Precipitation As An EWV G.J. Huffman NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Input Data Sources Data Sets Dominant Controls on Performance IMERG Output Data Fields Issues Final Comments
Distance from nearest gauge 1. Input Data Sources – Surface Precip gauges are considered the standard, but • irregularly spaced • restricted access to data • latency of days to months • suffer from undercatch • 5-150% • worse in wind, drizzle, snow • can (and should) be corrected Surface radars provide local coverage, but • relatively sparse • diverse operational schemes • radar artifacts • not direct – still a retrieval • gauge-adjusted radar generally considered the best (MRMS) [Kidd et al. (2016), Fig. 1] Distance from nearest gauge We don’t use regional input data, such as radar networks, but this *global* product could serve as a base for a regional value-added product. The overpass-time graphic is very popular and freely available – send mail to to get the digital image and/or be put on the update mailing list [Heistermann et al. (2013), Fig. 1]
1. Input Data Sources – Satellite A diverse, changing, uncoordinated set of input precip estimates, with various • periods of record • regions of coverage • sensor-specific strengths and limitations infrared microwave latency 15-60 min 3-4 hr footprint 4-8 km 5-30+ km interval 15-30 min (to ≤3 hr) 12-24 hr (~3 hr) “physics” cloud top hydrometeors (weak) (strong) • additional microwave issues over land include • scattering channels only • issues with orographic precip • estimates over snow/ice are research topics We don’t use regional input data, such as radar networks, but this *global* product could serve as a base for a regional value-added product. The overpass-time graphic is very popular and freely available – send mail to to get the digital image and/or be put on the update mailing list [Knapp et al. (2011), Fig. 1a]
1. Input Data Sources – Models and Reanalyses Numerical schemes start with the real equations governing the atmosphere • but then computational reality intervenes • precipitation is profoundly local, with large-scale controls Personal observations: • models tend to enforce grid-scale balance too rigorously • diurnal cycle of convection follows the Sun too closely • model estimates in convective regimes lose to “good” satellite estimates • precip is generally frequent, very light • but at higher latitudes in cool season the precipitation is often not convective • previous-generation satellite estimates lose to models (Ebert et al. 2007) We don’t use regional input data, such as radar networks, but this *global* product could serve as a base for a regional value-added product. The overpass-time graphic is very popular and freely available – send mail to to get the digital image and/or be put on the update mailing list
IPWG data listings: 2. Data Sets – Publicly Available, Quasi-Operational, Quasi-Global Precipitation Estimates IPWG data listings: Table 1 Combination Data Sets with Gauge Data CAMS/OPI CMAP CMORPH V1.0 BIAS-CORRECTED CMORPH V1.0 BLENDED GPCP One-Degree Daily (Version 1.2) GPCP pentad (Version 1.1) GPCP Version 2.2 Satellite-Gauge (SG) GSMaP Gauge-calibrated (GSMaP_Gauge) V7 GSMaP Reanalysis Gauge-calibrated (GSMaP_RNL_Gauge) V7 H05 IMERG Final Run V3 MSWEP PERSIANN-CDR RFE TRMM Plus Other Data (3B43 Version 7) TRMM Plus Other Satellites (3B42 Version 7) Table 4 Precipitation Gauge Analyses APHRODITE Water Resources CPC Unified Gauge-based Anal. of Global Daily Precip. CRU Gauge CRU TS 3.23 Gauge Dai Gauge Dataset 2 GHCN+CAMS Gauge GPCC Monitoring GPCC Full Data Reanalysis Version 6 GPCC VASClimO Version 1.1 Table 2 Combination Data Sets AIRG2SSD AIRX2SUP AIRX2SUP_NRT AIRX3SPD, AIRX3SP8, AIRX3SPM CMORPH CMORPH V1.0 RAW GSMaP Near-real-time (GSMaP_NRT) GSMaP Realtime (GSMaP_NOW) GSMaP Standard (GSMaP_MVK) V7 GSMaP Reanalysis (GSMaP_RNL) V7 H03 IMERG Early Run V3 IMERG Late Run V3 MPE MSWEP NRT NRL Real TIme PERSIANN PERSIANN-CCS SCAMPR TCI (3G68) TOVS TRMM Real-Time HQ Version 7 (3B40RT) TRMM Real-Time VAR Version 7 (3B41RT) TRMM Real-Time HQVAR Version 7 (3B42RT)
