Visitor Management System A Project Proposal on From
Basic Features of the Software Basic features of Visitor Management System for short term visitor as follows. Restriction of free movement of visitor into the office premises Keeping of Visitor’s data like Name, Address, Contact No, Photo & the person with whom he/she wish to meet. Verification & official intimation to the person with whom the visitor came to meet. Restrict / allow visitor to enter specific area / areas. Issuance of temporary ID card to visitor for further verification at next level. Maintaining the data for tracking the visitor in future.
Product Glossary K J TUMI is a Visitor Management system, created to offer easy-to-use Solutions for all Front Office Reception management needs. KJ TUMI stores all Visitor Information, allowing the user to manage and view events, increasing the control over the people inside the building and knowing who is inside, where and why. KJ TUMI records visit information, controls time and decreases writing errors at reception desk, manages flow of visitor arrival and prompts unauthorized visitor entry. Applications Offices Reception Warehouses Financial Institution BPO’s/Call Centers Governmental Institutions entrance Security Companies Associations / Clubs Industry Entrances control Trade show Badges Defense / R& D Labs
K J TUMI: Electronic Visitor Management System Professional Features Reduce writing errors at reception desk with auto typing aid and automatically place data on record. It may be interfaced to Web Camera for live picture capturing and Finger print device for Biometric image capture and verification. Badge Printing Print badges with personalized information or assigns badges to visitors. Use auto print and save time creating you badge at check in moment. Manage badges produced and in use in real time. Access Control Interface (Optional) Issue Access Control Card (Smart Card) to visitor after assigning him to visit a defined area in real time. Visitor will only be allowed to use the card where assigned. Upon leaving, the card is returned back to the front desk and all the rights defined for this card is removed (check out). The card can be reissued to a new visitor. Data Analyze and reports Print reports and view visitors on the building, resources in use and meetings in real-time. Record all visit contacts for future use and backup them at any time.
Complete Process Flow
Visitor Registration Form (For first time Visitor)
Check In Form without Finger Print
ID card Format
Check Out Form (Card will be taken back here)
List of Visitors Report
Daily Transaction Report
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