Puzzle 10 bags with coins. 9 bags have coins of equal weights. 1 bag has defective coins (heavier or lighter by 1 lb) Using a spring balance, how many times do you need to weight to find the defective bag?
Puzzle 10 bags with coins. 9 bags have coins of equal weights. 1 bag has defective coins (heavier or lighter by 1 lb) Using a spring balance, how many weighings do you need to find the defective bag? Take 1 coin from 1st bag, 2 coins from 2nd bag, …, and 10 coins from the 10th bag. If X is the weight of a good coin, ideally total weight should be 55X. Assume the observed weight is 55X+/-Y. Yth bag is the defective bag.
Final Presentation Format 15 slides Context & Problem: 2 slides Work outline: 1 slide Work done (process): 5 slides Results (w/discussion): 5 slides Overall implications: 1 slide Summary/Lessons learned/Future work: 1 slide
Project Report PDF file (Microsoft word) 15 pages Introduction (1/2 page) Problem definition & Motivation (1/2 page) Background (2 pages) Work description (5 pages) Results & Analysis (5 pages) Overall inferences (1 page) Summary & conclusions (1/2 page) References (1/2 page) Include preliminary presentation material and final presentation material w/ additional results, information … on December 11th, by 11.59pm EST Send electronic copy only to both TA and me
Final Exam Format 3 types of questions Short, direct questions based on lecture material and discussions Open ended question based on topics covered during semester Question based on projects
Review TCP/IP basics Wireless networks Network QoS Ad-hoc/Sensor networks Paper presentations Programmable networks Projects