2. Data Sets – Two Styles Climate Data Records (CDR) • emphasize homogeneity over fine-scale accuracy • examples • GPCP SG, 1DD High Resolution Precipitation Products (HRPP) • emphasize fine-scale accuracy over homogeneity • but homogeneity still valued • CPC Morphing algorithm (CMORPH) • Global Satellite Map of Precipitation (GSMaP) • Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) • Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks (PERSIANN) • Self-Calibrating Multivariate Precipitation Retrieval (SCaMPR) • TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA)
3. Dominant Controls on Performance Each product should tend to follow its calibrators at a few weeks and longer • over land (for GPCP, TMPA, IMERG) – GPCC gauge analysis • under-catch corrected • month-to-month (post-real time) or climatological (near-real time) • [ over ocean – satellite calibrator ] • climatological calibration only sets long-term bias, not month-to-month behavior • Zhou et al. (2015) uncovered regional variations over time between month-to- month and climatological calibrations Short-interval variations • land and ocean: precip events are driven by the individual input datasets • inter-satellite calibration attempts to enforce consistency in distribution • event-driven statistics depend on satellites, e.g. bias in frequency of occurrence • differences between sensors tend to be noticeable • different sensors “see” different aspects of the same scene • limited opportunities to “fix” problems with the individual inputs on the fly • satellite sensors tend to be best for tropical ocean • satellite sensors and rain gauge analyses tend to have more trouble in cold areas and complex terrain
4. IMERG Output Data Fields Example of a modern combination dataset Output dataset includes intermediate data fields • users and developers require • processing traceability • support for algorithm studies 0.1° global CED grid • 3600x1800 = 6.2M boxes • fields are 1-byte integer, scaled 2-byte integer, or 4-byte real • but, dataset compression means smaller disk files • and PPS provides subsetting “User” fields in italics, darker shading HDF5 and other formats • quasi-standard metadata
New in V05 by user request: “simple” index of “quality” 4. IMERG Output Data Fields Example of a modern combination dataset Output dataset includes intermediate data fields • users and developers require • processing traceability • support for algorithm studies 0.1° global CED grid • 3600x1800 = 6.2M boxes • fields are 1-byte integer, scaled 2-byte integer, or 4-byte real • but, dataset compression means smaller disk files • and PPS provides subsetting “User” fields in italics, darker shading HDF5 and other formats • quasi-standard metadata New in V03 by user request: precip phase as (diagnostic) probability of “liquid” (including “mixed”) New in V05 by user request: “simple” index of “quality”
5. Issues (1/2) Specific product names and versions are required in papers and discussions to prevent confusion • “TRMM” is not an acceptable shorthand for “3B42-RT V7” Latency for global satellite products > 3-4 hours • driven by latency of data downlinks from satellites • faster delivery is being developed regionally • but, “faster” is usually “more approximate” No general “suitability for use” metrics • behavior by climate zone and weather regime can be different • regional datasets can be more focused than global datasets • different versions can have rather different qualities • check with developers • the state of the art is generally ahead of the refereed literature • IMERG V05 will have a “quality index” • detailed error representations are still a work in progress
