CIBT Investor Presentation v.90 Toby Y. Chu President and CEO This document is for information purposes only and is not an offer to sell, nor a solicitation of an offer to purchase, any securities. It does not purport to contain all of the information that a prospective investor may require and it is not intended to provide any legal, tax or investment advice. TSX: MBA OTCQX: MBAIF Corp Video
CIBT Group & Subsidiaries 19 Business college campuses under Sprott Shaw College - SSC 1 Ontario high school under Urban International School - UIS 6 Language school campuses under Sprott Shaw Language College - SSLC 5 Recruitment offices in Asia under Global Education Alliance – GEA 7 Student housing apartments & hotels in Metro Vancouver, including the Super & Mega Centers in Richmond/Surrey under Global Education City - GEC 1 CIBT Corporate head office in Vancouver, which includes Irix Design Group Inc. 45 Total Locations 500+ staffs 15,000 annual enrollments 6 Overseas campuses under CIBT School of Business and Beihai International College - CIBT CIBT Education Group Inc.
42+ 140+ 20,000+ 15,000 CIBT Student Pipelines to GEC Countries Student access 140+ Partnerships Develop Serviced Apartments and Hotels for Students 15,000 Domestic International Placements We Source. We Educate. We Develop. CIBT Education Group Inc.
GEC Business Formula Real Estate Supported by Education STUDENT APARTMENT & HOTEL DEVELOPMENTS LOCATION LOCATION Always near Skytrain station or major traffic artery HIGH YIELD ROI 8 - 10% cash flow Return-on-Investment every year for each project APPRECIATION ROC High Yield + Location = Lower Cap Rate 100+% Return-on-Capital upon exit SUPPORTED BY AN EXPANSIVE EDUCTAION PLATFORM STUDENT PIPELINE Students from over42 countries and over 140 B.C. schools guaranteeing diversity and a large client base CASH FLOW Prepaid tuition & steady Rental Income significantly reduces the cash flow risk of real estate development CIBT Education Group Inc.
QS Best Student Cities 2017 Ranking Market Size in Canada Canada is an important market player for international students 1.United States 2. United Kingdom 3. Australia 5. Canada 9. China $20 Billion in Spending QS Best Student Cities 2017 Ranking 1. Montreal 10. Vancouver 11. Toronto $11.4 Billion Annual spending by international students in 2016 (ICEF) $20Billion Canada had approximately 350,000 international students in 2015, including short term language students, the number was nearly 450,000. Government plans to double the size of international student population CIBT Education Group Inc.
Canada was named #2 Best Education Country in the world by US News Market Size for Student Housing in Metro Vancouver est. 130,000 International students in B.C. + domestic students 20% International student growth in 2014 10k/year Average rent 30% International student growth in 2015 0.2% Current vacancy rate $1.3 billion Market size 6,000+ Waitlist for UBC Dorm $2.6 billion Projected market size by 2022 Canada was named #2 Best Education Country in the world by US News CIBT Education Group Inc. Global TV
Cost Effective & Privacy Hotel lay-out during Summer Plenty of Study and Storage Space Shared Accommodation during Academic Seasons from Sept to June CIBT Education Group Inc.
CIBT Education Group Inc. GEC Granville Kitchen, Dining & Lounge Metro Vancouver 840 Beds Fully Equipped Shared Kitchen Dining Room Student Lounge CIBT Education Group Inc.
CIBT Education Group Inc. Strategically Located GEC Burnaby Heights GEC Viva GEC Granville GEC King Edward II GEC Pearson GEC Education Super Center GEC Education Mega Center Select Education Institutions Subway Stations GEC Projects CIBT Education Group Inc.
