Welcome Getting to know Year 1 Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Year 1 Team Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world Class Teachers – Mrs Baldwin (1AB) Miss Pickup (1HP) Teaching Assistants (TA’s) – Mrs Rich, Mrs Preston and Mrs Oram SCITT Trainee – Miss Bennett Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
1a New Assessment Scales 1c 1c+ 1b 1b+ 1 1a+ 2c 2c 2c+ 2b 2b 2b+ 2a 2a
Our Assessment Procedures APP Writing Tracking and Targeting Year 1 September entry Teacher assessments End of term Teacher Assessments Year 1 phonics screening test. APP Writing Tracking and Targeting Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world Topics Autumn term topic - ‘Me and my surroundings’. Spring term topic -‘Toys past and present’. Summer term topics are ‘the jungle and the beach.’ We are hoping to visit Paignton Zoo which will cost approx £10. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world How to help Continue to listen to reading on a daily basis. Continue to work through the phonics sheets and return sheets when completed Be involved in homework where appropriate Encourage your child to become more independent Male role model especially for boys Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Expectations and Daily Organisation Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Transition from foundation stage to Y1 and preparing pupils for Y2 Autumn Term – Reception model. Free flow with National Curriculum objectives and activities (Supported and independent). Phase out reception model gradually. Spring Term –Introduce more structured lessons with independent group work. Summer Term – Working towards whole class teaching, differentiated groups and independent activities. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world Talking friends Working towards independence and responsibility - Encourage your child to come into school independently safely not through the car park and off the grass bank. - Learning to take responsibility of their possessions. E.g jumpers (named please!), letters, reading books, dinner vouchers, PE kit etc. - Importance of water bottles (named and refilled daily) - Jobs in the classroom Break time snacks are provided. We encourage Year 1 to eat a range of fruit in a social setting. It is helpful for your child to ONLY eat the school fruit provided. School bags. No rucksacks. Dressing e.g buttons, shoe laces etc. Toys (Sensible size and only one. Named). Perseverance. Better learners Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world Literacy Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world Introduction National curriculum= Primary National Strategy. three areas. Fiction – Non-fiction – poetry. Each unit contains three sections Speaking and Listening – Reading - Writing. Learning Intentions. Differentiated tasks. Focus on pride in all written work Homework: (http://www.elburtonschool.com/) Daily reading books and phonics sheets. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Speaking and Listening At the beginning of every Literacy Unit - Talking friends - Role Play - Audio Books Radio Assembly Whole class assemblies -show and tell, questioning, describing Vocabulary – Literacy, numeracy & Topic. Big Write includes a section on ‘wow’ words. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world Reading The National Literacy Primary Strategy; - Guided reading/ Shared reading- ability groups within units. - Independent reading. Enjoying books. - Story time Home reading books-working together to improve reading skills (if tired read to child). First point of contact. Book talk Assessments throughout each half term. Phonics reading skills. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world Writing The Primary National Strategy: 3 units -Narrative -Non-fiction -Poetry GHaSP Handwriting- (G/M, F/M, joining two letters). Phonics used as a spelling strategy. High frequency words & tricky words. Sentences and punctuation. Vocabulary. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world Handwriting In the pack there is an alphabet, showing starting point and direction of each letter, plus a ditties sheet for your children to learn. Taught in ditties for letters and numbers. Each letter and number has a rhyme to help the children remember its formation. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world Grammar I will write the words in my sentence in the correct order. Handwriting I will write each letter correctly and begin to practise joining two letters together. and Spelling I will spell phase 2 and 3 tricky words. I will segment a word and write the sounds. Punctuation I will use finger spaces between each word. I am beginning to use a capital letter at the beginning of my sentences. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world Phonics Week beginning 16th June 2014 Government Phonic Screening test. It is important that your child is present for this. 20 mins of daily phonics. Letters and Sounds. Year 1 expectations: Expectations – to reach the end of phase 5 by the end of year 1. Ability groups and general lesson set up. Apply skills taught independently Segment and blend (What is this?) What is a Phoneme? A Phoneme is the smallest unit of sound. This can be made by one or more letters In the word cat there are three phonemes c a t . In the word paint there are four phonemes p ai n t you will notice that ai is one phoneme but has two letters. What is a grapheme? Is a written representation of a sound; may consist of one or more letters. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
c a t p ai n t
d a c b ai n s
Example of Phonics Homework Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world Phases taught in Year 1 Phase 3 - At the beginning of the year most children will know some middle vowel grapheme e.g. ai ur, they will have used them to write CVC words e.g. wait and hurt. Phase 4 is the next stage to use the graphemes to build up longer words e.g. ee g-r-ee-n. We call this a CCVC word. This should take about a month. (Adjacent Consonants) – found in parents pack. Phase 5 is a much longer section and will take the rest of the year to complete. It includes new graphemes e.g. split diagraph. a-e used in cake Alternative pronunciations for vowels and vowel grapheme e.g. a – was or c for cell Alternative sounds for each phoneme e.g. /ch/ phoneme is used in picture. – found in parents pack. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world Mathematics Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world Introduction National curriculum= Primary National Strategy. 7 areas Using and applying. Count and understanding. Knowing and using number facts Calculating Understanding shape Measuring Handling data Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world Learning Intentions General lesson layout – mental warm-up, intro, main, plenary. Differentiated tasks. Fun in each lesson Focus on pride in all written work Homework: (http://www.elburtonschool.com/) Practical activity with a comment sheet. E.g Count in twos helping to sort socks in pairs. Snakes and ladders. Maths is everywhere, see attached sheet. Mathletics. http://www.mathletics.co.uk/ Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world Number work Aim for children to be confident with numbers – happy to be wrong. Read write and order numbers to 20 (Teens) (1:1 correspondence)– number lines/square interactive games. Number bonds (buddy numbers/ Learn its) to 10 – so important. (e.g. 4 + 6 → 40 + 60 or 14 + 6 = 20 Counting reliably on and back/estimating – 2’s 5’s 10’s (counting stick) Add/ counting on/any order/practical and simple written methods = number sentences/digits. (Vocabulary sheet) Subtraction/take away/find the difference More/Less (100 square) Mr Weak and Mr Strong Doubles known as repeated addition Problem solving (Using and applying) Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Thank you for attending tonight; we hope it has been useful! We look forward to seeing you at the forthcoming parent’s evenings throughout the year! Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world