Parent Information Event KS2 Outdoor Gym Equipment
Physical education programmes of study: key stages 1 and 2 National curriculum in England Purpose of study A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
Aims The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils: develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities are physically active for sustained periods of time engage in competitive sports and activities lead healthy, active lives.
Key stage 2 Pupils should continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They should develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.
Pupils should be taught to: use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics] perform dances using a range of movement patterns take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
The Equipment We are confident that our fitness equipment will help people of all ages and abilities embrace a healthier lifestyle. We strongly believe that keeping fit and active should go hand in hand with having fun and building confidence. Calloo/Jumps Education
At Hankham we have: Skier Air walker Rider Body Twist Cross Rider
Skier Strengthens lower back whilst improving flexibility Uses front and back of thighs and bottom whilst moving from side to side. Upper arms, shoulders back and side of abdomen are working as push against handles. I enjoyed the equipment, because it was good for swinging. It was good stuff to exercise on.
Air Walker My favourite was the one where you swing the legs one in front of the other – it was amazing. Front and back of thighs, bottom and calf are working as the foot plates are moved back and forth.
Rider Front and back of thighs and calf as you push on the footrests. Front and back of upper arm, shoulders and chest as you push and pull on the rider.
Body Twist Front and back of thighs, bottom and calf are working as you twist on the turntable. Front and back of arms, chest, abdominals and back are working as you pull and push on the handles of the body twist in order to rotate the turntable.
Cross Rider Front and back of thighs, bottom and calf are working as you move the foot plates back and forth. Front and back of arms, shoulders and back are working as you push and pull on the handles of the cross rider Perfect for a full cardio workout!
. Gym Equipment in PE Lessons Warm up – gentle jog or running game. Stretches Recap of safe and effective use of equipment. Children in groups of 3 or 4 using equipment. Child A on equipment, B timing, C counting D as a checker. Swap after given time. Cool down.
. Gym Equipment in PE Lessons Children to see how their results have improved over a period of time and discuss why. Relay races run to their equipment, complete set amount of repetitions and run back. Investigate how to make activity more or less challenging. Investigate holding positions. Discuss and record pulse/heart rate.
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It’s fun and healthy at the same time.
Time for you to have a go!