Project Summary GEC Viva Downtown Vancouver ~210 beds Currently operational Purchase Price: $35M Appraised value: $54M 100% occupied GEC King Edward Cambie and W King Edward Ave, Vancouver ~184 beds 2019 completion Estimated value $36M GEC Granville Downtown Vancouver ~240 beds Currently operational Purchase Price: $37.5M Appraised value: $56.5M 95% occupied GEC Education Super Center Project Cost $182M Estimated Exit Value: $261M $11+M Phase I investment completed $59M investment in Phase II and III in 2017 / 2018 GEC Burnaby Heights North Burnaby Serviced apartment: 30 residential units + commercial units 95% occupied Purchase price: $17.75M Appraised value: $24.2M GEC Education Mega Center Project Cost $230M* Estimated Exit Value: $296M $6+M Phase I investment completed $69M Phase II - IV investment from 2017-2019 GEC Pearson Cambie and 60th Ave, Vancouver ~330 beds Aug 2017 completion Purchase price: $42.5M Appraised value: $65M * 10% contingency included on top of estimated costs
CIBT Education Group Inc. Flagship Project 1: GEC Super Center Richmond 750 Beds $19.7M Projected Annual Rental Income $182M Estimated Purchase Price 15+ Schools & Hotel with 1,000+ beds $11.7M Projected EBITDA 8.7% Projected Annual ROI $261M Projected Valuation CIBT Education Group Inc.
CIBT Education Group Inc. Flagship Project 2: GEC Mega Center Surrey 840 Beds $18.8M Projected Annual Rental Income 25+ Schools 1,200 Hotel Beds Agents Offices Shared Amenities Library IT & HR Centres Food Court Fitness Centre Study Lounge Auditorium $13.4M Projected EBITDA 9.6% Projected Annual ROI $230M* Total Project Cost $296M Projected Valuation * 10% contingency included CIBT Education Group Inc.
Financial Overview Audited Selected Financial Information as of F2016 Aug 31,2016 (in millions CAD) 12 Months Ended August 31, 2016 August 31, 2015 August 31, 2014 Total revenues $36.11 $32.18 $30.94 Less: General and administrative expenses -$19.83 -$19.34 -$19.73 Add: Gain on fair value changes in investment properties $9.78 $7.62 $0 Income – Before Income Taxes $10.67 $6.96 ($2.21) Gain on Disposal of Education Subsidiary $3.83 $7.03 Net income $9.22 $6.0 $5.31 Net Income Attributable to CIBT Education Group Inc. shareholders $3.91 $1.04 $5.16 Total assets $102.35 $80.67 $41.7 Long-term liabilities $29.33 $24.34 $1.12 EBITDA (Non-IFRS) Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation Amortization $12.32 $8.08 ($1.00) EPS after Non-Controlling Interest to CIBT shareholders (in dollars) $0.06 $0.02 $0.08 CIBT Education Group Inc.
CIBT Education Group Inc. Areas of Growth 2015A 2016A 2017E 2018E Educational Revenues 27,248,686 27,192,358 33,050,000 48,635,000 Rental Revenues 647,046 4,959,459 6,773,066 11,590,264 Development Fees 2,582,023 1,713,737 5,875,000 26,750,000 Other Revenues 1,701,196 2,248,590 1,865,987 1,921,967 Total Revenues $32,178,951 $36,114,144 $47,564,053 $88,897,231 Net Income $6,000,774 $9,215,414 $12,494,447 $28,712,115 EBITDA $12,323,221 $8,079,992 $18,179,001 $41,530,515 EPS (Net of NCI) $0.02 $0.06 $0.08 $0.18 CIBT Education Group Inc.
CIBT Education Group Inc. Awards & Recognitions “Top 100 Most Profitable Companies in BC” Business in Vancouver - #56 CIBT Education Group Inc. “Canada’s Fastest Growing Companies” Profit Magazine 2003 - 2015 “Top 1000: Exclusive rankings of Canada’s most profitable companies” Globe and Mail, Report on Business 2013 “Top 100 Public Companies in BC” Business in Vancouver Newspaper 2012 - 2016 “Top 100 Largest Public Companies” BC Business Magazine 2012 - 2016 “Top 5 Sino-Foreign Colleges in China 2008” “Premium Growth Award – featured 8 times in 15 years” Profit Magazine 2014 “Top 100 Most Profitable Company in B.C” Business in Vancouver 2015 -2016 “Best Practice in Automotive Education” IFC World Bank, Washington, DC “China’s Most Influential Sino MBA Program 2004 & 2007” Executive Weekly Magazine “Canadian Success Story, Leading the way to Asia” Asia Pacific Foundation, Canada “3rd Most Luxurious Student Housing Community in Canada; 7th in North America” CIBT Education Group Inc.