Career Technical Education Reporting in CALPADS
Why Should You Care about Course Completion and CTE Data?
Accountability Career and College Readiness Indicator
Specifically… Dual Enrollment Courses Courses taken for COLLEGE CREDIT MAY earn the student high school credit as well CTE Postsecondary Articulated Courses CTE Pathway Completers
Identifying Dual Enrollment CTE Courses Select appropriate CTE course code (4000-5999) OR one of the specific “academic CTE courses” Populate field 9.19 - Course Section Instructional Level Code with code 16 - College Credit
Academic CTE Courses 2360 IB Music 2370 AP Music theory 2451 Computer programming 2453 Computer science 2455 Web design 2465 IB Computer science 2470 AP Computer science A 2471 AP Computer science AB 2601 Aerospace education 2602 Aviation education 2606 Zoology 2609 Marine Science 2617 Conservation 2619 Energy education 2655 Anatomy and Physiology 2666 IB Design technology 2674 AP Environmental science 2732 Law-related education 2766 IB Business and Management 2860 IB Visual Arts 2874 AP Studio Art: Drawing 2875 AP Studio Art: Two Dimensional 2876 AP Studio Art: Three Dimensional 2960 IB Theatre
CTE Postsecondary Articulated Courses CTE courses that have been articulated with a postsecondary institution Allows the student to meet the prerequisite requirements for an upper division CTE course at the college
CTE Pathway Completers Reported in the Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) file
Mapping and Reporting Career Technical Education Courses for State Reporting
CTE Course Documentation CALPADS Systems Documentation web page: CALPADS Code Sets document CALPADS Valid Code Combinations document
CALPADS Codes Sets The CALPADS Code Sets document is a document that contains all codes sets used when LEAs report to CALPADS. Contains the course code numbers, names, and definitions Does NOT contain information on the CTE pathway in which a particular CTE course belongs Pathway information can be found in the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations document.
CALPADS Valid Code Combinations The CALPADS Valid Code Combinations document is a document that contains several worksheets that outline codes that are valid when used with other codes in CALPADS. There are two worksheets in this document that contain CTE information: CTE Pathway – CTE Industry Sect: This worksheet contains all CTE Pathway Codes and their associated Industry Sector Codes Course Group Master Combos: This worksheet contains all state course codes and all associated attributes of those course codes, including several attributes specific to CTE
CTE Pathways and Sub-Pathways
Building a CTE Pathway 300 hours minimum Advanced Pathway (Capstone) Intermediate Pathway (Concentrator) Exploratory/Introduction to Sector OR Introduction to Specific Pathway Coming in 2017-18
2016-17 State Course Code Restructuring Pilot State Course Codes in these sectors have been updated and are currently being piloted for (16-17): Agriculture and Arts, Media, and Natural Sciences Entertainment
AGR and ART (AME) Industry Sector Changes State Course Codes have been: Updated and streamlined Generalized by pathway to allow more flexibility Split into sub-pathways to further delineate content within a pathway Split into distinct course content levels (intro, concentrator, capstone)
Why are we proposing this? Local courses were difficult to map to existing CTE State Course Codes Pathways were different at local and state levels Names were too restrictive Could not distinguish between intro, concentrator, and capstone courses
Example – Pathway Mismatch Local Level Introductory Entrepreneurship course = Marketing Pathway State Level Entrepreneurship and Innovation I (code 4125) = Entrepreneurship/Self-Employment Pathway
What do the changes look like? Agriculture Ornamental Horticulture Introduction to Ornamental Horticulture Intermediate Ornamental Horticulture (concentrator) Advanced Ornamental Horticulture (capstone) Floral Design Introduction to the Art and History of Floral Design Intermediate Floral Design (concentrator) Advanced Floral Design(capstone) Industry Sector Pathway Sub-Pathway Course Codes Sub-Pathway Course Codes
Examples of changes: Local Course: Introduction to Digital Photography Previous state course code mapping: 5755 - Commercial Photography NEW state course code mapping: 5713 Introduction to Visual/Commercial Art Local Course: Digital Photography II 5759 - Photography production and technology 5714 – Intermediate Visual/Commercial Art (3 course sequence) OR 5751 – Advanced Graphic Communications (2 course sequence) – Will be Advanced Visual/Commercial Art for 2017-18
Where are we Going? Revise remaining 13 sectors for 17-18 implementation
New Draft Codes for 13 Remaining Sectors New 2017–18 DRAFT CTE Course Codes are available for your review (sent to you electronically). New codes will be assigned a new numerical range (7000-8999)
Identifying Key Stakeholders
Involve Relevant Stakeholders Staff Member Role District and School-level CTE Coordinators (including ROCP Coordinator/Contact) These individuals are instrumental in identifying specific CTE pathways that are offered by a district/school. Additionally, these individuals will assist in the creation and identification of the course content for the courses within a pathway, working with the CALPADS LEA Administrator to ensure that a local CTE course is mapped to the correct state course code. CTE Teachers and Counselors CTE teachers can assist in identifying students who are concentrators and completers in specific pathways. Counselors can identify students who have completed specific CTE courses.