5. Issues (2/2) Current research topics • error representation • precipitation in complex terrain • precipitation in coastal zones • rain and snowfall over snowy/icy/frozen surface • key topic in GPM • several new concepts have surfaced • use of daily gauge data (vs. monthly) • fully global precip data sets • need rain and snowfall over snowy/icy/frozen surface • need “morphing” vectors at high latitudes • possible contributions by models/reanalyses Long-term support is required • many products are only “best effort” • episodic retrospective processing for continued homogeneity • continued launches to maintain the microwave constellation • continued precip gauge observations
6. Final Comments Precip gauges, surface radars, satellites, and models/reanalyses can be used to create global precip datasets Combination datasets using microwave satellite, infrared satellite, and precip gauge input are the current state of the art CDR and HRPP precip data sets have (somewhat) different goals Calibration schemes (should) control bias for intervals over a few weeks Short-interval events driven by satellite input data sets Suitability for use is still determined case by case • error representations are still a work in progress
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• limit microwave calibrator to 6 a.m./p.m. satellite 2. GPCP CDR-like GPCP • limit microwave calibrator to 6 a.m./p.m. satellite • consistent diurnal bias • use to “adjust” GPI At higher latitudes use Susskind-type scheme with TOVS & AIRS sounding retrievals Before the DMSP era use OLR Precip Index at all latitudes GPCP gauge analysis throughout • Full and Monitoring products relatively consistent Emission Microwave Satellite/Gauge Scattering TOVS/ AIRS Microwave/IR Calibration Gauge Gauge-Adjusted Satellite Multi-Satellite Geo Low-Orbit OPI Matched 3-hr Geo-IR GPI Merged IR GPI 1979-85 1986-87 1986-present 1987-present Microwave/Other Fusion AGPI
Computed in both real and post-real time, on a 3-hr 0.25° grid 3. TMPA – Flow Chart (1/2) Computed in both real and post-real time, on a 3-hr 0.25° grid Microwave precip: • intercalibrate to TMI/PR combination for P • intercalibrate to TMI for RT • then combine, conical- scan first, then sounders IR precip: • calibrate with microwave Combined microwave/IR: • IR fills gaps in microwave GPCP Version 2.2 is out in provisional form and due for final form “soon”
Computed in both real and post-real time, on a 3-hr 0.25° grid 3. TMPA – Flow Chart (1/2) Computed in both real and post-real time, on a 3-hr 0.25° grid Microwave precip: • intercalibrate to TMI/PR combination for P • intercalibrate to TMI for RT • then combine, conical- scan first, then sounders IR precip: • calibrate with microwave Combined microwave/IR: • IR fills gaps in microwave Instant- aneous SSM/I TRMM AMSR AMSU MHS HQ coefficients 3-hourly merged HQ 3- hourly IR Tb Hourly HQ-calib IR precip 3-hourly multi-satellite (MS) Monthly gauges Monthly SG Rescale 3-hourly MS to monthly SG Rescaled 3-hourly MS Calibrate High-Quality (HQ) Estimates to “Best” Merge HQ Estimates Match IR and HQ, generate coeffs Apply IR coefficients Merge IR and HQ estimates Compute monthly satellite-gauge combination (SG) 30-day IR coefficients Monthly Climo. Adj. Coeff. The TMPA Version 7 was released in June.
3. TMPA – Final Calibration Production TMPA • monthly MS and GPCC gauge analysis combined to Satellite-Gauge (SG) product • weighting by estimated inverse error variance • 3-hrly MS rescaled to sum to monthly SG Real-Time TMPA • 3-hrly MS calibrated using climatological TCI, 3B43 coefficients Each product should tend to follow its calibrators • over land – the GPCC gauge analysis • over ocean – satellite calibrator • climatological calibration only sets long-term bias, not month-to-month behavior • Zhou et al. (2015) uncovered regional variations over time The TMPA Version 7 was released in June.
