Narrative conventions Understanding how character arc contributes to the story.
Narrative conventions A character arc takes its form when a character starts the story off with a certain viewpoint and then through trials and tribulations, that viewpoint changes. Essentially, the arc is the emotional or psychological growth, transformation and development of the character. A positive change in a character leads to a happy ending. A negative change or no change in a character leads to a tragic ending.
Narrative conventions Character arc – the notion that characters must evolve, grow, learn, or change as the plot unfolds. The audience in general expects a character to finish the movie in a higher position than that in which he started. But that isn’t always the case
Thelma and Louise
Narrative conventions The Arc’s Purpose: A character arc ensures there is conflict The arc supports tension The character’s inner turmoil also helps the audience empathise and connect to a character as they face obstacles and change and grow as a result
Examine the character arc in “Marry Me” and its significance to the narrative Describe the goal that the protagonist wants to achieve. Explain how the antagonist contributes to the conflict Examine how the use of costume and hair contribute our appreciation of the change in the protagonist Describe the “low point” faced by the character What is the resolution and how is equilibrium restored How does the film suggest the protagonist has changed. How is this shown. Explain how the character arc in this short film positions us to empathise with the protagonist. Explain how the character arc works to suggest wider implications for the ideas in this story.