The Beginning of World War II Chapter 24
The Seeds A. New Revolutionary Leaders B. Economic Unrest C The Seeds A. New Revolutionary Leaders B. Economic Unrest C. Germans Believed The Treaty of Versailles was Unfair D. Soviets resented carving up parts of Russia to create Poland, Finland, Estonia. Lithuania, and Lativia E. Treaty did not help European nations rebuild
The Dictators A) Soviet Union- Joseph Stalin. 1 The Dictators A) Soviet Union- Joseph Stalin 1. Soviet Union established in 1922 2. V.I. Lenin dies in 1924, Stalin takes over 3. Stalin meant “Man of Steal” 4. Stalin focused on model Communist State -reformed agriculture and industry which trampled small farm and business owners
Continued… 5. 1927-Stamped out all private enterprise 6 Continued… 5. 1927-Stamped out all private enterprise 6. 1928-Issued 5 year plan calling for industrial dominance 7. Established Police State -Eyes were always watching -Shipped to Siberia if you did something wrong 8. Great Purge of 1934-38 -8 million to 13 million executed by Stalin 9. By 1939, Stalin had created a totalitarian government
B) Italy- Benito Mussolini 1 B) Italy- Benito Mussolini 1. 1919- Rise to power leading war vets to fight politicians 2. Ideals were called Fascism - Italy was to become dominate country in world(Nationalism) 3. Many businessman feared Communism-supported Mussolini 4. Staged a march on Rome w/ black shirted supporters -king allowed him to form a new government 5. Called himself Il Duce (the chief) 6. Even made the trains run on time 7. Crushed all opposition
C. Japan –Military 1. Invade Manchuria in 1931 -Chinese Province -Quit League of Nations 2. Believe the Empire needed more living space 3. Military became strong
III. Adolf Hitler- Germany Soldier during WWI 1. Grew up in Vienna, Austria 2. Wanted to be an artist 3. Displaced after WWI B) Joined National Socialist German Worker’s Party (NAZI) 1. Had no Communist tie—hated! C) Nazism 1. Outlined in Mein Kampf (My Struggle) 2. Based on extreme nationalism --unite all German speaking people --blonde hair blue eyed Germans were to rule the world 3. Needed to expand living space for Germans
D) Great Depression forced 6 million out of work-- Hitler was last hope 1. March 1932 elections– Nazis won more votes but not a majority 2. January 1933– Hitler appointed Chancellor (Prime Minister) E) He dismantled Weimer Republic and established the Third Reich (Third German Empire) 1. Thousand-year Reich IV. Aggression A) League of Nations was seen as weak B) 1933– Hitler pulls out of League C) 1935– begins military build up D) 1936– sent troops to Rhineland E) Signed Rome-Berlin Axis Pact
F) Mussolini attacked Ethiopia by June 1936-- it falls G) League does nothing about Germany, Italy, or Japan H) Haile Selassic, “It is us today. It will be you tomorrow!”
Germany Takes Europe Hitler’s Blitzkreig
Hitler needed room for his people A) Expansion closest to the country was convenient B) Austria and Czechoslovakia were closest II. Union with Austria A) Hitler meets with Kurt Von Schuschnigg Austrian Chancellor B) Bullied him into signing agreement to allow Nazi’s into his government
C) Schuschnigg changed his mind and Hitler invaded on March 11, 1938 D) The world did nothing III. The Sudentenland A) Mountainous region of about 3 million German speaking people B) Hitler said they were abused C) Sent troops to border D) France and Britain turned land over to Germany in Munich pact - Daladier and Chamberlain cheered peace
V. The U.S. stays neutral A) U.S. signs Kellogg-Brained Act which states they will never enter war again with 26 other countries B) 1930’s people got mad because the bankers made money off of WWI C) Neutrality Acts 1. Outlaw arms or loans to nations at war (Aggressors) D) Roosevelt still sent aid to China and Spain E) He spoke out against isolationism, was ripped by press Began to support Churchill with arms, transportation, and money. America became “Great Arsenal of Democracy”