Annette Dubrouillet, Decision Drivers LLC Decision Making for ECE Program Administrators: Why Style Matters Presented by Annette Dubrouillet, Decision Drivers LLC www. Ph: 973-998-4620 @decisiondrivers Decision Drivers, LLC
Annette Dubrouillet has been endorsed by an independent lab. Annette has been endorsed by an independent lab.
Why do you care about making the best decision the first time? Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Why do you care about making the best decision the first time?
“I knew I was going to take the wrong train, so I left early.” Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC “I knew I was going to take the wrong train, so I left early.” Yogi Berra
Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Types of Decisions 1. Deliberate Decisions - You are in charge of the process and the outcome. 2. Defective Decisions – You allow something or someone to totally drive your decision and that may lead to a wrong decision.
Three reasons we make defective decisions: Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Three reasons we make defective decisions: We’ve never been trained in a formal process. We allow extraneous items/issues to drive the decision. We have differing personality characteristics.
Three components of decision making: Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Three components of decision making: Personality Characteristics External forces aka Decision Driver™ 7-Step Process
Personality Characteristics Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Personality Characteristics What kind of decision-makers do you deal with? Open-ended Closed-ended
Personality Characteristics Decision Making: Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Personality Characteristics Open-ended Pros Consider more info Everyone gets a say Less chance of missing options More ownership by more people Cons Can take a long time Things don’t get done Demoralizing and stifles initiative Can be viewed as a weak position
Personality Characteristics Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Personality Characteristics Closed-ended Pros Can be faster Know who’s got the monkey Good in crisis Good when there is no choice Cons Can limit initiative and ownership Can appear autocratic Demoralizing and stifles initiative Can be viewed as an inflexible position
Personality Characteristics Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Personality Characteristics You know they are Open-ended if they: never come to closure keep asking questions change their mind after deciding are easily swayed or influenced want to involve lots of people want to ponder get stuck in “analysis paralysis”
Personality Characteristics Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Personality Characteristics You know they are Close-ended if they: don’t want discussions never ask questions hurry through decisions want to “get on with it” can’t be influenced or swayed think they must make the decisions think they are the best decider
Personality Characteristics Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Personality Characteristics Ways to Make Them More Effective Open-ended Decider Present low number of options Know the time constraints Present the ramifications Lead them down the inevitable path The “I know you’re busy” method
Personality Characteristics Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Personality Characteristics Ways to Make Them More Effective Closed-ended Decider Present best alternative first Present ltd number of options Know the ramifications Know the time limits The “protect your boss” method
Personality Characteristics Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Personality Characteristics What kind of decision-maker are YOU? Open-ended Closed-ended
Personality Characteristics Why Style Matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Personality Characteristics Ways to Make Myself More Effective Open-ended Decider Time limit - low number Options limit - low number Closed-ended Decider Time limit - high number Options limit - high number
Personality Characteristics Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Personality Characteristics Brain Dominance: Will you be able to see new things?
Got Brains? Left-brained versus Right-Brained General principle: Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Got Brains? Left-brained versus Right-Brained General principle: If you’re right-handed, you’re left-brained and if you’re left-handed you’re right-brained.
Left-brained versus Right-Brained Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Left-brained versus Right-Brained General principle: Left-brained - systematic, logical, sequential, “stay within the lines” Right-brained - divergent thinking, Gestalt, “creative”
Left-brained versus Right-Brained Decision Making: Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Left-brained versus Right-Brained Activities to activate right brain: Figure-ground pictures Puzzles Walk backwards Brush teeth with other hand Stand on head
What do these say? LE T VEL O W ROAD R AD N MAN BOARD R E A D I N G Decision Making: Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC What do these say? 4 3 LE VEL T O W N 2 1 ROAD MAN BOARD R AD 5 6 He’s/Himself R E A D I N G 7 DEATH/LIFE 9 M.D. B.A. Ph.D. 8 10 ECNALG KNEE LIGHT
Three components of decision making: Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Three components of decision making: Personality Characteristics External forces aka Decision Driver™ 7-Step Process
Three components of decision making: Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC Three components of decision making: Personality Characteristics Open-ended vs. Closed-ended Left-brained vs. Right-brained.
e-book – “Heads Up on Head Start Decisions Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC How to get more info: e-book – “Heads Up on Head Start Decisions Webinar – May 18th, 12:30 pm – 1:15 pm “Make No Mistake: How to make the best decision the first time.” e-blasts “Delving into Decisions” Coffee chat (even if you drink tea)
Annette Dubrouillet, Decision Drivers LLC Decision Making for ECE Program Administrators: Why Style Matters Presented by Annette Dubrouillet, Decision Drivers LLC www. Ph: 973-998-4620 @decisiondrivers Decision Drivers, LLC
Why style matters, © Decision Drivers, LLC 1. Driven Decisions – Someone or something forces you to decide a certain way Time drivers People drives Resource drivers 2. Desperate Decisions – times drives the decision a. Emergencies b. Procrastination c. Short time-line 3. Deficit Decisions – based on what has been lacking