Product scale and coverage 5. GPCP V3 – Products and Inputs Product scale and coverage Input data 6 a.m./p.m. GPROF-SSMI/SSMIS August 1987–present Monthly Susskind TOVS/AIRS August 1987–present GridSat-B1 1982–2010 (to be extended) Monthly 1979–present CPC 4-km Merged IR 2011–present 0.5° global OPI 1979–present GPCC Full Gauge Analysis 1979–2010 (to be extended) GPCC Monitoring Gauge Analysis 2011–present TRMM Composite Climatology Pentad 1979–present CMAP Pentad Precipitation 1979–present GPCP Daily 1982–present GPCP Monthly 1982–present Daily 1982–present 6 a.m./p.m. GPROF-SSMI/SSMIS August 1987–present 0.5° 60°N-S 1982–1996 Daily Susskind TOVS/AIRS October 1996–present 0.5° global 1996–present Gridsat-B1 1982-2010 (to be extended) GPCP 3-hr 1998–present 3-hr 1998–present GPCP Monthly 1998–present 0.1° 60°N-S (to be extended) GPM IMERG 1998–present
It is planned to provide the following data fields for all products: 5. GPCP V3 – Output Data Fields The standard monthly precipitation estimate will be a satellite-gauge combination, while all the shorter-interval products will be calibrated to the monthly satellite-gauge product. It is planned to provide the following data fields for all products: • accumulated precipitation (mm/d) • estimated error • precipitation phase (percentage probability of liquid) The monthly dataset will also provide: • multi-satellite accumulated precipitation (e.g., without month-to-month gauge information; mm/d) • gauge relative weighting in the final satellite-gauge product The 3-hourly dataset will also provide: • snapshot precipitation rate (expressed in mm/d)
– Observation-Model Products Experience shows that numerical model-based precipitation estimates are more skillful than observational products in cold-season mid- and high-latitude regions. In parallel with (not replacement of) the observational products, this project plans to create monthly observation-model products: • start work using the NASA Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) • blend the GPCP multi-satellite and MERRA precipitation fields following Sapiano et al. (2008) • carry out the gauge combination with the blended satellite-model field Shorter-interval combinations currently lack a developed scheme for use. Recent work by Xie and collaborators on merging daily satellite, gauge, and radar data might provide the necessary framework. 5. GPCP V3
Interpolate between PMW overpasses, following the cloud systems. The current state of the art is • estimate cloud motion fields from geo-IR data • move PMW swath data using these displacements • apply Kalman smoothing to combine satellite data displaced from nearby times Currently being used in CMORPH, GSMaP (Japan) Introduces additional correlated error 30-min HQ Precip (mm/h) 00Z 15 Jan 2005 6. IMERG – Introduction The “good stuff” (microwave) is sparse • 30 min of data shows lots of gaps • extra gaps due to snow in N. Hemi. • 4 imagers, 3 sounders TMI TCI Aqua AMSR-E N16 AMSU F13 SSMI F14 N17 F15 N15 GPM developed the concept of a unified U.S. algorithm that takes advantage of • Kalman Filter CMORPH (lagrangian time interpolation) – NOAA • PERSIANN with Cloud Classification System (IR) – U.C. Irvine • TMPA (inter-satellite calibration, gauge combination) – NASA • all three have received PMM support Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG)
6. IMERG Design – Notional Requirements Resolution – 0.05°~0.1° [i.e., roughly the resolution of microwave, IR footprints] Time interval – 30 min. [i.e., the geo-satellite interval, then aggregated to 3 hr] Spatial domain – global, initially covering 60°N-60°S Time domain – 1998-present; later explore entire SSM/I era (1987-present) Product sequence – early sat. (~4 hr), late sat. (~12 hr), final sat.-gauge (~2 months after month) [more data in longer-latency products] unique in the field Instantaneous vs. accumulated – accumulation for monthly; instantaneous for half- hour Sensor precipitation products intercalibrated to TRMM before launch, later to GPM Global, monthly gauge analyses including retrospective product – explore use in submonthly-to-daily and near-real-time products; unique in the field Error estimates – still open for definition; nearly unique in the field Embedded metadata fields showing how the estimates were computed Operationally feasible, robust to data drop-outs and (strongly) changing constellation Output in HDF5 v1.8 – compatible with NetCDF4 Archiving and reprocessing for near- and post-RT products; nearly unique in the field
