FORMATION OF A GENERALIZED BODY OF KNOWLEDGE IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT I. Kononenko, A. Aghaee. Strategic Management Department, National Technical University «KhPI» THE 13 th INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE CONFERENCE “PM Kiev '16” «Project management in the development of society»
? Introduction PMBoK Scrum PRINCE2 Kanban XP ISO 21500 The choice of methodology for the management of a particular project has a significant impact on many parameters of the project, its products and the success of the project as a whole. ?
Bushuev, S. D., Neizvestny, S. I., Kharytonov, D. A. (2013). Literature Analysis Bushuev, S. D., Neizvestny, S. I., Kharytonov, D. A. (2013). An approach to the formation of projects, programs, portfolios management methodologies was proposed. BASIS OF APPROACH Presentation of the methodology as a set: processes approaches principles concepts life cycles models methods mechanisms organizational structures The concepts were introduced Completeness of the methodology Capacity of the methodology Methods of estimation of the relative completeness and capacity of methodologies were proposed The estimates of these quantities for famous methodologies were given Problems of minimizing costs and time on the formation of a methodology for a particular project were considered.
I. Kononenko, A. Aghaee, S. Lutsenko (2016). Literature Analysis I. Kononenko, A. Aghaee, S. Lutsenko (2016). Method and mathematical model of the synthesis of management methodology for particular project conditions were proposed. BASIS OF SYNTHESIS The components of "generalized" project management methodology. The mathematical model takes into account the fuzziness of input data related to the project and its environment. The work of the given method was illustrated on the sample of software development project
Actuality of work Objective of work Formation of the generalized body of knowledge in project management, which would allow to form management methodology for a particular project is actual. Objective of work The objective of this work is the creation of a generalized body of knowledge in project management through the collection of components of existing standards, guides and methodologies.
Clarification of the definition The concept of the «PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY» has been clarified PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY The project management methodology is a defined and documented set of principles, rules, processes, practices, life cycle, organizational structure, prescribed roles that provide guidance on how projects are run within an organization. Glossary PMBOK Methodology. A system of practices, techniques, procedures, and rules used by those who work in a discipline.
Clarification of the definition Glossary PMBOK Procedure. An established method of accomplishing a consistent performance or result. A procedure typically can be described as the sequence of steps that will be used to execute a process. Tools, techniques, and templates for implementing a particular methodology can be represented by many variants. Including them in the concept of the methodology is inappropriate, because they can change.
The generalized body of knowledge in PM is purposed to form a project management methodology of any complexity, with various degrees of responsibility for its result, and at various predictability of requirements. BASIS OF FORMATION ISO 21500 PMBOK PRINCE2 SWEBOK SCRUM XP Additional processes KANBAN
Values and principles of project management Метод формирования методологии для конкретного проекта Values and principles related to individual team member of project Name Value Principle Source Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. √ Agile Manifesto The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. Self-organization Scrum Encourage acts of leadership at all levels Kanban Humanity XP Accepted responsibility Courage Respect Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Responsibility Fairness Honesty Learn from experience PRINCE2
Values and principles of project management Метод формирования методологии для конкретного проекта Values and principles related to interaction of team members Name Value Principle Source Individuals and interactions over processes and tools √ Agile Manifesto Customer collaboration over contract negotiation The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. Collaboration Scrum Communication XP Feedback Mutual benefit Diversity Defined roles and responsibilities PRINCE2
Values and principles of project management Метод формирования методологии для конкретного проекта Values and principles related to the project product Name Value Principle Source Working software over comprehensive documentation √ Agile Manifesto Working software is the primary measure of progress. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage. Value-based Prioritization Scrum Economics XP Focus on products PRINCE2 Continued business justification
Values and principles of project management Метод формирования методологии для конкретного проекта Values and principles related to the project team work technology Name Value Principle Source Responding to change over following a plan √ Agile Manifesto Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. Simplicity — the art of maximizing the amount of work not done — is essential. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. Iterative Development Scrum Empirical Process Control Time-boxing …
Processes of generalized body of knowledge Метод формирования методологии для конкретного проекта Set of processes of generalized body of knowledge was formed. It is created based on PMBOK standard using ISO 21500 standard PRINCE2 SWEBOK guide SCRUM XP Кanban Activities of PRINCE2 and SWEBOK, practices of XP and Kanban were represented as processes The generalized body of knowledge also includes the processes proposed by the experts. All processes of the generalized body of knowledge were distributed over ten knowledge areas and eight process groups
