BICS PAC Treasurer Report June 19, 2017 Income Total : $3,544 Expenses Total : $11,337 -3,262.72 Hot Lunch (net $6,983 to date) $3,296.79 BIRD $1,500 Art Show Total Income in June was $3,544. Hot lunch revenue of -$3,262.72 includes an estimated $3,600 for expenses to close on the program from last 4 lunches. There will also be an end of the year BBQ, so final numbers for the hot lunch program are still to come. BIRD raised a surprising $3,297 for the time, amazing effort by all, congratulations! $1,500 are the net proceeds from the CSA/PAC art show, these funds have been donated to the playground. $2,000 from the unrestricted reserves were added to the library commons reserve and sent to the district in a trust, waiting for the purchase of tables and chairs, which will hopefully be able to happen over the summer. A $10 cheque was deposited, originally it had the wrong date on it, and had to be rewritten, so it did not make it in with the original deposit. Total expenses of $11,337 are listed, mostly catching up with the end of the school year programs wrapping up. The swimming was a new expense taken from the overage in the PE Enrichment fund and used to help offset the cost for swimming lessons for special needs students. $2,000 unrestricted reserves Bank Fees $7 $10 Clothing Sale
Fundraiser Update Budget v Actual Amazing accuracy in terms of predicting money made from fundraising. The lunch program is not finished, but this is the expected result. Stong’s is every other year, so there was no income from Stong’s this year.
Hot Lunch Program Highlights On track to raise ~$7K revenue v $8K goal Program Costs Increased Credits for volunteers and subsidy (~$4,400) Credit Card Fee 4% ($1,028) Non-payment (~$1,200) Looking Forward Coordinator role, utilize slotted? Volunteer credits unusually high It was surprising to find out how much the volunteer/ subsidies credits have raised this year compared to last year. Should figure this out for next year. There is a need for a new coordinator, can potentially change the way it is done to offload this job.
Remaining Reserve Funds Reserve Funds Update Spent 2016-2017 $7,228 Tech Funds for Chromebooks/iPads and Projector $15,270 Library Commons upgrades $5,102 For new projector $5,000 For new playground Total $32,600.26 Remaining Reserve Funds $500.00 Tech Funds $1,854.35 Kitchen Appliance $2,491 OLC $532 Emergency Preparedness Total $5,377 No change in reserve funds. Would like to transfer the $3,381.57 for the projector and screen to the district trust account, as this project is moving forward.
2016/2017 Budget Summary This shows the budget summary to date. The PAC still needs to raise $6,743 for the year, and currently still plans to spend another $12,725 as budgeted. Keep in mind that the income will be reduced as money is spent for the hot lunch program There are still significant fundraising events like the Art Show and BIRD which have a high likely hood of filling in the current income shortfall. Also, $2,000 of income and expenses were allocated for Learning Commons Tables and chairs, not sure this will happen still this year.
DRAFT 2017-2018 Budget Consistent with 2016-2017 budget Revenue (Proposed) Add Bowfest doors as fundraiser Should get money from Stong’s Use $3,000 of unreserved funds to cover gap Expenses (Proposed) Classroom projectors as major project, expected $8,400 Music program initiative as major project, expected $3,500 Increase classroom funds to allow for extra teacher Increase field trip subsidies by $100 to account for swimming Remove student directory, discontinuing (-$180) Increase water filtration to accommodate increased water usage by $50 Change “Meetings” to “Babysitters” more clarity Change “Dues and Fees” to “BC PAC Membership” more clarity Highlights major changes from the approved budget for 2016-2017 and draft budget for 2017-2018