6. IMERG Design – Box Diagram The flow chart shown is for the final product • institutions are shown for module origins, but • package will be an integrated system • “the devil is in the details” • (near-)RT products will use a cut-down of this processing • we should examine the utility of climatological calibrations for the (near-)RT products UC Irvine GSFC CPC Compute even-odd IR files (at CPC) 3 IR Image segmentation feature extraction patch classification precip estimation 9 Receive/store even-odd IR files 1 Compute IR displacement vectors 4 11 Recalibrate precip rate Build IR-PMW precip calibration 10 Import PMW data; grid; calibrate; combine 2 Forward/backward propagation 5 Build Kalman filter weights 7 Apply Kalman filter 8 Import mon. gauge; mon. sat.-gauge combo.; rescale short-interval datasets to monthly Apply climo. cal. RT Post-RT 13 12 prototype6
6. IMERGE Design – Multiple Runs Multiple runs serve different users’ needs for timeliness • more delay usually yields a better product • pioneered in TMPA Early – first approximation; flood, now-casting users • current input data latencies at PPS support ~4-hr delay • truly operational users (< 3 hr) not well-addressed Late – wait for full multi-satellite; crop, flood, drought analysts • driver is the wait for microwave data for backward propagation • expect delay of 12-18 hr Final – after the best data are assembled; research users • driver is precip gauge analysis • GPCC gauge analysis is finished ~2 months after the month
4. FUTURE – Transitioning from Version 3 to Version 4 Version 3 IMERG is available • Final Run from mid-March 2014 to February 2016 • Late Run from 7 March 2015 • Early Run from 1 April 2015 Early February 2017: Version 4, first-generation GPM-based IMERG archive, March 2014–present Mid-2017: Version 5 IMERG, March 2014–present Late 2017: TRMM V.8/GPM V.5 TRMM/GPM-based IMERG archive, 1998–present Winter 2017-18: Legacy TMPA products retired
7. IMERG Implementation – What Next? The clear goal for Day-1 is operational code meeting GPM deadlines; after that … • implement a high-latitude scheme - develop high-latitude precip estimates - calibration schemes for high-latitude precip estimates - leo-IR–based displacement vectors - parallel observation-model combined product • use sub-monthly (daily, pentad, or dekad) gauge analyses • refined precipitation type estimates • alternative scheme for computing displacement vectors • address cloud growth • convective/stratiform classification • address orographic enhancement • error estimates - bias and random - scale and weather regime dependence - user-friendly formats and cutting-edge science • intercalibrate across sensors with different capabilities • revise precipitation gauge wind-loss corrections science project possible model input science project science project science project science project science project
2. Data Sets – Produced or Used in the Precip Group
2. Data Sets – Data Sets Produced or Used in the Precip Group (cont.) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]; automatic and free registration required the first time [8]; automatic and free registration required the first time [9] where YYYY, MM, DD are 4-digit year, 2-digit month, 2-digit day; automatic and free registration required the first time [10] [11]
2. Data Sets – Heritage The Adjusted GPI (early ‘90’s) led to GPCP GPCP concepts were first used in TRMM, then blended with new multi-satellite concepts for TMPA IMERG adds morphing, Kalman smoother, and neural-network concepts TRMM V4,5 3B42 TRMM 3B42RT Time thin arrows denote heritage CMORPH IMERG late IMERG final IMERG early GPCP V1 SGM AGPI TRMM V4,5 3B43 GPCP V2,2.1 SG GPCP V1,1.1 1DD GPCP V1,1.1 Pentad V6,7 TRMM 3B42 V6,7 TRMM 3B43 GPCP V3 PERSIANN PERSIANN-CCS KF-CMORPH