You will have advisory every day the first week Thursday August 22nd You will have advisory every day the first week 8:20 – 8:55
Go to 1st Floor NEW Building If you need an ID: Go to 1st Floor NEW Building during LUNCH OR from 8:00-8:15 or 3:45-4:00
Student Envelopes & Student Handbooks Keep: Student Handbook Parent Information Handbook Take Home and Return: DUE to ADVISOR by Tuesday Aug 27th Application for Meal Benefits Receipt of Policies Emergency Contact Form PTSO Membership Form PTSO Directory Info Statement of Responsibility: 1st page of the Student Handbook
Forms are on-line: Pay Attention to this!! Forms are on-line:
SCHEDULES Due date must be after July 1st If your schedule is LIGHT BLUE it means YOU HAVE NOT completed PROOF OF RESIDENCY Bring one of the following items to the COMMONS ASAP Water Bill Gas Bill Electric Bill Signed Current Lease Agreement Due date must be after July 1st You WILL NOT be allowed to attend classes after Friday, August 23rd if you fail to meet this requirement.
12th Grade Schedule Changes Gap in my schedule. Haven’t met the prerequisite for the course Previously received credit. I need a course to graduate. 1st Semester ONLY EMAIL COUNSELOR DIRECTLY By August 23rd A-Em En-K L-Ros Rot-Z If approved: student will be contacted by school official and given a new schedule If denied: you will be notified through advisory
Students MUST continue to attend the classes on the original schedule until they have been notified by a school official of an approved schedule change.
Special Circumstance Schedule Changes Forms Available Through: Counselor Downloading online: Select: Special Circumstance Schedule Request Form FORM must be turned into Hannah Fleming by August 23rd 2nd Floor Office Phase 2 building
10th and 11th Grade Schedule Changes 1st Semester ONLY Requests must be completed online by August 23rd Request must meet one of the following criteria: Gap in my schedule. Haven’t met the prerequisite for the course Student has already taken course and received credit. Any other reasons will be considered a special circumstance. . .
Principal’s Secretary Who’s Who at FHS? Martha Thornton Principal’s Secretary Steve Jacoby, Principal
Diana Bonilla Spanish Translator Phase 1, Admin Area Admin Asst. Janet Stevens Book-Keeper 91 Addition, 2nd Floor Diana Bonilla Spanish Translator Phase 1, Admin Area Pam Richardson Admin Asst. Phase I, Admin Area Jamie Charboneau Admin Asst. Phase II, 1st Floor
Dr. Marbury Assistant Principal Dr. Hoy Assistant Principal Phase I, 2nd Floor Dr. Hoy Assistant Principal 91 Addition, 2nd Floor
Phase II 3rd Floor Byron Zeagler CREW Principal Tina Bulla CREW counselor Michelle Miller CREW Lead Teacher
Phase II, 1st Floor David Young FACE Principal Doug Wright FACE Counselor Mark White FACE Lead Teacher Doug Wright, FACE Counselor
Phase II 2nd Floor Boyd Logan, GEM Lead Teacher Bobby Smith GEM Principal Dawn Norman, GEM Counselor Bobby Smith, GEM Principal
Driver’s License Forms Record Corrections Forms Phase I, 2nd Floor Administrative Offices Carol Borgstadt ID’s and Admin Asst. Phase II, 3rd Floor Driver’s License Forms Record Corrections Forms Request to See a Counselor Forms Routh Ann Yarbrough Counselor Admin Asst.
serve students based on last name FHS Counselors serve students based on last name Ms. Bulla ROT-Z Mr. Wright A-EM Ms. Norman EN-K Ms. Zeagler L-ROS Phase II, 1st Floor Phase II, 3rd Floor Phase II, 2nd Floor Phase I, 2nd Floor Admin Office Area
“College and Career” Resource Center Phase II, 3rd Floor College and Universities Technical Schools Scholarships Financial Aide Senior Information Ann Butt
College Visits Phase II, 3rd Floor Seniors: 3 Days Juniors: 2 days College Visit Forms are in College and Career Room **Visits must be made prior to May 1st Verification of visit must be turned into Attendance upon returning
Diploma’s are available approximately 3 weeks after graduation Julie Domer, Registrar Phase I, 1st Floor Hannah Fleming Admin Asst, APSCN Phase II, 2nd Floor To obtain transcripts: Fill out form, attach payment of $2.00 24 to 48 hour turn-around Diploma’s are available approximately 3 weeks after graduation
For Sale at Circulation Desk: in the Library Hours 8-4 Class Time = Pass Required Lunch Time ≠ Pass Not Required Types of materials: Books, Magazines, On-line Databases, Audiovisual Materials, Graphic Novels, Reference Collections, Foreign Language Collections, and Large Print For Sale at Circulation Desk: Student Use Copy Machine, 10 ₵ Student Use Color Printer, 25 ₵ Blank CD’s & DVD’s Flash Drives Photocopy Transparencies Ms. Barnett, Ms. Roberson and Ms. Faucette www.
