Research funding opportunities


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Presentation transcript:

Research funding opportunities Olayan School of Business AUB– January 27, 2017

Opportunities of Research funding within the CNRS-L Grant Research Programme

Main Objective Designed to support research projects fully or partially from various institutions in Lebanon (universities, national research institutions, CNRS research centers) in all fields of knowledge, in line with the priorities defined yearly in the call. mainly in agricultural sciences, basic sciences, environmental sciences, medicine and public health, human and social sciences and science technology

GRP Accepted projects-Budget Distribution by University in Millions LBP (2016)

GRP- Number of Accepted Projects Distribution by University (2016)

GRP-Accepted Projects Distribution by Priority (2016)

GRP- What’s New in 2017! Joint Call for Proposals CNRS-AUB (2017-2018) 1,200,000,000 LBP From CNRS-L 1,200,000,000 LBP From AUB Participation Rules Full time staff (Min. two post-doctoral scientific publications including one pertinent to the proposal topic published in the last five years). Possibility to participate in two projects (30% of time devoted for the 2nd project if applicable).

GRP-Priorities for 2016 Cultural Heritage (الارث الثقافي) Arabic Language and History-(اللغة العربية والتاريخ) Sociology and Political Science Economics and Finance-(إقتصاد ومالية) Entrepreneurial university and innovation (الجامعة الريادية والإبداع) Economy of conflict areas- (إقتصاد مناطق النزاع) Lebanon as potential destination for offshoring (لبنان كوجهة محتملة في إعادة التموضع الإقتصادي العالمي) Actuarial science and Financial risk management - (العلم الأكتواري وإدارة المخاطرالمالية) Mathematical and computer modeling applied to finance and economy (تطبيقات البرمجة الرياضية والمعلوماتية في العلوم المالية والإقتصادية) Medical Sciences Agriculture and Food Environment, Natural Resources Basic Science &Engineering

GRP-2017 Online submission Evaluation (CNRS-AUB ) Evaluation Criteria: Originality & Objectives Scientific and technical quality of the project Research Project design Methodology Quality of the team Human and financial resources Ethics

Opportunities of Research Collaborations within the New EU Framework Programme The following presentation was prepared using various sources, including EU Presentations on Horizon 2020 & MEDSPRING Project (NCP Training)

Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 – 2020)

Horizon 2020 - Three Priorities Excellent science Industrial leadership Societal challenges

Priority 1. Excellent science World class science is the foundation of tomorrow’s technologies, jobs and wellbeing European Research Council (ERC) Frontier research by the best individual teams Future and Emerging Technologies Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) Opportunities for training and career development Research infrastructures (including e-infrastructure) Ensuring access to world-class facilities Actions aimed at structuring training, mobility and career development for researchers

Priority 2. Industrial leadership Strategic investments in key technologies (e.g. advanced manufacturing, micro-electronics) underpin innovation across existing and emerging sectors Need for more innovative SMEs to create growth and jobs Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (LEITs) (ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, manufacturing, space) Access to risk finance Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation Innovation in SMEs Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs

Priority 3. Societal challenges Breakthrough solutions come from multi-disciplinary collaborations, including social sciences & humanities Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the Bioeconomy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies Science with and for society Spreading excellence and widening participation

International Cooperation Openness: Horizon 2020 open to participation from across the world, meaning that (except where this is explicitly excluded) European researchers can cooperate with their counterparts in third countries on any topic of their choice. INCREASED INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION & at heart an EU Programme!!

Increased Stress on Innovation & SME Find your area Agriculture & Forestry Aquatic Resources Bio-based Industries Biotechnology Energy Environment & Climate Action Food & Healthy Diet Funding Researchers Health ICT Research & Innovation Innovation Increased Stress on Innovation & SME International Cooperation Key Enabling Technologies Partnerships with Industry and Member States Raw Materials Research Infrastructures Security SMEs Social Sciences & Humanities Society Space Transport

A National Network of NCPs in Lebanon (2014) Nominated through the the support of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon NCP Coordinator: National Council for Scientific Research – Lebanon (Dr. M. Hamze & Ms. R. Atweh; Thematic NCPs: (New Pillars and Societal Challenges of Horizon 2020) NCP for “Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bio-economy & Biotechnology” (Dr. M. Hamze, CNRS) NCP for “Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies” (Ms. R. Atweh, CNRS) NCP for “Health, demographic change and wellbeing” (Dr. F. Homeidan, AUB) NCP for “Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials” (Dr. N. Oueini, USEK) NCP for “Secure, clean and efficient energy” (Dr. I. Mougharbel, LU) NCP for “Information and Communication technologies (ICT)” (Dr. N. Mansour, LAU) NCP for “SMEs” (Dr. N. Rouhana, Berytech),contact=country/sbg/Lebanon/1/1/0&function_details..function_abbr/sbg//1/1/0&+contact_name/asc

THANK YOU Elise Noujeim (Ph.D) Researcher Director of the Grant Research Programme (GRP) Coordinator of the CNRS-CNR Joint Research Programme (JRP) National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS) Lebanon 01-840 260 ext 408