Learn how the cloud is accelerating network transformation Microsoft 2016 11/5/2017 11:47 PM THR4000 Learn how the cloud is accelerating network transformation Michael Dews © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
How the Cloud Is Accelerating Network Transformation Brian Hoekelman VP Cloud Ecosystem & Business Development Michael Dews Dir., Product Management
Trends Transforming Your Network SECURING Cloud Deployments SDN API & Portals INCONSISTENT Workloads CONTENT Distribution DATA CENTER Connectivity PUBIC CLOUD Services
SDN APIs & Portals What Triggered This Shift? Self-Service IT model Customers want to control their own networks SaaS for user friendly interfaces; networks must match the experience Traditional Network Model Telcos perform routing and peering on the customer’s MPLS WAN Optimization Network devices are deployed on the WAN Network Transformation Monitor and manage network assets through SDN Ability to control network resources as compute scales in the cloud
Inconsistent Workloads What Triggered This Shift? Back-up and storage workloads move to the cloud – periodic spikes in bandwidth demands Traditional Network Model Static Network Connections, with fixed bandwidth Resourcing for peak bandwidth needs = wasted investments Network Transformation Network resources to be built to scale with on-demand bandwidth capabilities Pay-as-you-go consumption models become mainstream for cloud services; network services to follow suit
Securing Cloud Deployments What Triggered This Shift? Data available demands – but it is stored in different locations Need to secure data sent to and from the cloud Need to secure data in the cloud while allowing access from anywhere Traditional Network Model Applications and databases were located in the enterprise data center Customer managed security policies and equipment on premises Network Transformation Security takes on as-a-service model Managed Security Services Network monitoring with enhanced intelligent platforms
Public Cloud Services What Triggered This Shift? Cloud providers investing billions to create powerful IaaS solutions Hybrid cloud services allow you to quickly scale compute and storage resources Multi-cloud strategies Traditional Network Model Applications were located and managed in an enterprise data center or the customer’s premises Upgrades slow, patch management complex, hardware expensive Network Transformation Private, high-throughput connections to the cloud Extend your network to reach the cloud or point-to-point connections from a central location
Data Center Connectivity What Triggered This Shift? Companies leveraging data center and cloud services to accelerate growth and decrease time to market Deploying hybrid applications that span the data center and cloud Traditional Network Model Mission-critical applications were located on-premises and delivered through the corporate network Network Transformation Private network connections between the data center and the cloud optimize performance of business critical applications and up-time
Content Distribution What Triggered This Shift? Massive increase in content & consumption through several different types of media A flood of connected devices, from wearables to sensors attached to kitchen appliances, sparking the IoT trend Traditional Network Model Content and digital downloads served to customers from an enterprise data center Network Transformation Content served to end-users directly from the cloud High-powered content distribution networks and digital download strategy from the cloud
USE CASE: Back-up & Disaster Recovery Challenge Perform data back-ups to the cloud without reducing performance of other critical applications or having to deploy a larger static network connection to the cloud Solution During scheduled back-ups, SDN provides a solution for enterprises to schedule increased bandwidth to the cloud during peak hours, and then the ability to scale back down once completed Result Now with alerts-driven dynamic bandwidth, the company can back up data to the cloud multiple times per hour and simultaneously run real-time traffic, without any delay or impact to their other mission-critical applications
USE CASE: Big Data Analytics Challenge An enterprise that collects millions of customer behavior records each day is moving their data storage and processing workloads to the cloud. The applications require a highly consistent data transfer rate to prevent time-outs, re-boots and re-sending of information Solution Private connectivity to the cloud creates a more predictable network experience by lowering latency, packet loss, and the unpredictability of the public internet Result Migrating the data storage and processing workloads to the cloud lead to a decrease in processing time, lower bandwidth costs and increased productivity
USE CASE: Extending the Data Center Challenge Organizations want to move to a hybrid cloud operating model that allows them to quickly standup new infrastructure without building out additional datacenter space, hardware, and electrical power systems Solution Secure network connectivity to the cloud allows for added compute and storage capacity to your existing datacenter Result With high throughput and low latencies, the cloud feels like a natural extension of the data center, so you enjoy the scale and economics of the public cloud without having to compromise on network performance or security
Optimized Network Solutions Built for the Cloud PUBLIC CLOUD Services Level 3® Cloud Connect Solutions DATA CENTER Connectivity Level 3® Worldwide Data Center Services SDN API & Portals Level 3SM Adaptive Network Control Solutions INCONSISTENT Workloads Level 3SM Dynamic Capacity CONTENT Distribution Level 3® Content Delivery Network SECURING Cloud Deployments Level 3SM Managed Security Services www.level3.com
QUESTIONS? Stop by Booth #627 to Learn More www.level3.com
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