (9 personnel per team) BATTALION (RC) # LOCATION NCHB 5 SCC ALPHA 32 Phoenix, AZ NCHB 11 SCC ALPHA Jacksonville, FL NCHB 5 SCC BRAVO Portland, OR NCHB 11 SCC BRAVO Tampa, FL NCHB 5 SCC CHARLIE Las Vegas, NV NCHB 11 SCC CHARLIE NCHB 5 SCC DELTA Eugene, OR NCHB 11 SCC DELTA Columbia, SC NCHB 8 SCC ALPHA Allentown, PA NCHB 13 SCC ALPHA Houston, TX NCHB 8 SCC BRAVO Colts Neck, NJ NCHB 13 SCC BRAVO NCHB 8 SCC CHARLIE Bronx, NY NCHB 13 SCC CHARLIE Bessemer, AL NCHB 8 SCC DELTA NCHB 13 SCC DELTA Pensacola, FL NCHB 10 SCC ALPHA Yorktown, VA NCHB 14 SCC ALPHA NCHB 10 SCC BRAVO Baltimore, MD NCHB 14 SCC BRAVO Alameda, CA NCHB 10 SCC CHARLIE Columbus, OH NCHB 14 SCC CHARLIE NCHB 10 SCC DELTA NCHB 14 SCC DELTA San Pedro, CA TOTAL PERSONNEL: 768 **Surface Companies consist primarily of the BM rating**
CARGO TERMINAL COMPANY (CTC) Capabilities Divided into two detachments (MHE or Long Haul) Conduct Pier operations (Staging of cargo for movement on/off ships) and pier clearance Marshalling/Pre-position cargo in staging areas or transit warehouses for embarkation or debarkation Limited to within the confines of a secured / protected area Ordnance handling and reporting Hazardous Material Certification and Documentation Provide In Transit Visibility (ITV) of cargo CESE / MHE Operations Required Training CESE / HME licensing Marshalling Yard and security training HAZMAT training ITV training Ordnance Inventory System (OIS) Safety training for pier operations BATTALION #A/B LOCATION NCHB 5 (RC) 22/51 EVERETT, WA NCHB 8 (RC) FORT DIX, NJ NCHB 10 (RC) YORKTOWN, VA NCHB 11 (RC) JACKSONVILLE, FL NCHB 13 (RC) GULFPORT, MS NCHB 14 (RC) PORT HUENEME, CA Total: 438 Training Based on QPTs & A School: AC: 3 Months / RC: 12 Months **Cargo Terminal companies consist primarily of the LS, EO and AO ratings**
AIR CARGO COMPANY (ACC) Capabilities Load / Offload Passengers, Mail, Cargo (P/M/C) from Fixed or Rotary Wing Aircraft Document & Report Movement of P/M/C Provide Air Terminal Operations (ATOC) Capabilities Operate a Forward Logistics Site (FLS) Sustain 24 Hour Operations for up to 30 days without Augmentation Assist with Load Planning Air Cargo Company # PERS Location NCHB 1 (AC) 40 WILLIAMSBURG, VA NCHB 5 (RC) BOISE, ID NCHB 8 (RC) FORT DIX, NJ NCHB 10 (RC) NORFOLK, VA NCHB 11 (RC) CHARLESTON, SC NCHB 13 (RC) MARIETTA, GA NCHB 14 (RC) SACRAMENTO, CA Total: 280 Required Training HAZMAT Load Planning Air Terminal Supervisor Automated Systems: Integrated Global Convergence (IGC) Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Global Transportation Network (GTN) Global Air Transportation Execution System (GATES) Training Based on QPTs & A School: AC: 3 Months / RC: 12 Months **Air Cargo Companies consist primarily of the LS & ABH ratings**
FUEL COMPANY (FC) Capabilities Required Training (RC Only) Receipt, storage and issue of aviation or ground fuel products Operate and maintain high speed aircraft refueling system Operation and maintenance of the ship to shore fuel hose filling the bulk fuel system Limited capabilities to work with an OPDS / IPDS Fuel quality checks Capable of conducting 24 hour operations (Port/Stbd) Required Training (RC Only) Ashore Fuel Operations (PQS) ENG Bulk Fuel Systems (Shore) Tech school Expeditionary Fuel Operation Course Certification conducted at Fort Lee, VA Main training location is Guam Anderson AFB FISC Fuel Depot Fuel Company # PERS Location NCHB 5 (RC) 22 Sacramento, CA NCHB 8 (RC) Fort Dix, NJ NCHB 10 (RC) Selfridge ANGB, MI NCHB 11 (RC) Jacksonville, FL NCHB 13 (RC) Fort Worth, TX NCHB 14 (RC) San Diego, CA Total: 132 Training Based on QPTs & A School: RC (Only): 12 Months **Fuel Companies consist primarily of the ABF, EM, HT, MM and UT ratings**
EXPEDITIONARY SUPPORT COMPANY (ESC) Capabilities Divided into two detachments (ALPHA for CESE/MHE, BRAVO for Tent Camp Support) Field Messing and Billeting, for NAVELSG units (organic capability) Vehicle Maintenance and Dispatch Camp Maintenance Expeditionary Armory Supply Support (Organic capability) Operate and maintain up to a 350 person expeditionary tent camp ESC # A/B Locations (A / B)* NCHB 5 (RC) 20/37 Silverdale, WA / Spokane, WA NCHB 8 (RC) Ft Dix, NJ / Syracuse, NY NCHB 10 (RC) Yorktown, VA / Columbus, OH NCHB 11 (RC) Jacksonville, FL NCHB 13 (RC) Gulfport, MS / Fort Worth, TX NCHB 14 (RC) Port Hueneme, CA TOTAL: 342 Required Training (Follows the FRTP Cycle) Base camp services and maintenance CESE / MHE maintenance and dispatch Field Armory Field Messing (mobile kitchen trailer) Entry Control Point security Expeditionary Medical Training **Det ALPHA consists primarily of the CM and EO ratings. Det BRAVO consists of CM, BU, CE, UT, LS, GM, CS, HM and MA ratings** Training Based on QPTs & A School: AC: 6 Months / RC: 12 – 24 Months