Bas Relief Project Carving & Adding Clay to a small slab Tile Design Bas Relief Project Carving & Adding Clay to a small slab
Examples – Imprinting and Carving
For this project you will be creating a For this project you will be creating a 5” x 5” tile from a rolled-out slab Design and texture will be added through subtractive (carving) and additive (score and slip) methods Color can be added later with either paint or colored stains If you would like to hang it on the wall, make sure to add a hole at the center/top Tile & Texture Project
STEP 1 – Brainstorm, Sketch and Design: Using the thumbnail square worksheet (small sketched drawings), create 3 designs that could be used for this project. Use at least one element and principle in each design! Think about textures that could be added or areas that could be raised (added on with clay) or lowered (carved away) making it a “bas relief” artwork Make sure design utilizes the entire square – your artwork should go edge-to-edge. Don’t be afraid to have shapes go “off the page”. You may also have a border, but don’t be afraid to have objects touch or break through the border. Color is an element that should be added to your sketches. You may paint these with acrylic paint (after firing) OR use glazes and stains after the bisque firing The theme of you work should be about NATURAL FORMS AND TEXTURES - An underwater scene of coral and seaweed, an abstract composition that microscopic creatures, floral forms or ??? Stay away from scenes that might look “trite” – aka a beach with an umbrella or flowers that are drawn without looking at actual photos (think of that daisy we’ve been drawing since we were 5!) Tile & Texture Project
Tile & Texture Project STEP 1 – Brainstorm, Sketch and Design: Once you have your sketches (3) completed, make notes about how and where you will add dimension to your tile. This will not be totally flat! Think about how you will carve away and add to your tile With the teacher’s approval, select your final design and transfer to full-size 5” x 5” paper (outlines of shapes only) Tile & Texture Project
STEP 2 – Wedge/prep your clay (with small group) and roll out slabs of clay. Roll out a slab that is EVEN IN THICKNESS! It should be between ¼ inch to 3/8 inch thick. Be careful that the edges are not to thin and the middle to thick (a common mistake). Roll in all directions If your clay is cracking on the edges, you should spray with water – it’s getting too dried out.
STEP 3 – Cut out tile Tile should be a square! 5” x 5”. Use a ruler and a triangle or corner of paper if needed! The corners should be 90 degree angles – not “eyeballed” – measure and use tools to make it right!
STEP 4 – Transfer design to clay Using your 5 x 5” template/drawing, place on your cut out tile and lightly trace your shapes with a pencil. It will make an indent on the tile when you pull paper away. This will be your guide and starting point to create your tile…
STEP 5 – Use Additive and Subtractive Methods to modify design. Use the carving tools to remove portions of the clay – make sure not to carve too much as you can make areas weak and cause them to crack Use additive methods (small coils, thin slabs, rolled out forms) to add depth and texture. These must be added with the score and slip joining method. Tile & Texture Project
Tile & Texture Project STEP 6 – Finishing your work Look over your work carefully for “burrs” - little clay leftovers that, when fired” can be very sharp. Clean up and smooth over your edges and areas where clay has been joined. Check for cracking and try to repair. Sign your name (full name, readable!) on the back. You can add a date (year) if you want Poke a hole if you want to hang it – remember, clay shrinks so keep that in mind and make sure the hole won’t close when fired. Tile & Texture Project
Tile & Texture Project GRADING You will be graded on the following – Design Quality – entire space utilized, elements and principles used Craftsmanship – neatness and care in work Use of additive and subtractive textures Creativity Tile & Texture Project
Tile Project d24 Victoria Ellis – figurative clay tiles OLLfc YkY