REGISTRATION PREPARATION ADVISORY SESSION Resume Building and Internship Registration Process 2 Pent Road, East Hartford CT 06118 Phone: 860-695-9450 Fax: 860-569-5569
PREPARE NOW REQUIRED DOCUMENTS TO SELL YOUR SKILLS NOW Start Creating your Resume and Apply Online: NOW – Request Teacher Recommendation Forms 2/9, 2/16 or 2/23 Refine your Resume & Cover Letter BY 2/24 ALL SHOULD BE SUBMITTED Submit final documents to
RESOURCES TO PREPARE AND SHARE YOUR SKILLS Resources Available to Teachers and Students on the Portal Teachers: Work-Based Learning Materials Students: Student Internship Materials Sample Resumes Strong Verbs to Show Initiative and Drive Resume Builder Worksheet – For those just starting Interview Preparation Tips
TRAITS OF A SUCCESSFUL INTERN Reliable Responsible Eager to Learn Positive Attitude Interested and Committed? Email to apply
APPLICATION PROCESS: COMMUNICATIONS Email is how business works so Internship Communications will come through Email: Check at least daily Read emails thoroughly Respond promptly Opportunities will be posted: Cafeteria Yellow Bulletin Board 2nd Floor Monitors Pathways Website – Student Life > Pathways Internship Opportunities Interview Slots will be announced in an email communication – time and location will be included so you arrive prepared
INTERVIEW PREPARATION BE PREPARED: Have your elevator speech summarizing your experience relevant to the role you are interviewing for Learn about the organization on their website! Review and understand the job description provided Practice interview question responses Elaborate with relevant examples Share about goals that are relevant to the opportunity Bring your resume and examples of your work to share Bring a notepad and pen to take notes IT IS ALL ABOUT IMPRESSIONS…YOU WANT TO MAKE GOOD ONES!
When you dress the part, plan to act the part. ATTIRE EXPECTATIONS Gentlemen – Button-down shirt and a tie Dress pants (preferred) or Khaki pants OPTIONAL: Professional sweater or jacket Ladies – Skirt to at least the knees or dress pants Professional/dressy top or blouse that fits appropriately NOTHING SHOULD BE: Skin tight or revealing When you dress the part, plan to act the part.
INTERVIEW QUESTION EXAMPLES Tell us something about yourself. (Use examples relevant for an employer) Share your personal and academic strengths in school as well as your opportunities for improvement. What course did you enjoy the most? Why? Tell me about a time when you found yourself in a situation that made you do something you really didn’t want to do or didn’t expect to be doing. How did you perform and act in that situation? Tell me what you know about our company. Why is an internship with us, the right fit for you? Share how you developed your skills when you had to do something you didn’t know how to do. Review or prepare to talk about 3-4 projects that illustrate skill and talent.
OPPORTUNITY Why Participate NOW? Many great opportunities will be available. Get prepared to apply or come ask questions! See NiCole Schlagheck in the Main Office Tuesdays/Thursdays