Anelise Kologeski- Developing the Logical Reasoning of Young Students using Information Technology Tools: The “Logicando” Project Anelise Kologeski- Débora Nice Ferrari Barbosa- Sandra Teresinha Miorelli- Camille Grings Silva - Rodrigo Reis Mattos – Hello, my name is Anelise, I am from South of Brazil, and will present this Project developed in Feevale University about logical reasoning and Technology Information tools for young students from elementary school. This Project is called Logicando, and it is inside of the computer Science group.
Logicando: The Main Goal The “Logicando” Project aims to qualify the study of science and technology areas, based on the development of logical reasoning and using the information technology tools. How is participating? Undergraduate students and professors from the Feevale University, located in Novo Hamburgo (South of Brazil). Students and teachers from the public elementary school of the region nearby University (8o e 9o years). Our Project aims to develop de logical reasoning using new methodologies and tools Our public are students around 13-15 years old and their teachers, from public elementary schools near to the University.
Logicando: The Specific Goals Improve the students capability to solve problems with logical reasoning; Increase the number of teachers in the elementary schools that use the Project’s methodology in their learning practices; Encourage teachers to continue this project in the classroom; Select 5 Schools to be partners, in each year; Present the Project for 10 teachers, each year; Keep this Project by 5 years (from 2016 to 2020). Here we have our specif goals, and we can sumarize them as 5 schools and 10 teachers by year to introduce and reproduce our Project in their schools.
LOGICANDO Workshops First, we promote a meeting to present our ideas for the elementary school teachers. Level 1 and 2 Workshops (Total of 6 Workshops): A) Logical Reasoning and Programming Logic (Level 1 and 2) B) Logic Practice (Level 1 and 2) C) Programming Logic with Games (Level 1 and 2) Time duration of each Workshop: 1h30min To start we have a meeting with the teachers, to present the Project. After that, we apply 6 workshops of 1 hour and 30 minuts in each class.
Logicando: Resources Internet connection and computer labs (Feevale University or on own school); To access these websites to teach logical reasoning: Educational games installed in tablets (developed by Feevale students); One test is applied before and after each workshop to measure the knowledge and impact of each lesson. In these workshops, we use some tools available in this websites, and some games developed inside of the university (educational games). All these methodologies are to improve the logical reasoning of the students. To measure this knowlodge, we apply some questions before and after the workhop, just to check our results.
It is based on “Accelerated Course” from Workshop A - Level 1 It is based on “Accelerated Course” from Programming with Paper, using squares and painting: Labyrinth Programming Tutorial Here we have the first workshop, using this website. We introduce programming with paper and squares, and after that the students can play a game using the programming.
It is based on “Star Wars Game” from Workshop B - Level 1 It is based on “Star Wars Game” from The second workshop has programming, based on star wars game.
Workshop C - Level 1 Educational Games installed in tables from Feevale University The student needs to answer some questions about logical reasoning And the third workshop from level 1 is based on a game developed at Feevale University, where the students increasing the score when they answer some questions about logical reasoning.
Workshop A - Level 2 Small challenges with programming from Then, we have the level 2, starting with the famous scratch. The students love it, they can do the own game.
We use tablets to test the applications and we include song! Workshop B - Level 2 We create some applications with We use tablets to test the applications and we include song! In this worshop they insert song in some applications and they can test it in a tablet. It is a very funny workshop... Each song!
Educational Games installed in tables from Feevale University; Workshop C - Level 2 Educational Games installed in tables from Feevale University; The student needs to answer some questions about logical reasoning, to improve the score! And the last one is about answer the questions, and increase the score.
So here we have some pictures to show how is the class, the schools, the students....
Logicando: Schools and Numbers School (City) Semester Level Martha Wartenberg (Novo Hamburgo) 2016/01 1 EMEF Bento Gonçalves (Novo Hamburgo) 1 and 2 Adolfina Diefenthaler (Novo Hamburgo) 2016/01-02 Fernando Ferrari (Campo Bom) 2016/02 Presidente Getúlio Vargas (Novo Hamburgo) 2016/01 Workshop and Level Students A1 139 B1 132 C1 138 2016/02 Workshop and Level Students A1 98 B1 102 C1 103 2016/02 Workshop and Level Students A2 121 B2 119 C2 100 And here we have the name of the schools, and the number of studentes who participated of the Project in the last year.
Logicando: Results from 2016 Workshop 2016/01 Improvement of the Test Results 1A 8,33% 1B 45,25% 1C 34,61% Workshop 2016/02 Improvement of the Test Results 2A 5,66% 2B 1% 2C 11,11% Workshop 2016/02 Improvement of the Test Results 1A 18,8% 1B 25,58% 1C 16,98% So, based on the questions before and after each workshop, we obtained these results. From level one is ok, but for level two the results are not good enough... We are investigating.... It is strange, because the level two are the most funny and iteresting workshop in their opinions...
Logicando: Final Remarks Introduce new technology tools. Expand the horizons for the students, inserting them in the academic environment; Show new opportunities for these students; Individual use of computers and tablets; Increase the ability of logical reasoning. Then, our ideia is introduce new techologies and tools to develop de logical reasoning for students in the last year of elementar school.
Logicando: Final Remarks Positive feedback from teachers and students! “I really enjoyed to create my own game.” “I found the workshop very cool and I learned to do things I had never done.” “I really enjoyed to participated and I would like to work with programming in the future.” He received some positive feedback from the students, and here we have some examples.
Logicando: Challenges and Future Works To attend disabled students and to find partners to allow accessibility; To promote a Competition between students from different schools; To verify and to provide support when the teachers are applying these strategies in the classroom; To select and invite the schools to participate of our Project; To apply logical reasoning inside of the elementary school can help the students. So, how can we do it? How to know the appropriated technology to be used? Our challenges are to allow disable students in the Project. We want to produce a competition between the schools, about logical reasoning. Verify if the teachers are applying the ideias in other classes, and how to introduce this subject in the elementar school, for all students? How to choose the most appropriated techology to be used?
Thank you! Any questions? Anelise Kologeski- Developing the Logical Reasoning of Young Students using Information Technology Tools: The “Logicando” Project Thank you! Any questions? Anelise Kologeski- Débora Nice Ferrari Barbosa- Sandra Teresinha Miorelli- Camille Grings Silva - Rodrigo Reis Mattos –