Meltem YILMAZ 120315046 BRAVEHEART
It tells the story of Willam Wallece. Braveheart is a movie that it directed and starred by Mel Gibson in 1995. It tells the story of Willam Wallece. Likewise it was watched for many years in Turkey and it beat a record. It also won five different Academy Awards. Best Picture, Best Makeup, Best Cinematography, Best Film Editing, Best Director
King Edward Longshanks Willam Wallace Princiess Isabella Murron
Willam Wallece was a national hero. Leader of Scottish His father, older brother and wife was killed by English
Murron & Wıllams Murron is his chilhood crush. They married secretly.
What is the “Prime Noctis”?
He cut off sheriff’s head.
Isabelle & Willam Princiess Isabelle (King Edward Longshanks’s son’s wife) fell in the love with Wallace and help him. Also she fell pregnant of Wallace.
He shout out “Freedom”
With Love & Freedom
“ I’m Willam Wallace and I see awhole army of my countrymen, here in defience of tranny. You’ve come to fight as free men.And free men you are. -What will you do with that freedom? -Will you fight? ” Fight and you may die.Run, you’ll live at least awhile.And dying in your beds, many years from now, Would you be willing to trade, all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies That day may take our lives but they’ll never take our freedom..