Agile Methods: So What? This talk by Ed Gehringer based on notes by Roy W. Miller RoleModel Software, Inc. How many have heard of agile methods? How many have tried to use them on a project? How many are trying to use it now? Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Why Agile Methods? Be more valuable than your peers. Be more productive. Make you happier. Exercise: Your experience with Agile … How many people have heard about Agile? How many people have done it? Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
The Real Project Lifecycle Dream Plan Capture requirements Design a lot, code a little, test if there’s time Limp to the finish Create a comprehensive plan, stick to it at all costs, kill change, hope you survive Requirements docs tend to be too detailed. Customers think they have a narrow window of opportunity to ask for anything. So it may take 6 mos. to get req’ts. done. Then you spend more x doing design. “High-level design” – can take months Death Marches common (Ed Yourdon’s book Death March.) Chart a course and follow it--Stick to the plan <= deviation is viewed as expensive. Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
The Results Junk Late For a lot of money Data from 2000 CHAOS Report, Standish Group Junk Late For a lot of money 40K projects 1994-2002, 50K projects since 2002 Many people question validity of #s because they claim to do an exhaustive study on 30K projects. IEEE SW paper: 8380 projects had data, but based on only 365 respondents In 2012, 74% had time overruns and 59% had cost overruns >70% of projects don’t measure up Challenged: Late, over budget, didn’t deliver what they promised. Not that numbers improved 10% from 2004 to 2012 Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
“Modern resolution” Exercise: Look up the controversy over this report, and submit observations here. See The rise and fall of the Chaos report figures, IEEE Software, Jan. 2010 Old definition: meets original forecast of functionality. New definition: achieves a satisfactory result. Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Making software is like a factory – an efficiency optimization problem The Source: Taylorism Frederick Winslow Taylor, Principles of Scientific Management (1911) Accepted wisdom by 1950s Software began in 1950s Software “production” ~= industrial production Exercise: Find an interesting fact about Taylorism. Submit here. “[I]n each…trade there is always one method and one implement which is quicker and better than any of the rest. And this one best method and best implement can only be discovered or developed through a scientific study and analysis of all of the methods and implements in use, together with accurate, minute, motion and time study. “ Passed Harvard entrance exam, but allegedly due to deteriorating eyesight, became a machine-shop worker in 1880s, ascended to a posn. of mgt. Worked in steel pn. 1880s – 1910s in lots of industrial settings Inefficiency everywhere – low efficiency YIELDS low output YIELDS low profits Rules of thumb--mgrs. would let workers do their own thing. Soldiering − “work slowdown.” They’ll expect us to produce highly always. Find “the one best way” – science of work Workers work, managers think Detailed task breakdown, follow the steps Apparently followed people around w/stopwatch. He created ≈ cards for all workers to follow. No room for creative genius on an assembly line To be successful, they had to be “dumb as oxen.” But software is not like that--we don’t make the same thing every time. You don’t know how to do it before you start out. Making software is like a factory – an efficiency optimization problem Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Software Is Different Software is emergent Exercise: How is software different from other industrial processes? Submit here. Traditional view… Reality… Software like industrial production Software like predicting the weather Problem always the same Solution always the same Optimize process Change is disruptive Increase predictability Problem always different Solution always different Can’t optimize Change is constant Can’t predict accurately Traditional view is LINEAR, reality is NON-LINEAR Software that’s the same every time is a waste Requirements change--perhaps hourly. Unpredictable – deterministic, but non-periodic Multiple factors Emergent – feedback from iterations Different kind of problem, needs different kind of solution Software is emergent Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Agile creates the right conditions for emergent software Growing Software Need a solution that… Allows us not to know Allows us to explore Gives feedback to direct us Creates the right conditions, lets software emerge Lets us produce the right software at the END If we say we know in advance, either we’re delusional or we’re lying. We need to get feedback often. Kent Beck: Making sw. is like steering a car. XP boiled down: What is the simplest thing we can do & still make great software? Most other processes are after prediction & control, not simplicity. Discipline vs. agility – you need both ( Look up “The Agile debate.” Agile creates the right conditions for emergent software Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
What is the simplest thing we can do and still make great software? Agile In a Nutshell 4 core values: Simplicity, Communication, Feedback, Courage 19 practices 1 team 3 roles: Customer, Manager, Programmer What is the simplest thing we can do and still make great software? Values are “why” behind the practices Simplicity keeps us from getting bogged down in process/code Communication – problems always start here everything that I’ve seen go wrong is from so. not talking to so. else at the right time. Feedback helps us “steer” Courage keeps us going It takes guts to tell a manager, You can’t have everything yesterday, but I can give you this ... Practices: Originally 12, but 19 in four groups seems about right The extra 7 flesh out the non-technical (business) side of making sw. Team: Who is the 1 team? Not just programmers, but the customers, managers. Everybody in this thing together Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Agile is about more than programming The Practices Joint Common Vocabulary Iterations Open Workspace Retrospectives Development Test-First Development Pair Programming Refactoring Collective Ownership Continuous Integration Just-In-Time Design Management Accepted Responsibility Air Cover Quarterly Review Mirror Sustainable Pace Customer Storytelling Release Planning Acceptance Tests Frequent Releases Categories are new We do some things together, some things apart Creating software is about more than programming Agile is about more than programming Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Create an environment where “one team” can exist and thrive Joint Practices Common Vocabulary Formerly “metaphor” – shared understanding Iterations Steering – frequent, regular checkpoints