Involve Relevant Stakeholders Staff Member Role Credential Specialists Credential specialists can help in identifying whether or not a teacher teaching a course that this part of a CTE pathway sequence is appropriately credentialed to teach the CTE course. CALPADS LEA Administrator CALPADS LEA Administrators can assist the CTE Coordinators in mapping local CTE courses to the appropriate state course codes. Additionally, the CALPADS LEA Administrator is responsible for the submission of these data to CALPADS.
The Mapping Process
1. Identify ALL your CTE Courses Identify all CTE courses taught by your LEA Even those courses that are not part of a pathway (stand-alone courses with CTE content) Even schools who are not Perkins or CTEIG participants will have CTE courses
2. Identify Pathway Sequences Group courses into pathway sequences Courses should align to the CTE pathway standards California Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards web page:
3. Assign Appropriate Staff Ensure that all teachers assigned to courses within a CTE pathway are appropriately assigned. Staff must hold a preliminary or clear Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Teaching Credential for a specific industry sector. The credentials are available in subjects, also known as industry sectors: Agriculture and Natural Resources Arts, Media, and Entertainment Building and Construction Trades Business and Finance Education, Child Development, and Family Services Energy, Environment, and Utilities Engineering and Architecture Fashion and Interior Design Health Science and Medical Technology Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Information and Communication Technologies Manufacturing and Product Development Marketing, Sales, and Service Public Services Transportation
3. Assign Appropriate Staff California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Credentials Leaflet 888 (CL-888)
3. Assign Appropriate Staff Additionally, holders of a Single Subject Credential in the areas below are allowed to teach within the respective CTE areas: These credentials…. Are allowed to teach courses in these industry sectors… Agriculture Education AND Agriculture Specialist Agriculture and Natural Resources Business Education Business and Finance Information and Communications Technologies Marketing, Sales, and Services Home Economics Education, Child Development, and Family Services Fashion and Interior Design Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Industrial Arts Building and Construction Trades Energy, Environment, and Utilities Engineering and Architecture Manufacturing and Product Development Transportation Industrial Technology Education
4. Identify the Course Content Level For each course in the pathway sequence, identify the course content level: Introductory (can apply to many pathways in a sector) Concentrator (SHOULD only be used for ONE pathway) Capstone (can only be used for ONE pathway)
Selecting the Appropriate State Course Code When mapping your courses, please keep the following considerations in mind: Do not map courses based solely on the local course titles Map based on the: Pathway or sub-pathway the course is in. Level of the content taught in the course. Number of courses in the sequence
Do NOT…. Use the same course in TWO different industry sectors Use the same course as a concentrator course in one pathway and a capstone course in another pathway (within the same industry sector) Each pathway has DISTINCT pathway standards Pick the DOMINANT pathway
Mapping a 3-Course Sequence Local Course Title State Course Code CTE Pathway Introduction to Professional Dance 5720 - Introduction to Dance/Choreography Performing Arts Intermediate Dance 5718 – Intermediate Dance Performance Advanced Dance and Choreography 5719 - Advanced Dance/Choreography
Mapping a 2-Course Sequence Local Course Title State Course Code CTE Pathway Dance I 5718 - Intermediate Dance Performance Performing Arts Dance II 5719 - Advanced Dance/Choreography 2 Course sequences should always be mapped to concentrator and capstone courses
Mapping a 4-Course Sequence Local Course Title State Course Code CTE Pathway Dance I 5720 - Introduction to Dance/Choreography Performing Arts Dance II 5718 – Intermediate Dance Performance Dance III Dance IV 5719 - Advanced Dance/Choreography
Full-Year/Multi-Hour Courses Minimum of 300 hours* Contains a year of intro, concentrator, and capstone content Should be mapped to the CAPSTONE-LEVEL course in a pathway *There are few exceptions (e.g., Certified Nursing Assistant licensure)
Identifying High Quality CTE Courses in CALPADS CALPADS collects ALL CTE courses Including courses offered by ROC/Ps Even if they are stand-alone courses (not part of a pathway) Even if the LEA is not participating in Perkins or CTEIG Programs Courses funded through the Perkins and CTEIG programs should be HIGH-QUALITY CTE COURSES Therefore, Perkins and CTEIG courses need to be identified in CALPADS
What is a High-Quality CTE Course? The course is (or will be) part of a course sequence that meets the CTE Pathway Standards; and The course is taught by an appropriately credentialed CTE teacher The course meets the standards to be funded by Perkins or CTEIG (even if the LEA is not receiving funding through those programs)
Identifying High Quality CTE Courses in CALPADS High quality CTE (Perkins or CTEIG fundable) courses should be marked in CALPADS Course Section Completion (CRSC) file as follows: Field 9.10 should be left BLANK for any CTE courses offered at an LEA that are not “high quality”. Field Number Data Element Name Input Value 9.10 CRS-Course Content Code 154 – Career Technical Education
Code 154 =
Course Content Code 154 Populating Code 154 means this course is being identified as a HIGH QUALITY CTE COURSE: part of a course sequence that meets the CTE Pathway Standards; and taught by an appropriately credentialed CTE teacher Can also be populated on specific ACADEMIC courses that are taught by CTE-credentialed teachers
Course Content Code 154 Issues Currently a COURSE-LEVEL attribute in CALPADS (2016-17) Requires the creation of two local courses with distinct course IDs if one section of a course is high quality and the other is not For 2017-18 we will identify high-quality courses at the COURSE SECTION LEVEL.
