Rob van der Bliek Mark Robertson Research Indicators Rob van der Bliek Mark Robertson
Sources of Citation Data ISI Products Web of Science (ISI) Journal Citation Reports (ISI) Other Products Google Scholar Google Books Publish or Perish (Herzing) Scopus
3 Kinds of Citation Data Articles Citation Impact Authors h-index & g-index Journals Journal Impact Factor
Kinds of Citation Data Counting Articles Times Cited
Kinds of Citation Data Author Impact Average number of citations/article h-index: a scholar with an index of h has published h papers with at least h citations each H-index Proposed in 2005 by Jorge E. Hirsch Intended to measure: Quality Sustainability of research output Average article impact (ISI) corrects for quantity Quantity x Quality Corrects for one-hit wonder phenomenon and for scholars with lots of low or no impact publications G-index attempts to correct for fact that H index ignores additional citations once a journal article counts in the h-index
Kinds of Citation Data Journal Quality Impact Factor: The average number of times published papers are cited in the two calendar years following publication
The problem of research indicators Disciplinary publication patterns Time lag in publication cycle Greater science coverage in ISI Bias towards citation in journals in ISI Geographic and linguistic bias Matthew effect
Psychiatry journals
Developmental Psychology journals
Example problem Challenges No ISI data No journal impact factor available Only Google Scholar data available
Solutions? Google Scholar H-index and G-index Download usage data Helps address limited coverage of ISI Helps track impact wider economic or social impact beyond academic publications H-index and G-index H-index and G-index help correct differences in publication cycle time lag that may be characteristic of different disciplines Download usage data Helps track impact beyond scholarly citation Helps track local as opposed to global impact