Element: A substance containing just one kind of atom eg Mg, Fe, H2 H2 gas Ar gas Compound: is made up of two or more different elements, chemically bonded together. Has different properties to the elements that made them up. eg CO2, H2O, H2SO4, C2H5OH CO2 gas Molecule: A pair or group of atoms bonded together eg H2, CO2
Mixtures consists of two or more different elements and/or compounds physically intermingled, can be separated into its components by physical means Eg Ar gas H2 gas CO2 gas
Element, Compound, or Mixture? Rocks
Element, Compound, or Mixture? Rocks
Element, Compound, or Mixture? Copper
Element, Compound, or Mixture? Copper Cu
Element, Compound, or Mixture? Jelly Beans
Element, Compound, or Mixture? Jelly Beans
Element, Compound, or Mixture? Table Sugar
Element, Compound, or Mixture? Table Sugar C12H22O11
Element, Compound, or Mixture? Diamond
Element, Compound, or Mixture? Diamond C
Element, Compound, or Mixture? Tea
Elements combine in fixed amounts. Use a chemical formula to describe elements eg FORMULA and NAME # of ATOMS in the molecule H2O Water H2O is really H2O1 2 H + 1 O = 3 atoms CH4 Methane CH4 is really C1H4 4 H + 1 C = 5 atoms C12H22O11 sugar 12C + 22H + 11O = 45 atoms
C12H22O11 sugar
Task 1 Here are two different atoms: Use them to draw a: Compound Mixture
Difference between Mixtures and Compounds When iron filings and sulphur are mixed in a watch glass, you can still see the black specks of iron and the yellow sulphur powder. Compound When a mixture of iron and sulphur is heated, a black shiny compound, iron [II] sulphide (FeS) is formed.
Difference between Mixtures and Compounds When a magnet is brought near this mixture of two elements, the iron filings are pulled away and stick to the magnet. Sulphur remains in the watch glass. Compound When the magnet is brought near it, the iron of the iron [II] sulphide remains unaffected.
Iron and Sulphur Practical A mixture occurs when you combine matter in a way where the components can be separated again. A compound results from a chemical reaction between components, forming a new substance. For example, you can combine iron filings with sulphur to form a mixture. All it takes is a magnet to separate the iron from the sulphur. On the other hand, if you heat the iron and sulfur, you form iron sulphide, which is a compound.
Aim: Investigate the properties of a mixture compared to a compound First form a mixture. Stir some iron filings and sulfur together to form a powder. You have just taken two elements and combined them to form a mixture. You can separate the components of the mixture by stirring the powder with a magnet. Method: Place 7g iron filings and 4 g sulphur powder in a crucible. Mix thoroughly Heat the mixture Cool Observe the colour and take a magnet near it to see if any particle is attracted to it. Results / Observations: Conclusions: