Into The Mind Of El Anatsui Post - MOdernism Into The Mind Of El Anatsui By Christian Pamaong
Subject: El Anatsui Medium: Sculpture/Installation Born in Anyako, Volta Region of Ghana in 1944 Received a BA at the College of Art, University of Science & Technology, Kusami, central Ghana(1969) Began teaching at University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 1975 Exhibited his works throughout many places in the world Bi
Utilizes typically discarded items (e Utilizes typically discarded items (e.g bottlecaps, aluminum) and simple materials (e.g clay, wood) as his medium. Each piece appears simple at first glance, but upon observation has excessive texture and intricate detail. His works "draw connections between consumption, waste, and the enviroment." Many pieces are also created to express the tradition of Ghana.
T S I A T S I A - S E A R C H I N G F O R C O N N E C T I O N
T S I A T S I A - S E A R C H I N G F O R C O N N E C T I O N - Made entirely of rubbish -Woven panels made with trash -Used printing plates -Discarded roofing material -Bottle-tops from cheap African liquor -Used anything as a tool to achieve this work -Largest piece he has ever made using bottle-tops - Won the Prestigious Charles Wollaston award of $25,000 (EUR)during the 2013 Summer Exhibition Aluminium (bottle-tops, printing plates, roofing sheets) and copper wire 15.6 x 25 m. on the facade of the Royal Academy of Arts -Woven panels made completely out of rubbish -Sections that appears like stones are made from USED PRINTING PLATES ANNOUNCING BIRTHS, DEATHS AND WEDDINGS. -Squares of vibrant colours come from DISCARDED ROOFING MATERIAL. -What appears as gold is actually a CHAIN-MAIL OF FLATTENED BOTTLE-TOPS FROM CHEAP AFRICAN LIQUOR El Anatsui. TSIATSIA – Searching For Connection,2013. Aluminum (bottle-tops, printing plates, roofing sheets) and copper wire.15.6 x 25 m. on the facade of the Royal Academy of Arts
El Anatsui Adinkra Sasa 2003 Aluminum and copper wire, fabric Collection of the artist Skin of Earth 2006 Aluminum and copper wire Ilene and Stanley Gold Collection, Los Angeles Many Moons 2007 Aluminum and copper wire Miriam Wosk Collection, Los Angeles
W O R K S C I T E D "El Anatsui - Jack Shainman Gallery." El Anatsui - Jack Shainman Gallery. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2016. "El Anatsui | ART21." El Anatsui | ART21. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2016. "El Anatsui: Gawu | Artworks." El Anatsui: Gawu | Artworks. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2016. "Gravity and Grace: Monumental Works by El Anatsui." Brooklyn Museum:. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2016. "Art-world Alchemy." The Economist. The Economist Newspaper, 22 May 2013. Web. 26 Sept. 2016.