Siegel High School Incoming Freshman
Choosing Classes -Academic classes are based on teacher recommendations. -Students also need to choose an elective. All students must have a minimum of three electives in one area to complete a pathway/focus for graduation requirements. -You will likely have room in your schedule some years in high school to take other electives in addition to your pathway.
Mechatronics Engineering (STEM) Designed for students interested in becoming a mechatronics technician, electrical technician, mechanical engineering technician, robotics technician, or mechatronics engineer. 9th grade course: Principles of Manufacturing Designed for students interested in the different fields of engineering and engineering technology. 9th grade course: Principles of Engineering
Veterinary /Animal Horticulture Science Science A broad and diverse program of study ranging from improving human environment to producing fruits and vegetables to management of recreational and sports turf. 9th grade course: Agriscience Designed to prepare students to further their education for rewarding careers related to both pet and farm animals. 9th grade course: Agriscience
Networking/IT Digital Arts & Design Designed for students interested in pursuing careers as multimedia artists, animators, graphic designers, and communications specialists. 9th grade course: Digital Art and Design 1 Designed for students interested in occupations including: computer support specialists, network and computer systems administrators, computer hardware engineers, computer network architects, and information security analysts. 9th grade course: Computer Science Foundations
Health Science Clinical Exercise Physiology is designed to prepare students to pursue careers in kinesiology and exercise physiology services. Therapeutic Clinical Services is designed to prepare students to pursue careers in fields of dentistry, pharmacology, nutrition, or rehabilitation. Therapeutic Nursing Services is designed to prepare students to pursue careers in the field of nursing. 9th grade course: Health Science Education
Culinary Arts Hospitality and Tourism Management Equips students with the skills to pursue careers in the culinary field as a personal chef, caterer, executive chef, and food and beverage manager 9th grade course: Culinary Arts 1 Prepares students with the skills to pursue careers within the hospitality industry like catering, hotel industry, and event planners. 9th grade course: Hospitality and Tourism Exploration
Marketing Business Management Will prepare you for a career in accounting, management, human resources and business operations. Gives students an overview of the marketing functions and how businesses use them to fulfill customers’ needs and wants, demonstrating that Marketing Is Everywhere. Job examples include retail, advertising, and sales manager. 9th grade course: Introduction to Business and Marketing (1/2) AND Computer Applications (1/2)
Architecture and Social Health Services Engineering Design Architecture and Social Health Services Engineering Design (Human Studies) For students interested in engineering and design professions like architects. Students will learn things like drafting, technical drawings, measurements, and modeling. 9th grade course: Architecture and Engineering Design Students learn skills that a social worker or counselor would use to help people. Job examples also include child care workers and teachers. 9th grade course: Introduction to Human Studies
Legal and Correction Services Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Legal and Correction Services The pathway for those student interested in law enforcement, crime scene and forensic investigation, criminal justice, and public safety. Job examples include Police Officers and Detectives. The pathway for those students interested in law, courts, and the justice system. Job examples include Probation/Correctional Officers and Jailers. 9th grade course: Principles of Law, Corrections, and Safety
GPA matters! Letter Grade Numerical Grade GPA/Quality Points A 93-100 All semester grades (two per year) are used to calculate GPA. Letter Grade Numerical Grade GPA/Quality Points A 93-100 4.0 B 85-92 3.0 C 75-84 2.0 D 70-74 1.0 F 0-69 0.0
Your counselor is here to help! Student’s Last Name Counselor Email A-E Mrs. Fletcher F-L Ms. Wilson M-R Mrs. Edging S-Z Mrs. Foxx