Are we helping to destroy the Tropical Rainforest?
Describe the distribution of tropical rainforests In a line (linear) or clustered? Is there a pattern (near the coast or inland?) In all continents or just some? Where don’t we find them? Remember: try to be specific.
Lesson Objective: To find out if we are responsible for the destruction of tropical rainforest in the Congo. The Democratic Republic of Congo is a country in Africa which is mainly covered by rainforests.
How are we linked to Tropical Rainforests? Think of as many links as you can and create a simple spider diagram like the one below. Use have a page for it. . Stop when the music stops. We use the wood to make expensive furniture
How are we in the UK linked to Tropical Rainforests?
Click here to watch a short clip In this lesson you are going to solve a mystery and try to find the answer to the following question: Click here to watch a short clip Are we responsible for the possible extinction of the mountain gorilla? Download the sort card sheet onto you Ipad Read through the cards with the person next to you. Decide whether they are causes or effects of deforestation. Change the colours to group the sentences. Write your answer into your book – no more than 200 words.
What did you decide?
Preparation – get ready for next lesson Download onto your IPad Describe what this map tells us about undernourishment in the world. Do you think it is a good way to show how many people do not have enough food?