Career and College Ready Graduates
CAREER- AND COLLEGE-READY GRADUATES Original Legislation Section 10.13.(a) Career and College Ready Graduates requires the State Board of Community Colleges, in consultation with the State Board of Education, shall develop a program for implementation beginning in the 2016-2017 school year that introduces the college developmental mathematics and developmental reading and English curriculums in the high school senior year and provides opportunities for college remediation for students prior to high school graduation through cooperation with community college partners. SECTION X . S.L. 2015-241, Section 10.13(a)
CAREER- AND COLLEGE-READY GRADUATES CLARIFY CAREER- AND COLLEGE-READY GRADUATE PROGRAM SECTION 10.5. Section 10.13 of S.L. 2015-241 reads as rewritten: "CAREER- AND COLLEGE-READY GRADUATES "SECTION 10.13.(a) The State Board of Community Colleges, in consultation with the State Board of Education, shall develop a program for implementation beginning with model programs in the 2016-2017 school year that introduces the college developmental mathematics and developmental reading and English curriculums in the high school senior year and provides opportunities for college remediation for students prior to high school graduation through cooperation with community college partners. The program shall be fully implemented in all high schools statewide beginning with the 2018-2019 school year. Students who are enrolled in the Occupational Course of Study to receive their high school diplomas shall not be required to participate in the program or be required to take mandatory remedial courses as provided for in this section, unless a parent specifically requests through the individualized education program (IEP) process that the student participates. S.L. 2016-94, Section 10.13(a)
Career and College Ready Graduates Graduate Alignment Partnership Career and College Ready Graduates DPI NCCCS UNCGA UNCGA – GEAR UP
Collaborative Approach Committee – Career and College Ready Graduates (CCRG) Community College staff Department of Public Instruction (DPI) content consultants Local Education Agency leaders High school teachers Local Partnerships – Particular to the CC and the local high school/district that falls in their service area
Phase I Partnerships Colleges volunteered 2016-2017 Community College/High School Partnerships
Phase I & Phase II Partnerships Colleges volunteered New Phase II, 2017-18, Community College/High School Partnerships
CCRG Rollout Phase I, 2016-17 Optional, 7 community college/high school partnerships Phase II, 2017-18 Optional, 17 additional community college/high school partnerships Phase III, 2018-19 Mandatory state-wide During Phase I and II math or English or both can be targeted During Phase III, final implementation, if a student demonstrates need for both then the student must register for both
PHASE I MODELS Asheville-Buncombe Asheville City Math Buncombe County Community College LEA Subject Asheville-Buncombe Asheville City Math Buncombe County Madison County Alamance Community College Alamance-Burlington Schools Math and English Brunswick Community College Brunswick County Schools English Central Piedmont Community College Charlotte-Mecklenburg Davidson County Community College Lexington City Schools Pitt Community College Pitt County Schools Randolph Community College Asheboro City Schools PHASE I MODELS Eligibility criteria = Unweighted HS GPA 2.6-2.75 (depending on the model) AND ACT < 22 math and < 18 English
PHASE II MODELS (GEAR UP) Community College LEA Alamance Community College Alamance-Burlington Schools College of the Albemarle Chowan County Perquimans County Lenoir Community College Lenoir County Schools McDowell Technical Community College McDowell County Schools Pamlico Community College Pamlico County Schools Piedmont Community College Person County Schools Rockingham Community College Rockingham County Schools Richmond Community College Scotland County Schools Vance-Granville Community College Warren County Schools Mayland Community College Yancey County Schools PHASE II MODELS (GEAR UP)
PHASE II MODELS Community College LEA Cape Fear Community College Heide Trask HS, Pender Early College HS, Pender HS, Topsail HS Fayetteville Technical Community College Forsyth Technical Community College North Stokes HS, South Stokes HS, West Stokes HS Robeson Community College Sampson Community College Hobbton HS, Lakewood HS, Midway HS, Sampson Early College HS, Union HS Southeastern Community College Stanly Community College Albemarle HS PHASE II MODELS