Processes of generalized body of knowledge Метод формирования методологии для конкретного проекта Mapping of operations from methodology PRINCE2 in the process table Knowledge Areas Project Management Process Groups Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring and Controlling Closing Recording and forecasting Control Analysis Decision-making Project Integration Management 12.4.2 Capture previous lessons 12.4.4 Prepare the outline Business Case 12.4.5 Select the project approach and assemble the Project Brief 13.4.1 Authorize initiation 13.4.2 Authorize the project 14.4.8 Assemble the Project Initiation Documentation 12.4.6 Plan the initiation stage 13.4.3 Authorize a Stage or Exception Plan 14.4.6 Create the Project Plan 14.4.7 Refine the Business Case 17.4.1 Plan the next stage 17.4.2 Update the Project Plan 17.4.3 Update the Business Case 17.4.5 Produce an Exception Plan 13.4.4 Give ad hoc direction 15.4.2 Review Work Package status 17.4.4 Report stage end 13.4.5 Authorize project closure 15.4.1 Authorize a Work Package 15.4.5 Report highlights 18.4.4 Evaluate the project 14.4.5 Set up the project controls 18.4.1 Prepare planned closure 15.4.8 Take corrective action 15.4.4 Review the stage status 18.4.2 Prepare premature closure 16.4.1 Accept a Work Package 18.4.3 Hand over products 16.4.2 Execute a Work Package 18.4.5 Recommend project closure …
Project Life Cycle PMBOK XP Kanban Метод формирования методологии для конкретного проекта PMBOK Starting the project Organizing and preparing Carrying out the project work Closing the project Exploration Planning Iterations to first release Productionizing Maintenance Death XP Kanban Activity flow There are different project life cycle: predictive or plan-driven, iterative, incremental, adaptive or change-driven life cycle.
Organizational structures in PM Метод формирования методологии для конкретного проекта Hollow corporation Combined structures Matrix structures Projectized structure Functional structure Hollow corporation The organization, which transmits part of their business functions to third-party contractors. Transfer of functions is made on the basis of a contract. The organization implements only planning, coordination, and administration.
Roles and responsibilities in PM Метод формирования методологии для конкретного проекта Methodology Roles Responsibilities PRINCE2 Project Board Executive Has the ultimate responsibility for the success of the project Senior User Represents requirements of end users in the board Senior Supplier Represents supplier interests Project Manager Responsible for daily management of the project on behalf of the Project Board Team Manager Responsible for ensuring the quality and other parameters of production in the team Project Assurance Provides the primary stakeholder interests Change Authority Makes decisions about some of requests for change on behalf of the the Project Board Project Support Helps the Project Manager in management activities XP Programmer Writes tests, design, and code; refactors; identifies and estimates tasks and stories Customer Writes stories and defines acceptance tests; select stories for the release and iteration …
Methodology formation method 1. Experts choose in the generalized body of knowledge in project management several combinations of principles, processes, practices, life cycles, organizational structures, the distribution of roles and responsibility in the project. 2. For the selected processes, they appoint tools and methods of their implementation, as well as suitable templates.
Methodology formation method Метод формирования методологии для конкретного проекта 3. The problem of selecting the best methodology for a particular project is solved. As criteria to optimization are applied: laboriousness implementation of management operations, execution cost of management operations, and risks related to them. 4. The selected methodology is used for project management. 5. During the implementation of the project, periodic adjustment of methodology components, tools, methods, templates is conducted.
Example of methodology synthesis Метод формирования методологии для конкретного проекта Example of methodology synthesis Figure 1 - Project management cost diagram Figure 2 - Project management laboriousness diagram 1.Develop project charter(ISO 21500). Combination I 2.Select the project approach and assemble the Project Brief (Prince 2). 3. Integration of project plans. 4. Direct project work (ISO 21500). 5. Account of execution of the totality of the project plans. 6. Control of execution of the totality of the project plans. 7. Analysis of execution of the totality of the project plans. 8. Decision making on the execution of the totality of plans. 9. Close project phase or project (ISO 21500) Combination II 1. Determination Product Backlog (Scrum). 2. Sprint Planning Meeting (Scrum). 3. Daily Scrum Meeting (Scrum). 4. Accounting tasks on the cards (Kanban). 5. Sprint Review (Scrum). 6. Sprint Retrospective (Scrum). Figure 3 - Diagram of the risks connected with application of combinations
THE 13 th INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE CONFERENCE Метод формирования методологии для конкретного проекта Thanks for attention! Kononenko Igor Laureate of the State prize of Ukraine in the field of Science and Technology Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Head of the Strategic Management Department NTU "KhPI" Tel.: 050-514-20-16 Email: Aghaee Ahmad Postgraduate Student Strategic Management Department NTU "KhPI" Tel.: 093-875-36-43 Email: THE 13 th INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE CONFERENCE “PM Kiev '16” «Project management in the development of society», Kiev May 13 – 14, 2016.