Small Poultry Flock Management Dr. Audrey McElroy Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences
VA Small Flocks
Our small flock industry National Animal Health Monitoring System “Part I: Reference of Health and Management of Backyard/Small Production Flocks in the United States, 2004”
Birds on the farm
Information sources
Percent of Flocks close to commercial farms
Major Components to Biosecurity Flock Management Isolation Traffic Control Cleaning/Sanitation
Biosecurity Measures Dedicated footwear and clothing for farm No sharing of equipment Proper disposal of mortality Rodent and insect control
Footwear precautions for persons entering their farm
Biosecurity Measures Confine flocks to controlled environment Screen houses to protect flock from wild birds Avoid contact with migratory waterfowl and other birds
Biosecurity Measures Restrict visitors Purchase day of hatch, tested flocks No trading or uninformed buying – quarantine new birds Separation of young and older birds (6 months)
USDA “Biosecurity for Birds” Website
USDA “Biosecurity for Birds” Website Exhibition/State Fair Kit
Biosecurity Videos for Small Flock Owners USDA “Biosecurity for Birds” Website Backyard Biosecurity: Practices to Keep Your Birds Healthy – 15 minutes A DVD on practicing biosecurity and recognizing infectious poultry diseases. mms:// Keep Your Birds Healthy 3 Easy Steps: DVD on practicing biosecurity and recognizing infectious poultry diseases designed for young people.
“The Word on Healthy Birds” Webinar USDA “Biosecurity for Birds” Website USDA - APHIS Teams Up With The Chicken Whisperer™. The Chicken Whisperer™ will be the national spokesperson for the USDA - APHIS Bio-Security for Birds Program!
Small Flock Hatching Eggs NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Plan) Hatchery Sources of Hatching Eggs: Murray McMurray Hatchery 1-800-456-3280 Stromberg’s 1-800-720-1134 Privett Hatchery 505-356-6425
General Information Sources University of Arkansas “Poultry – Small Flock Information for County Extension Personnel” Links to information on all topics
General Information Sources Tractor Supply Company The Poultry Site
Disease/Health Resources Local Vets VDACS Labs: Dr. Bill Pierson:
Vaccination Resources
Vaccination Resources University of Florida Extension
External Parasite Information “Poultry Pest Management” Alabama Cooperative Extension System Information: Types of external parasites Types of flies Control methods Dry manure management Biological control Insecticides for control
Internal Parasite Information
Nutrition Resources Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Nutrition Resources University of Kentucky – Small and Backyard Flocks Nutritional requirements Nutrient deficiences Feed ingredients Pastures Feeding General, Layers, Broilers, Turkeys, Waterfowl, Ratites, Gamebirds, Organic Poultry
Most common feeding mistakes Feeding the wrong feed Layer ration to young birds Mixing scratch grain with commercial rations Medication errors Not feeding enough Inadequate levels of energy, protein or calcium Very limited whole grains, scratch feeds and table scraps
Virginia Poultry Exhibition Requirements “All poultry shown in public exhibition in the Commonwealth of Virginia are required by law to originate from U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean or equivalent flocks or have had a negative pullorum-typhoid test within 90 days of the movement to the public exhibition.”
State Fair Open Poultry Show Testing for: Pullorum/Typhoid within 90 days Avian Influenza (coordinated with VDACS)
Questions to Ask for Small Flock Calls: How old are the birds? How much feed and water are the birds consuming daily and has this changed? Has there been in a change in feed used? Is the feed moldy? How much light do the birds receive? Has it changed? What is the light source?
Questions to Ask for Small Flock Calls: How active are the birds? What are shell & interior quality of eggs like? Are there any signs of disease? Have there been any stresses? Are there any signs of parasites? Do the birds have access to different plants or other material?
Questions to Ask for Small Flock Calls: Have any new birds been added to the flock? What was the source of these birds? Have any pesticides or herbicides been used in the area? What is the feather condition of the birds? What do fecal droppings look like?
Regulations Anyone in Virginia raising or distributing birds to a live bird market and anyone who runs a live bird market must be licensed by VDACS Excludes backyard flocks, hobby/egg production flocks, and heritage breeders Excludes producers or growers who sell live birds grown exclusively on their premises and not a wholesaler, dealer, hauler, or auction market operator engaged in transportation or sale of poultry with-in live bird markets