Lunch Club Meet Seb and Gemma! Gemma Seb
Our Ethos…. A fun filled, relaxed session in the middle of your child’s full day in which they start to get used to the whole dining experience. For your child to learn to join in our fun, communal and sociable session. It is not about what or how much they eat.
What will my child’s lunch time look like? A maximum of 24 children staying for lunch. All children will go to the toilet and wash their hands before coming into the hall. There are placemats with your child’s photo, name, allergies or dietary needs if any. They will be given their lunch box and a cup of water and supported where needed. Relaxing music will be played. Games or stories will take place once they have finished their lunch. They will be taken back into the classroom once the afternoon children have arrive and the external doors are closed.
Allergy and Dietary requirements Please be clear on your Food allergy form of any allergies or dietary requirements your child has and keep us updated. We encourage the children not to share their lunch with friends. If we have your child’s allergy form complete we can ensure that we keep them safe during lunch time. Your child’s allergy form will also be used in the classroom so all staff are aware during cooking activities or when preparing the children’s daily snack.
Working together Talk about staying for lunch in a positive way. For example, remind them that they can ask for help if the need and sit with friends. Please try not to discuss your child’s eating issues in front of your child. We will always inform you when your child is not eating well. Engage and encourage your child to be independent at home.
When, what, how? Today we will complete a food allergy form in advance so we are able to keep your child safe during lunch club, cooking activities and snack time. When your child’s key person believes your child is ready to stay a full day and for lunch they will let you know. You will then need to go to the office and have your ParentPay account set up by Anna or Ali and you will receive your password letter. Your child is entitled to stay for lunch in their first full week. However, as it is there very first time of having half day sessions after their induction period, we strongly advice that lunches are delayed until the following week. You can then sign in to ParentPay and pay for your child’s Lunch club.
Payments You can pay in advance each week, month, termly or annually using ParentPay. The cost of Lunch Club at New Bridge is £3.00. This covers staff and an extra hour of nursery above your child’s entitlement of 15 hours. RBC values this hours care at over £5.00 per child. If you are entitled to Free School Meals or if you will genuinely struggle to manage this payment, please see Ali/Anna in the office for further details. This hour is not compulsory, you may take your child home and bring them back to nursery if you wish. However, this is a valuable first time dining experience in preparation for school.
Absence If your child misses a meal then your ParentPay account can be credited. BUT….. It is your responsibility to let the office know by 9am on the day at the latest.
Any questions?