Welcome to Year One with Mrs. Davies and Mrs. Wood.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Year One with Mrs. Davies and Mrs. Wood

Learning Support Assistants 1D- Mrs. Byrne 1W- Mrs Hammond Student teacher in 1W-Miss Ronja Cover teacher-Miss Vallejo

P.E. Wednesday and Thursday morning. T-shirt, shorts, socks, plimsolls. Plain navy or black tracksuit in addition for terms 2,3,4.

Computing Is covered in a variety of ways across the curriculum in order to develop a number of skills including mouse control and how to use the keyboard. Using ‘paint’ to create a range of images Using ‘Word’ to create labels and captions Playing a variety of games in both Literacy and Maths Creating bar graphs and pictograms Using dictaphones and iPads to record their thoughts and ideas Using cameras Using Beebots to learn about position and direction etc.

Topics Our current topic for Term One is All About Me and my Friends – focus on History and Science. The children will be encouraged to understand the difference between past and present. We will be thinking about our senses and comparing living and non living things. Through this topic we learn to work well with others.

Our other themes for topic will be- Where we live Dinosaurs and fossils Africa Pirates

Science: Exploring the growth of plants through practical experiments.

Homework grids Homework is given out on Mondays and is to be handed in a week later Number challenge ‘quiz’ held every Wednesday and if successful, children will be given a certificate during our ‘celebration’ assembly on Friday

Learning to read and write using phonics The children are taught in a variety of ways. Phonics is taught systematically every day using mnemonics to aid memory. The statutory Phonics Screening Test is held in June and consists of 40 words- 20 real words and 20 pseudo or ‘alien’ words. Where possible, children are heard read once a week. Children should continue using word cards at home for words that cannot be sounded out or ‘sound talked’.

Phonics How to pronounce each sound (phoneme). We have actions for phonics throughout the school. (handout)

Reading Year One children are encouraged to read as often as possible. Children change their own books. If they keep forgetting just write a note in their diary. Children learn to read in a variety of ways Sight words - word cards Decoding Phonics Picture clues Context cues - does it make sense?

Reading books Children have responsibility for changing their own books. Children are encouraged to keep the same book for a few days especially with longer texts to build confidence. Children need to be able to comprehend and discuss what they have read before they change level. If book hasn’t been changed for a while write a note in the diary please.

Don’t forget that daily reading can include- A recipe Instructions (e.g. constructing a lego toy) Labels and captions Street and advertising signs A menu Timetable A map Lists (e.g. shopping, contents) A Prayer or hymn Songs and nursery rhymes Comics and magazines A book from home!

Library Children attend library every Monday. They choose a book that they can look at in class.

Numeracy Lots of practical maths activities to promote mathematical thinking. They learn through playing games, using the outdoors and are given opportunities for problem solving. Calculation policy.

Role Play There are many opportunities to use role play in their learning. Events from the Bible are learned through acting out the stories. Story writing is developed through becoming the characters and sequencing the events. This is also done through using puppets.

The outside area provides opportunities for continued physical and social development.

RE RE is taught using ‘Come and See’, throughout the school. The curriculum provides opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding of other religions and beliefs. Children are encouraged to be tolerant of others opinions and values The whole school attends three assemblies a week, two of which are ‘prayerful’ gatherings and prayers are said daily in class. The whole school attends Mass periodically throughout the year Once a year, you will be invited to join us for a time of reflection and prayer during our Year One Liturgy Above all, children are encouraged to grow in kindness, love and understanding of those around them and to understand that they should be treated with the same consideration.

Housekeeping Please label ALL clothing and belongings- use a permanent marker Please send in all monies in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and what the money is for. You can use postbox by office or send to class. Your child needs a water bottle in class Check that plimsolls still fit (when PE kit is sent home) School dinners- although all KS1 children are entitled to a school dinner please remember to inform the office if you are entitled to free school meals as this has an impact on the school budget Home time collection- please inform us of any change to the adult collecting. If child is not collected by 3.20 they will be taken to the office. At 3.30 they will taken to ASC. Queries- We will aim to see you at the end of the day if you have any queries where possible. Urgent messages can be conveyed before the day starts via the office or write a note in the diary as these are checked first thing every day.

Thank You for your continued support.