Writing1 The Second Semester 2015-2016 Presented by Dr. Mohamed Sha’at
The objective of the Session Students are expected to: List the different features of a good paragraph. Write topic sentences which include controlling ideas for different paragraphs. Write coherent paragraphs about specific topics.
What are the features of a good paragraph? 1- It has a topic sentence that states the main idea. 2- All of the sentences in the paragraph are about one topic. 3- The first line in the paragraph is indented. 4- The concluding sentence brings the paragraph to a logical ending.
Unit 3 The Topic Sentence Read paragraph 14 p. 39 and answer the following questions: 1- What is the topic sentence of this paragraph? 2- What are the three benefits to a manual transmission? 3- Why did the writer use the following expressions: first of all, in addition and finally? 4- Do you prefer driving a vehicle with a manual or an automatic transmission? Why? Invite Ss. to do activity 2 p.41. Then they can answer: What are the features of a good topic sentence? P.42.
Controlling Ideas, p.43 - Invite students to read the different examples of the topic sentences and to find out the controlling ideas and to tell their colleagues what does the reader expect from the paragraph? - Students can do activity 3 pp. 44-45. - Invite students to do activity 4 pp.45-46.
Activity 5 More Practice with Controlling Ideas, p.46 Introduce the activity and demonstrate the first example. The following is a clear explanation: Flowers are considered as the best gifts in different occasions. For instance, a lot of people love to get flowers as a gift when they are feeling down. Other people admire having flowers as gifts from their friends when they get married. More over some people love flower gifts at their graduation ceremonies.
Paris Paris; the capital of France, is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The English Alphabet The twenty-six letters of English language constitute the various phonemes of English sounds. Letters’ Mailing Letters’ mailing is one of the most interesting hobbies that people enjoy in different countries.
Polling How can you grade this meeting? A = excellent, B = very good, C = good or D = fair.
Dr. Mohammed Sha’at