Hillside View, Schenectady NY Bev Bates
Hillside View- Schenectady, New York M CATHERINE HULETT HAMILTON 708 Stanley 702 Stanley 807 Emmett 809 Emmett 602 Craig St., Rehab (934 Delamont): Gut rehab / Adaptive re-use of historic school to 25 senior hsg units. 934 Delamont will become part of 602 Craig Street. 400 Craig St., Rehab (812 Emmett) Gut rehab / Adaptive re-use of historic school to 13 family units, & community service facility on 1st floor. 812 Emmett Street will become part of 400 Craig Street. 702 Stanley St., Rehab: Gut Rehab existing 2 family building. MOYSTON EMMETT MARTIN ALBANY ST. 716 Stanley 812 Emmett 310 Craig 708 Stanley St., Rehab: Gut Rehab existing 2 family building. STANLEY HAMLIN GLE 716 & 720 Stanley St., New Construction: Demolish (2) existing abandoned 2 family buildings, construct (1) new 4 family building. 730 Stanley St., Rehab: Gut Rehab existing 2 family building. HAWK STATE 720 Stanley DELA MONT EMMETT 713-717 Stanley St., New Construction: Existing, vacant land, construct (1) new 6 family building, provide new playground / green space behind 400 Craig. CRAIG STEUBEN GRANT 807 & 809 Emmett St., New Construction (AKA 310 Craig Street): demo abandoned single family home at 807, and construct (1) new 4 family building. LINCOLN STANLEY 730 Stanley 400 Craig Total: 58 units . N 934 Delamont 704 Craig 602 Craig 715 Stanley STANLEY MC L Hillside View- Schenectady, New York Hillside View Redevelopment Map: dave sadowsky, architect, p.c. Prepared - 9.15.16 socially conscious sustainable design / sadowskyarchitect.com
Hillside View, Schenectady NY The Development 58 units for families and seniors together with parking, community and open space First phase of a larger redevelopment initiative targeting blighted scattered sites $21.5 M TDC funded by: $16.5 M in equity (LIHTC and Federal and State Historic) $736,423 Community Investment Fund soft loan $1.75M NSP2 loan from TCB $660,000 in AHP $1.74M perm loan from the Community Preservation Corporation $163,000 in developer contributions Studios to 3BR units 9 units set-aside for veterans 4 units set-aside for homeless families 13 units of supportive housing funded by the Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative 43 PBVs under contract with Schenectady Metropolitan Housing Authority 15 units of LIHTC-only Under construction – scheduled to complete in March, 2018
The Service Program All residents of Hillside View will be low or lower income Neighborhood is transitional in nature with some blight, crime, etc. 13 unit Supportive Housing Program for the homeless and vets Schenectady Community Action Program (“SCAP”) will provide case management and other support TCB will employ one full-time resident services coordinator and one part-time evaluator to coordinate services for remaining residents, collaborate with SCAP and oversee evaluation according to SFF guidelines Services/program objectives will include: Housing stability Connecting youth to educational and recreational programming Financial literacy and asset building Workforce development/employment Increasing access to healthy foods Enhancing health and wellness 400 Craig Street Community Services Facility – 2000 square feet of space devoted to: The Albany Barn – “Maker Space” for arts, technology, trades and community engagement Digital lab – educational space for workshops in basic graphic, fashion design, audio/video production, etc. Schenectady Police Department “substation” Electric City Bike Rescue –rescue, repair and redistribution of publicly donated bicycles Capital Roots – fresh food market on-site weekly
Strong Families Fund $90,000 per year for 10 years provided by SFF Potential for another $120,000 performance-based “kicker” in year 11 Augments funding from Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) - $259, 292 per year for the next five years Together, they fund truly comprehensive service package for ALL residents Equity pricing plus service dollars make for very competitive package Service coordination model leverages support from 23 other agencies Longer-term nature of funding allows reliability of programming Emphasis on outcomes and evaluation Advice and support from Corporation for Supportive Housing Being part of 10- project initiative creates opportunity for learning and sharing