welcome to open day …........ Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
faculty members
B.Tech. Programme Bachelors in MSME at IITH is planned to start from academic year 2014-2015 The course structure is entirely based on fractal credit course system The curriculum is designed to offer – a) insight into wide spectrum of metallurgy and materials science fields b) suitable depth in basic courses c) non-core courses - better engineers as well competent in other area
Distinguishing courses Digital Fabrication Independent Project Soft Matter Science Manufacturing Technology Antifouling and healthcare materials Supramolecular and hierarchical materials Additive manufacturing Low dimensional materials Nuclear materials
Options during B.Tech. Honors Minor Double Major Conversion to M.Tech. Conversion to Ph.D. Internships Any other projects
Contribution to the Society
The Materials Genome Structural Functional Computational
Department projectS
Microstructure-property relations Integrating Materials Innovation with Advanced Design and Manufacturing Laser additive manufacturing of turbine blades Alloy design Microstructure-property relations
Energy materials and innovation Supercapacitor Solar cells Incubated at 37Ċ, 24h Zone of inhibition was measured Nutrient agar plate seeded with Bacteria BC-Ag disc
Healthcare materials and innovation
Materials development by computational materials science
Me…… My options Non core jobs Entrepreneur Consulting Investment banking Finance……. Entrepreneur Core Job Tata Steel 3M GE Sandvik…. Me…… Globally competent engineer Higher studies Masters (india/abroad) Doctorate (india/abroad) Materials scientist Skilled graduate My options MSME Batch 2016-2020