Compassion in Practice- London Yvonne Franks Head of Patient Experience and Quality, NHS England, London Region 13th June 2013
The case for change ... is proven
Care? or Careless?
We know what the problems are We know what the problems are. Why is it so hard to get it right for every person, every time?
The public and our residents do not understand why we don’t The public and our residents do not understand why we don’t ... All of the time
Take action: implement the vision Our acceptance of the need to change enables us to take actions to implement our vision and strategy for nursing, midwifery and care givers
6Cs - Values essential to compassionate care Competence Compassion is how care is given through relationships based on empathy, respect and dignity. It can also be described as intelligent kindness and is central to how people perceive their care. Competence means all those in caring roles mist have the ability to understand an individual’s health and social needs. It is also about having the expertise, clinical and technical knowledge to deliver effective care and treatments based on research and evidence. Care is our core business and that of our organisations; and the care we deliver helps the individual person and improves the health of the whole community. Caring defines us and our work. People receiving care expect it to be right for them consistently throughout every stage of their life. Communication Courage Commitment Communication is central to successful caring relationships and to effective team working. Listening is as important as what we say. It is essential for ‘No decision without me’. Communication is the key to a good workplace with benefits for those in our care and staff alike. Courage enables us to do the right thing for the people we care for, to speak up when we have concerns. It means we have the personal strength and vision to innovate and to embrace new ways of working. A commitment to our patients and populations is a cornerstone of what we do. We need to build on our commitment to improve the care and experience of our patients. We need to take action to make this vision and strategy a reality for all and meet the health and social care challenges ahead.
6 areas of action Action area 1 Action area 2 Action area 3 Helping people to stay independent, maximising well-being and improving health outcomes Working with people to provide a positive experience of care Delivering high quality care and measuring impact Action area 4 Action area 5 Action area 6 Building and strengthening leadership Ensuring we have the right staff, with the right skills, in the right place Supporting positive staff experience
What does good look like? Supporting staff to care Meeting the needs of those we care for Privacy Respect Humanity and individuality Prevention from harm Emotional and spiritual care including end of life Maintain independence Right to choose, be part of decisions Organisation / culture of care Skills to feel confident about talking and listening. Finding the right words to discuss the most difficult issues - disability, dementia, dying and death Clear expectations Recruitment for values Appraisal Training and development
Our challenge How can we show we care? Eating and drinking Personal hygiene Using the toilet Care of the skin End of life care / pain management Talking and helping them to communicate their views Organising our workload Cleanliness / control of infection Involving families, friends and carer – listening to feedback The care environment / privacy Staff attitudes and behaviours
Care as a partnership instead of treating people as passive recipients Organise care for the convenience of patients and residents, where possible, health & social care as one Explain what is happening and why, listening to and addressing concerns, and above all treating each person as someone deserving respect, understanding, empathy and kindness “Do you have everything you need?” or “Is there anything you would like me to explain?” Encourage and learn from patient, resident and carer feedback – then take action
Act now - Show you care Improve the perceptions of care and nursing Individualise care around the patient where possible Improve the care environment Share good practice Focus on outcomes Continually strive for improvements Be open and transparent Involve patients, residents and carers in decisions Make discharges and transfers seamless
Action at all levels… 1.National Actions – a range of initiatives that will be led by national bodies and regulators. 2.Local Actions – a range of initiatives to be led by local organisations and be supported by national bodies. National Actions – a range of initiatives that will be led by national bodies and regulators such as NCB, PHE, HEE, CQC, NMC, NTDA and Monitor. These will also be supported by key stakeholders such as NHS Employers, the RCN and the RCM. Local Actions – a range of initiatives to be led by local organisations and be supported by national bodies, creating the environment, providing leadership and giving the highest priority to achieving the culture of compassionate care. 3.Call to Action – the overarching focus for organisations and individuals specific to each area of action.
Building a caring community in care homes Work with residents to create an environment that makes their lives; - Happy - Varied - Stimulating - Fulfilling - Dignified Leadership is key – setting standards, direction, monitoring
In summary There is much to be proud of We all want the same things We can’t change everything – nor does it all need changing We will only manage to provide the best care consistently by working together If we ignore poor practice we are colluding with it We all need to THINK PATIENT / RESIDENT
We will deliver Compassion in Practice, through:
6Cs Live! Communication Hub
Getting involved… Follow us on Twitter Follow hashtags @nhscb #6Cslive @JaneMCummings @VivJBennett @JulietBeal @SamSherrington @6Cslive Follow hashtags #6Cslive #6Cs #Caremakers There are many ways that individuals can get involved with the work around Compassion in Practice: Our social media communities are growing every day – follow us on Twitter Sign up for 6Cs Live! Click through to the implementation plans on the website link Sign up to 6Cslive Communication Hub; webinars and discussions NHS | Presentation to London | May 2013