Latin America and Caribbean Region


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Presentation transcript:

Latin America and Caribbean Region Development and Implementation of NSDS: Challenges and Lessons Learned Bishnu Tulsie INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON STRENGTHENING PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION CAPACITIES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN POST RIO CONTEXT 14 – 16 November 2012, Incheon, ROK Regional context

Sustainable Development Four Pillars Development Sustainable Development Democracy Human Rights Security Development Human Development, Education and Culture Economic Development, Trade and Tourism Sustainable Development Social Development and Empowerment FEMCIDI- Partnership for Development Fund Water Energy and CC Mitigation Risk management and CC Adaptation Sustainable Cities Biodiversity and SLM International law, Policy and God Governance

Latin America ALDI CALC CAN The Latin America Integration Association was established in 1980, to give continuity to the process of integration which had started with the Latin America Free Trade Association. The First Latin America and Caribbean Summit (2008) affirmed the importance of regional integration, cooperation, sustainable development, poverty eradication and the promotion of social justice Andean Community (Comunidad Andina – or CAN) relates to trade agreements, has a social agenda, as well as an environmental and political cooperation elements under its framework.

CARICOM Heads of Government Key Elements Sustaining economic growth; A full employment economy; Spatially equitable economic growth; Social equity, social justice, social cohesion and personal security; Environmental protection and ecological sustainability; and Democratic, transparent and participatory governance. The Single Development Vision for Sustainable Development for the Caribbean Community (2007)

Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States Elements OECS Development Charter Reducing poverty Substantially increasing the number and quality of jobs Increasing Access to Quality Education Improving Access To Health Services Providing Adequate Shelter Empowering disadvantaged groups Development of Sports Environmental Sustainability Good Governance Information and the Media foster sustainable improvement in the quality of life of the peoples of the sub-region.

National Plan for Good Living (2008 – 2013) Give strength to the Five Revolutions of the Citizens' Revolution (Political, Economic, Social, Ethical, Sovereignty) Support the social contract contemplated in the new 2008 Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador

Costa Rica National Development Plan Goal A more secure development, led by innovation, science and technology, and strengthened by solidarity and commitment to environmental sustainability Key Elements social well-being; public peace and order; environment and land-use planning; and competitiveness and innovation.

Key Elements Developing Innovative people Nurturing a caring society Enabling competitive business Investing in sound infrastructure and the environment Promoting effective government

Strategic Goals Unleashing the Spirit of the Nation. New Governance for New Times. Building Social Capital. Strengthening the Physical Infrastructure and Preserving the Environment. Enhancing Barbados’ Prosperity and Competitiveness. Branding Barbados Globally.

The British Virgin Islands National Integrated Development Strategy (2000) Purpose Objectives To reduce overall vulnerability To ensure balanced development To enhance human capital To ensure environmental sustainability To improve the physical infrastructure To maintain social cohesion To attain global competitiveness To promote global connection To promote good governance To preserve the cultural heritage and T o ensure the meaningful participation of BVI islanders in the affairs of the territory. to balance development across economic sectors and the geographical districts of the British Virgin Islands (BVI), and to establish a path of sustainable development

Saint Lucia Integrated Development Planning (2000) What next Challenges Led at the technical level Little political support High level Inter-agency tensions Wide level technical support After 10 years the approach is being revived.

Summary Observations Vision Objectives: A developmental focus Governance, Democracy, Human Rights, Peace & Security Education Competitiveness Environmental sustainability Employment Poverty Reduction Social equality/cohesion Land use, vulnerability and DRR Infrastructure Foreign Relations Institutional & Capacity development Developmental in nature Elements reflect state of social, economic and political development Inclusion of pillars of sustainable development

Development and Execution Heads of Government or Cabinet mandates Consultative Councils, Sustainable Development Councils Private/Public/Civil Society bodies General absence of formal review processes Cases of Parliamentary, Cabinet and Legal Authority Some formal ME&R Structures Ministries of Finance – lead Convergence with political priorities Diminished involvement of private sector and civil society interests

A Case for Integrated Development Planning (IDP) Outputs A holistic, fully participatory approach to planning which seeks to integrate and coordinate economic, social and environmental factors to ensure effective and sustainable use of resources in pursuit of agreed goals Long-term vision Development Themes Prioritization and Sector alignments Sector lead 5 year rolling MTDS Sector leadd 3 year rolling sector programmes Built in ME&R Capacity Development

A Case for Integrated Development Planning (IDP) Allows for cross sectoral collaboration Cross sectoral investments to achieve agreed, common goals Requires multi perspective analyses Mandates inclusive collaboration Thank you