Welcome to The Meerkats
Meet the Team Class Teacher - Mrs Carberry Teaching Assistants – Miss Nicholls Miss Hutchinson
Reading Expectations Use and apply knowledge of phonics to read unfamiliar words by segmenting and blending Make one to one correspondence between spoken and written words Read a wide range of common words on sight Expect written text to make sense and be able to consistently self correct. Re-read sentences to clarify meaning Read aloud fluently with attention to a range of punctuation, using eyes to follow the text Express feelings and opinions about stories and poems Talk about a story and sequence a story eg, the main events, characters, ending etc Answer simple questions about a text
Reading Expectations Continued Children should be on blue books after October half term Children should enter Year 1 reading yellow books Children should leave Year 1 reading turquoise books
Phonics Expectations By the end of the year, children should: Recognise taught graphemes and give the corresponding phonemes. Recognise the taught phonemes and write the corresponding graphemes. Apply their phonics skills to independently support themselves with reading and spelling unfamiliar words that are not completely decodable. Read and spell phonetically decodable words. Apply their phonics skills to decoding nonsenses (alien) words. Most children should have completed phase 5
Writing Expectations By the end of the year, children should: Write short narratives ensuring their sentences are sequenced and some simple description is included. Check work makes sense by reading it to themselves and aloud to others. Use and to join words and phases. Use capital letters for names of people, places and days of the week and the pronoun I. Use punctuation in some sentences (. A ! ?) Able to make phonetically plausible attempts to spell words that have not yet been taught. Some words containing previously taught phonemes, common exception words and days of the week are spelt accurately. Some accurate uses of suffixes -s and -es to nouns and verbs and –ing, -ed, -est to root words which do not need changing. Lower case, capital letters and digits 0-9 are mostly accurately formed.
Maths Expectations By the end of the year, children should: Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards fro 0 and from any given number Read and write numbers to 100 Write numbers 1 to 20 in words Count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 Identify 1 more and 1 less than a given number Read write and solve mathematical number sentences involving addition (+) subtraction (-) and equals (=) signs Recall and use number bonds to 10 and related subtraction facts within 20 Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers up to 20 Solve various one step mathematical problems Recognise, find and name a half and quarter of an object, shape and quantity
Supporting your child at home Please encourage your child to read every day and write a comment in their reading diaries. Discussing the book with them really helps to develop their comprehension skills To support your child with phonics, the children will receive phonic packs which are updated weekly with the sounds they are learning that week. Please use the resources to help consolidate your child’s learning. 21st September 3.30pm Phonics Workshop
Support for Parents Please refer to the Parent Support booklets for maths, reading and writing, which can be found on the Meerkat’s page on our website.
Key Events Autumn Visit from Mr Benn Walk around Upton Spring Trip to The Welsh Mountain Zoo Summer Phonics screening check Forest Schools