Mama Ph.D.s: Exploring Varied Approaches, Honest and Inclusive Dialogue, and Strategic Planning for Women Considering Advanced Degrees Laura Page, University of Missouri Dr. Cassie Gerhardt, University of North Dakota Dr. Lori Reesor, Indiana University Tuesday, March 14, 2017 007B Convention Center
Presenters Laura Page Doctoral Candidate University of Missouri 15 years in SA Mom of three: ages 8, 5, and 3 Dr. Cassie Gerhardt Associate Dean of Students University of North Dakota 18 years in SA Mom of two: ages 13 and 11 Dr. Lori Reesor VPSA Indiana University 25+ years in SA Mom of two: ages 13 and 15
Learning Outcomes Participants will… Understand the motivations, opportunities, and sacrifices re: pursuit of an advanced degree Evaluate various approaches re: work-life integration Create personal plan with tangible next steps to pursue after the conference Laura LP
Our Stories
What is your motivation for considering/pursuing another degree What is your motivation for considering/pursuing another degree? If already enrolled, what are your biggest challenges/obstacles? Laura LP
Asking Critical Questions Is a doctoral degree relevant/necessary for your long-term goals? Which degree? Which program? Full-time, part-time, home institution; travel to a different campus, or online RESEARCH and conduct informational interviews Cassie Include the executive doctorate programs (Penn State, Columbia) CG
Asking Critical Questions Support network Family, friends, colleagues, peers in program (cohort?) Work environment Supervisor, cycle (busy seasons), space, flex time Financial considerations Tuition support, teaching/research assistantships, loans Consider upcoming life changes Cassie Support network: Partner’s schedule, Ages of kids Consider upcoming life changes: marriage, starting a family, kids starting school, health of aging parents, potential moves Be able to articulate WHY this is the right program for you, the right time for you CG
Work-Life Integration Juggling multiple roles and responsibilities Strike a balance with social media May be useful at work but unplug after hours/weekends Gender issues related to organizational politics Address the work culture; propose solutions Work remote; Skype in for important meetings GoogleDocs in place of some meetings Flex time, .75 time, or part-time Put health first; reduce stress in workplace Lori LR
Work-Life Integration On a regular basis, conduct self-assessments and goal setting (personally and professionally) Develop a mentoring network Across departments and institution; other institutions Include a variety of careers/education levels Lori LR
Alternative Path Additional degrees may not be necessary for your career development Be creative in finding ways to achieve satisfaction Commit to lifelong learning Contribute to the field and to the literature Stay relevant to issues that impact higher ed. Take advantage of opportunities as presented Cassie CG
Career Roadmap Activity Personal reflection List your strengths and what you enjoy most about your job Previous educational experiences What type of student are you? What motivates you? Thinking of your Master’s degree or undergraduate degree, what worked well? What was challenging? Professional aspirations What is your ultimate professional goal? What steps are necessary to make this happen? Education? Experience? What is the next position you hope to obtain? Support system Supervisor/institution, partner, family, friends, mentors, colleagues Laura LP
Next Steps -Read! Current topics, trends, and research -Write! Share knowledge through publications -Keep resume/CV current -Pursue teaching experiences -Expand/diversify your experiences -Course offerings on your campus Use career roadmap to create a working timeline for your personal and professional goals; share/discuss with others in your life Laura -Next steps apply to everyone in the audience, regardless if you choose to pursue additional degrees -Expand/diversify your experiences—committees, trainings, workshops, volunteering LP
Questions??? Laura Page, Dr. Cassie Gerhardt, Dr. Lori Reesor,
References Alexander, P. A., & Jetton, T. L. (1996). The role of importance and interest in the processing of text. Educational Psychology Review, 8(1), 89-121. Bembenutty, H., & Karabenick, S. A. (2004). Inherent association between academic delay of gratification, future time perspective, and self-regulated learning. Educational Psychology Review, 16(1), 35-57. Bowen, G. W., & Rudenstine, N. L. (1992). In pursuit of the Ph.D. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Churchill, H., & Sanders, T. (2007). Getting your PhD: a practical insider's guide. Sage. Husman, J., & Lens, W. (1999). The role of the future in student motivation. Educational Psychologist, 34(2), 113-125. Komives, S. R., & Taub, D. J. (2000). Advancing professionally through doctoral education. The handbook of student affairs administration, 508-534. Schuh, J. H., Jones, S. R., & Harper, S. R. (Eds.). (2010). Student services: A handbook for the profession. John Wiley & Sons. Wao, H. O., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2011). A mixed research investigation of factors related to time to the doctorate in education. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 6, 115-134.
Thank you for joining us today! Please remember to complete your customized online evaluation following the conference. See you in Philly in 2018!