Sacco-Vanzetti Trial
Circumstantial Evidence
Few Protested
Decade of Prosperity: Automobile’s Significance
What goods and businesses would the automobile stimulate? Steel Rubber Oil Production Road Construction
Consumer Goods Rise
Farmer’s Plight
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Alice Paul
Women’s Freedom
Republican Era Return to Normalcy with Warren Harding
What issues would Harding (Republican) reverse from Wilson’s (Democratic) term? Taxes would lower. Remember Wilson raised corporate and personal income taxes to help pay for WWI. Raise the tariffs. This would help promote buying American products, thus aiding big corporate owners in capital gains. Anti-Unionism
Harding Scandals
Calvin Coolidge: Silent Cal
Economic Diplomacy Isolationism Close working relationship between business and government Washington Naval Conference Fordney-McCumber Tariff American bankers loan Germany money Soldier deployment in Caribbean conflicts
Civil Liberties in Question Hay’s Code
Lost Generation Coined by Gertrude Stein, who said, "You are all a Lost Generation." Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald Ernest Hemingway
The Supreme Court Under: Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. American Civil Liberties Union is founded 1920 Clear and Present Danger Case
Cultural Wars Fundamentalists Second Klan Nativists Scopes Trial: Monkey Trial
Cultural Pluralism
Harlem Renaissance
Stock Market Crash 1929
Signs lead to Great Depression Southern California & Florida experience frenzied real estate speculation Land remained undeveloped Mortgage foreclosures Unequal distribution of wealth Prolonged Poverty of farmers Decline in sales of consumer goods Bloated stock market
Hoover’s Response Call for charities and Voluntary Organizational help Hawley Smoot Tariff Tax increase to balance federal budget Reconstruction Finance Corporation
American Perception of Hoover’s Response