Our Mysterious World Learning Journeys.


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Presentation transcript:

Our Mysterious World Learning Journeys

English: Kensuke’s Kingdom Desert Island survival- Draw map and create instructions Letter writing- Michael’s trip including places top trumps. Haiku poems linked to water and stars Japanese Grammar Discuss ambitious vocabulary Complex sentences Connectives I, Kensuke. What do we know about him? Discuss reasons for and against journey using connectives Report writing- Jellyfish Characters and Settings. What do we know about them? Ending. Review our thoughts and themes in book. Discuss reasons for staying or reasons leaving the island. Cross Curricular links- Hokusui Paintings, Volcanoes, Hiroshima bomb, the last Japanese story

English: Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation –cious word (y6), -tious words. ea words y5 Spelling 3. –ant –ent words (y6) ea words (y5) 5 –ough, ought and aught. ee words (y5) 2. –cial, -tial words (y6) - ea words (y5) 4. –ance – ence words (y6) ee words 6. –ance – ence words (y6) Long e (y5) Grammar 1.Standard English. 4. Connections 6. Direct and reported speech 2. Nouns, pro nouns, verbs, adverbs. 5. Complex sentences 7. L5 punctuation 3. Active and passive sentences

Maths: 1st half of Autumn Tern Written Maths Mental Maths Read write and compare 5,6,7,digit numbers. Doubling and halving to x4 x 8. Strategies to x by 20,25 and 9 Maths: 1st half of Autumn Tern Understand decimals Number bonds, mental addition and subtraction Multiply and divide by 10,100,1000. Time- 24hr, finding time intervals Times table practice Measures- including area and perimeter Mental time and measure problems Subtraction and Addition methods Weekly puzzles Mental money problems Use mathematical reasoning to investigste

Science: What is mysterious? How are stars made? Tom S What are the Northern Lights? Jake B and Jake W Why do eclipses happen? Henry How do waterfalls form? Ella How are rainbows formed? Sophie What killed the dinosaurs? Rex and Oliver How are volcanoes made? Oliver and Sam Why do animals have different features? Many people! How do birds fly? Evie.

English- Kensuke’s Kingdom/Private Peaceful (Michael Morpurgo) Reading activities- Discuss characters, settings, language, plot and predictions. Groups to read and compare other Morpurgo texts. Text types- Poetry, non- chronological reports, personal letters, instructions, newspaper reports, character descriptions, stories. Grammar and Spelling- Developing vocabulary through word classes, sentence structure, connectives, Standard English, complex punctuation. Suffixes and ea/ee spellings. Maths Mental-Doubling and halving (4x, 8x, ) Strategies to x by 20,25,9. Number bonds, addition and subtraction, time tables, time, measure and money. Negative numbers Written- Place value, decimals, multiply and divide by 10,100 and 1000. Time, measure and money. Written methods for subtraction and addition, multiplication and division. Fractions, ratio and proportion, 2d and 3d shape. Weekly puzzles. Our Mysterious World Topic Web Science (topics raised by children) Variation in animals, light (northern lights, rainbows, stars, eclipses) Why did the dinosaurs die? Computing- Networks, internet (history, uses, safety, programing RE- Sacred texts, friendship Music- Listening, composition and by playing the Ukulele, French- P.E- Basic skills, indoor athletics and gymnastics Art/D.T- Key skills/techniques, African art creating a volcano and maybe own stone circle!! History/Geography (some topics raised by children) Seas and oceans, WW1, Japan, Volcanoes, Freak weather, stone circles

History/Geography: What is mysterious? Where are the worlds volcanoes? How did the pyramids get built? What is the Bermuda Triangle? Why did they drop the bomb? What happened to the forgotten soldier of Japan? Who built Stonehenge and other stone circles? Henry , Jake, Ewan, Lauren What causes Tsunamis? Jess Where in the world can you go in a boat? What causes lightning and freak weather? .

Measures/Time/Money Pre Test- Linking converting units of measure to multiplying and dividing by 10,100,100 How do I read scales accurately? How can I tell the time in 12 hr and 24hr? What are the units of measure and can I convert between them? How do I work with problems with time and timetables? How can I work out problems with measures How do I work out mixed measures problems? Re test-Pre test (Time/Money) Test- Money and Time How do I work with problems associated with money?

Computing Spelling Grammar –cious word (y6), -tious words. ea words y5 3. –ant –ent words (y6) ea words (y5) 5 –ough, ought and aught. ee words (y5) 2. –cial, -tial words (y6) - ea words (y5) 4. –ance – ence words (y6) ee words 6. –ance – ence words (y6) Long e (y5) Grammar 1.Standard English. 4. Connections 6. Direct and reported speech 2. Nouns, pro nouns, verbs, adverbs. 5. Complex sentences 7. L5 punctuation 3. Active and passive sentences