International Journal Review Jurnal International Journal
Nama anggota kelompok : Desi Rahmawati 14.11.0273 Maulana Akbar 14.11.0260 Resni Novelalita 14.11.0258 Riki Aji Pamungkas 14.11.0317 Kurnia Aswin Nuzul 14.11.0270 Pradita Novianty 14.11.0298 Inggita Al Muharohmah 14.11.0269 Semuel Hariyanto 14.11.0250 Dimas Adhi N 14.11.0253
Information journal Judul Information Retrieval From Big Data For Sensor Data Collection Penulis: Varsha Jawale, Swapna Aware, Smita Kolase, Mr.Amir Sonawane Journal International Journal Of Advance Engineering And Research Development, Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2016
Tujuan Penelitian To track a data or device information using a cloud system. Facilitate the community in the data storage in large numbers
Hasil Penelitian Produce great data to implement the use of algorithms used to gain new knowledge discovery. This discovery will be a decision that can be used in decision making. A single node will be used to collect sensor data.
Keterbatasan Penelitian This study is only about the cloud data used toperform data processing so that data can be accessed anywhere and anytime so as to help provide a new knowledge to make decisions.
Penelitian Yang akan Datang More towards the completion of an informa- tion within an elemental environment for information can be used easily to track areas with various techniques and techniques of reducing lesson learning that will support in all important or negative ways.
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