Potential Mapping Issues Problem My local introductory course maps to many State Course Codes in a sector Solution Choose ONE introductory pathway course to map to Intro courses are only aggregated by industry sector and not by pathway
Potential Mapping Issues Problem I have a course that is a concentrator course in one pathway and the capstone course in another pathway Solution This course should only belong to ONE pathway Create a distinct and separate course for the other pathway
Potential Mapping Issues Problem Our district offers a course that is offered at one school that is Perkins school, and another school that is not Perkins Solution Create TWO local courses with two distinct local course IDs Can be mapped to same State Course Code Course at Perkins school should be flagged as “154”
Potential Mapping Issues Problem Our school offers two sections of a course. One is taught by a CTE-credentialed teacher, the other is not. Solution Create TWO local courses with two distinct local course IDs Can be mapped to same State Course Code Course with credentialed teacher should be flagged as “154”
Example: Different Local Course ID Different Course Content Code Same State Course Code
True or False? LEAs should only populate 154 on their courses if they are receiving Perkins or CTEIG funding FALSE
True or False? 154 can be populated on stand-alone CTE courses that meet the criteria of “high-quality” CTE courses TRUE
True or False? A Perkins-funded LEA should only populate 154 on courses that are FUNDED with Perkins funding FALSE
True or False? An LEA that is NOT receiving Perkins or CTEIG funding is required to have CTE-credentialed teachers teaching CTE courses FALSE, however the CDE recommends that ALL CTE courses be of “high-quality”
Reviewing the CALPADS Reports
CALPADS Certification Reports The following reports should be reviewed by key staff: 3.17 – Non-concentrator Counts by Industry Sector 3.14 – Concentrators and Completers by Pathway 3.15 – Concentrators and Completers – Student List
CALPADS Certification Reports E-1 collection for Perkins will NOT be collected for 2016-17 CALPADS reports will represent data reported for Perkins E-1 for 2016-17 MAKE SURE DATA ARE CORRECT!!!
Report 3.17 This report represents students that are not concentrators or completers who have completed at least one CTE course (a course in the numerical range of 4000-5999 or an academic course that has been flagged with Course Content Code 154 – Career Technical Education). Additionally, this report disaggregates these students by the Core Indicators.
3.17 Filters
3.17 – Non-concentrator Participants by Industry Sector
Report 3.17 Things to look for: LEAs should verify that this report contains all students who are taking a CTE course but are not in a CTE pathway. LEAs should confirm whether any of the students in this report SHOULD NOT be reported in this report but instead reported as a concentrator or completer. For example, if a student is reported in this report and the course they completed is the capstone course, LEAs should confirm whether or not this student should be reported as a completer. Use the “Perkins/CTEIG Fundable” filters to ensure that all of the courses that are part of your pathways have been properly flagged with the Course Content Code 154 – Career Technical Education. If a course has not been properly flagged, the course will NOT appear in this report when the “Perkins/CTEIG Fundable” filter is applied.
Report 3.14 This report contains a list of all students reported as concentrators and completers by the pathway that was reported in the Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) file to CALPADS. Additionally, this report disaggregates these students by the Core Indicators.
3.14 Filters
3.14 – Concentrators and Completers by Pathway
Report 3.14 Things to look for: LEAs should verify that this report contains all students that have completed the concentrator course in a pathway or completed the capstone course in a pathway. Use the “Perkins/CTEIG Fundable” filters to ensure that all of the courses that are part of your pathways have been properly flagged with the Course Content Code 154 – Career Technical Education. If a course has not been properly flagged, the course will NOT appear in this report when the “Perkins/CTEIG Funded” filter is applied.
Report 3.15 This report contains a student-level list of all students reported as concentrators and completers and their associated CTE courses and Core Indicators.
3.15 Filters Concentrators &
3.15 – Concentrators and Completers – Student List
Report 3.15 Things to look for: Verify that a student is associated with the correct CTE pathway. If the student is a completer, verify that the CTE Pathway Completion Year column is populated. Verify that the Core Indicators are correct for each student.
CTE Course Mapping Workshops Available June 26, 2017 Escondido Union High School District, Board Room, 302 N. Midway Drive. Escondido, CA Register online at: June 27, 2017 Orange County Department of Education - Room D1001-2-3 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa, CA
CTE Course Mapping Workshops Available June 28, 2017 Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa 41000 Bob Hope Dr, Rancho Mirage, CA Register online at: June 29, 2017 Los Angeles County Office of Education, Conference Center 9300 Imperial Hwy, Downey, CA
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