Model Overview High schools will use the statewide math and/or English course Embedded or stand alone elective Student participates in math and/or English “course” developed by Community College System Student identified as not college ready in math and/or English Student enters directly into college-level math and English courses
Eligibility Criteria Phase I – Determined by local partnerships < 18 in English/Reading/Writing on the ACT <21 (22) in Mathematics on the ACT <2.6 through 2.75 unweighted GPA (varies by model) Phase II – Narrow eligibility criteria Phase III – Statewide criteria During Phase I the readiness criteria varied Phase II – data from Phase I will narrow choices for Phase II Statewide – criteria will be set statewide and aligned with MM
Mathematics – Current Models Embedded Essential of College Math Advanced Function and Models Stand-alone Computer aided instruction Nine week “mandatory” elective course Semester-long “mandatory” elective course Mastery based Cloud based ECM – least stringent MAR acceptable 4th math Semester – 1st and 4th block (carrots)
English – Current Models Course in development to better align with English IV Stand-alone Computer aided instruction Nine week “mandatory” elective course Semester-long “mandatory” elective Success 80% mastery Proficient writing samples on a minimum of two required writing assignments Requires a Learning Management System Is not cloud-based Cannot reside on the colleges’ LMS
What is Success? Successful completion in gateway math/English (on first attempt) Reduced developmental education footprint “Credit” for individual modules Successful completion on FIRST attempt at CC or UNC Students may not finish all of the modules, although of course that is the intent. Students will receive credit for those modules completed. Then at the CC they may/may not have to take the placement test
Phase I Timeline Summer ’16 Fall ’16 Spring ’17 A, B C, D, E, F, G, H I , J, K, L Task A Communication - Career and College Ready Graduates Community Colleges/DPI B Recruit and form Phase I partnerships Local CC and High Schools C Phase I models planning CC faculty/administrators – HS principals/teachers D Create statewide math and English course CCRG math and English sub-committees E Courses vetted CCRG taskforce F Identify eligible students, advise students High school counselors, teachers, instructional coaches G Create high school courses CC IT department and faculty H Schedule classes, identify teachers, register students I Pre-test (for benchmarking), instruction begins CC faculty and HS teachers J Regional Information Sessions & Assistant Superintendents meeting Community Colleges and High Schools, Assistant Superintendents K Post-test (for benchmarking) L Record student grades for community colleges CC faculty
Phase II Timeline Summer ‘17 Fall ’17 Spring ’18 M, N, O, P P, Q, R, S, T, U V, W, X Task M Recruit and form Phase II partnerships (including GEAR UP) Local CC and High Schools N Phase II models planning CC faculty/administrators – HS principals/teachers O Identify and advise eligible students High school counselors, teachers, instructional coaches P Assess data CCRG data sub-committee, The CC IR department, UNC-GA Q Use data to inform Phase II options CCRG data sub-committee, The CC IR department R Create high school courses (embedded or elective) The community college IT department and faculty S Schedule classes, identify teachers, register students T Ongoing professional development CCRG professional development committee, High school/CC teams U Create high school courses, V Instruction begins High School teachers W Assist high schools CC personnel X 6 – 8 Regional Information Sessions CC and High Schools
Factors for Phase III Implementation Automated reporting of data Data and Evaluation Qualitative Quantitative Alignment with NC’s Multiple Measures Policy Improvements in “course” content Statewide math and English “course”
State Agency Contacts NC Community College System Susan Barbitta, Associate Director for Special Projects NC Department of Public Instruction Tiffany Perkins, Director K-12 Standards, Curriculum and Instruction High schools will use the statewide math and/or English course Embedded or stand alone elective
Likes and Wonder Write the name of this session (ELA or Math) at the top of both sides of the index card. What have you heard in today’s session that you like? Record these on the lined side of a note card. What wonder(s) do you have after today’s session? Record these on the unlined side of the note card. Leave note cards in the center of the table.