How to Make This Conference Your Money-Maker! Originally presented at the MCCC Business EXCELerator on March 16, 2016 How to Make This Conference Your Money-Maker! Gloria Larkin 866-579-1346
Set Your Objectives Sales related objectives lead directly to a sale. They include such things as gathering qualified leads or networking with decision makers. Communication related objectives lead indirectly to increased business such as awareness, image and market research.
Before: Prepare yourself! Research exhibitors & attendees Government & businesses Prioritize targets: highlight them Sign up for matchmaking Research a minimum of 3 opps for each match Create specific capability statements Practice your matchmaking 30 second pitch
During: Make the most of the day Bring one page Capability Statements Bring more business cards than you think you will need, plus extras! Wear comfortable shoes Attend the welcome and mingle with attendees Be early for matchmaking Go to the exhibitor area whenever you are not scheduled to meet
During: Make the most of the day Remember: give before you get! Offer in some way to make a connection for someone you meet Make notes on business cards Pick up any information available from your targeted agencies, primes, and vendors Practice extricating yourself from a long-winded colleague Drink plenty of fluids! Exchange cards often
After: Results driver! What you do after the conference will make or break your results Put every card into your CRM system If you promised something: do it! Schedule it in your calendar Send follow-up emails, request briefings Make calls within three days Don’t stop! Send good information, don’t spam. Research Sources Sought Notices for target agencies Repeat!
Special Tips: Do not invest in expensive brochures or other collateral materials Only need business cards and targeted capability statements Swag: indulge yourself! Dress professionally with nice and comfortable shoes Slide business cards into your name tag Wear your name tag up high enough to read