Kelly Gangluff Phase I, 2nd Floor Allison Knox
Study Hall and Lunch Detention Phase I, 2nd Floor/Cafeteria Louise Gamache Study Hall and Lunch Detention Phase I, 2nd Floor/Cafeteria Suzanne Cook In School Suspension Phase 1, 2nd Floor
Officer Foster Officer Smith Phase I, 2nd Floor 91 Addition, 1st Floor
Instructional Technology Coach Rick Day Custodian District Translator Parent Liason Phase I, 2nd Floor Admin Area Lory Hall Instructional Technology Coach 91 Addition, Library
Lunch Ladies Jamie Stephanie
Attendance Donna Little 91 Addition, 2nd Floor Lisa Beringer Phase I, 1st Floor Purple Office Kelley Whitehead Phase I, 1st Floor Purple Office
Checking In and Out MUST Check in upon returning to campus from partial day absences Students may have parent/guardian call before they check in Check-in or Check-out May leave campus ONLY if you check out Failure to check out will result in unexcused absence even if your parent gives you permission Parents must enter the building to check students out during lunch
Attendance Codes in Grade Viewer Parents Must Verify Each Absence Attendance office codes it ABS unless parents verify or provide documentation ABS Regular Absence AC Attendance Contract DOC Documented Absences G Guided Study ISS In School Suspension OSS Out of School Suspension PC Parent Contact SB School Business T Tardy Attendance office routinely calls parents and doctor’s offices to verify absences and notes
Make-Up Work Excused Absences: 2 make-up days for each day absent If Student is in school when test, assignment or activity is announced: Must make-up the day you return Students are responsible for making up missed work
Attendance Policy Attendance Office notifies parents via letters at 6, 9 and 12 absences Students who miss more than 10 minutes per class period are considered absent School Business (SB) absences do not count against students Students are allowed 12 excused absences of any kind per semester 13th absence means loss of credit (this includes DOC absences) Parents must be in contact with school and provide proper documentation for absences or risk referral to: Washington County Truancy Court Family in Needs of Service (FINS)
Attendance Recovery Program Absences above 12 but less than 17 are eligible for: 2013 - 2014 Saturday School Dates page 10 Student Handbook August: None September 7, 14, 21, 28 October 5, 12, 19, 26 November 2, 9, 16, 30 December 7, 14 January 11, 18, 25 February 1, 8, 15, 22 March 1 April 5, 12, 26 May 3, 10, 17 *No more than four absences may be recovered per period Absences above 16 cannot be recovered unless Attendance Committee decides otherwise
Missed detention = could result in 1 day ISS for all classes Tardy Policy Per Nine Weeks 1st Period: 1-3rd tardy will be marked by teacher Each tardy thereafter = 1 lunch detention 2nd -7th Period: 4-6th Tardy = 1 lunch detention for each tardy 7+ Tardy = 1 day of ISS for all classes Missed detention = could result in 1 day ISS for all classes Final Exemptions NO exemptions from AP exams, Fall AP Sem Exams, college course requirements, completion of portfolios, projects, presentations etc. required by any class Grades: Combined Average of 80% with no zeros or missing assignments for the semester Tardies: No more than 6 tardies per semester for class to exempt Discipline: No category 3 discipline referrals; no un-served detentions Attendance: No “Unexcused “ absence in that class No more than 4 absences per semester (Excessive SB may be considered) Advisory: (Non Credit Course) No more than 5 unaccounted for ABS Fines: All Cleared: library, lost books, NWACC class fees etc. Remediation: Completed assigned Remediation for all courses Teachers my opt NOT TO ALLOW EXEMPTIONS
Final Exemptions Fall Spring EOC Literacy Exemptions: All exemptions must originate through our on-line system Fall Spring 10th None 1 Course 11th 1 Course + 1 exemption for English 11* 12th 2 courses + 1 exemption for English 12** All Courses EOC Literacy Exemptions: * Proficient: English 11 exemption Spring Semester **Advanced: English 11 exemption Spring Semester AND English 12 exemption for Fall semester