so we can get lots of concrete feedback Open Workspace Easy to communicate and learn Retrospectives Being “Reflective Practitioners” (Donald Schon), learn as we go Exercise: Look up one of these practices (your row number mod 4), and find an interesting fact about it. Submit here. What we do together to create “one team” Common vocabulary--originally called “metaphor.” Metaphor didn’t work – people missed the point Original XP project was at Chrysler. They named parts of the project after parts of the assembly line. We’re not just thinking of cute names, but things that people can use to refer to concepts w/the same terminology. E.g., e-mail: Letter, open, address book, mailbox. E.g., surfaces: Window, scroll, canvas, pen, brush, palette, clipboard, menu. Common vocabulary -- shared understanding. Iterative development not new. RoleModel iterations run a week. Have a planning session on Monday, on Friday, say we’re done. Focuses programmers on what they should be doing right now. Forces business people to make decisions. They can’t make programmers figure it out. Open workspace Dilbert world--filled w/cubes. You can’t work like that on a team. The only way we can communicate at that level is to see each other. Today’s cubes are getting smaller: 100 sq. ft. 15 yrs. ago, 54 sq. feet now. You can’t get 2 people behind the same computer in a cube that small. So move them out of cubes & into studios. Cockburn: If so. is on another floor, they might as well be on another planet. With electronic communication, level of granularity is coarser. Telecommuting—only if you can break project into parts that require little communication. Retrospective: At end of every iteration, we look at what we did well, badly. Create an environment where “one team” can exist and thrive Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
“Drive” the entire process Customer Practices Storytelling Describe each system feature in a small chunk that fits in an iteration Release Planning Tell programmers which features come first Customer Tests Also “acceptance tests” or “functional tests” – tell programmers when they’re done Frequent Releases Get software to users so the team can get feedback to steer with Storytelling: Customer has to drive the whole project. Customers tell us stories, write on index cards. We make a stack of cards. When we get to this, we’ll come back to you & talk about it. Customers aren’t used to doing this; they are used to req’ts. docs. This avoids need to get down to nth level of detail all at once. Release planning is a step above iteration planning. Two levels: Iteration planning (weekly), Release planning (a step above that; just asks what features are needed) Release planning asks, What do we need to get a minimally useful system? Finally we get to the end of the project when somebody says, “That’s about enough.” Customers need to do tests. They aren’t used to testing; they are customers! But customer has to test to tell us when what we’ve made is good enough. If system passes this script of tests, then we are done. We don’t want to do more--or less--than we need to. Frequent releases A discipline for customers as well as programmers. Tendency is not to let anything out the door unless it is “perfect.” XP says, the only way to find out if we’re getting close is to have customer tell us. Need to put real sw. in hands of real people. “Release early, release often.” Customer drives--exactly the reverse of usual. Choose sensibly: Only whole features should be included in a release. Exercise: Look up one of these practices (your row number mod 4), and find an interesting fact about it. Submit here. “Drive” the entire process Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Educate, facilitate, stay out of the way Management Practices Accepted Responsibility Say what needs to be done, let the team decide who does it and how Quarterly Review Make sure the team knows what it needs to; make sure management knows what it needs to Air Cover Soften up the defenses to make room for the infantry Sustainable Pace Help people avoid burnout Mirror Point out problems, suggest, advise, encourage Accepted responsibility People don’t like to talk about the fact that mgrs. are part of the team. But they have to be part of the team w/o getting in the way. Managers don’t dictate (or people leave). Turnover is one of the biggest contributors to cost in most businesses. Managers nudge. This needs to be done. You figure out how. Quarterly review Mgrs. don’t need to be part of the release-planning sessions as much as customers & programmers. Job of a mgr. is to educate, facilitate, stay out of the way. Mgr. needs to know enough to do this. So maybe mgr. sits in on a release-planning session. Air cover Air cover during WW II was to soften things up. Mgrs. are to say, Team needs to go over here. Mgr. needs to work way through the organization so team can do that. Get signoffs for access to environments, getting broken workstns. fixed. Sustainable pace. Have a life! Most programmers don’t want to give up on a problem, regardless of how late it is. If you burn the candle at both ends, sooner or later you’re out of wax. If you work 15 min. more, I’ll unplug your PC! When a project gets behind schedule, overtime is often the first response. Hours start to stretch, then some groups may have mandatory overtime. This can lead to a “death march” (Yourdon 1999). Developers’ family life suffers; they may put in hours physically but not mentally. Keep team running a marathon, not a sprint. “Yesterday’s weather” rule—the next iteration will accomplish about as many estimated days’ work as the current one did. Mirror Mgr. needs to say to team--look at what you’re doing. Is that right? If they are off track, management can suggest ways to break logjam. Exercise: Look up one of these practices (your row number mod 5), and find an interesting fact about it. Submit here. Educate, facilitate, stay out of the way Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Development Practices Test-First Development No code without a failing programmer test Pair Programming All code gets two pairs of eyes Refactoring Remove “smells” Collective Ownership Everyone owns all of the code Continuous Integration Integrate many times each day Just-In-Time Design Keep design simple These ARE XP to most people Test-first development I won’t write code till I have a failing test that tells me what code to write. Continuous integration Microsoft integrates 1x/day. This is not fast enough; we build once every hr., or more often. Just-in-time design: YAGNI--You ain’t gonna need it. This is antithetical to an analysis phase, ff’ed. by a design phase, & then by programming. Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Test-First Development Write tests before you write code Write just enough code to get each test to pass All about confidence Programmer tests tell you when the code “works” Programmer tests must pass 100% all the time Test anything you need to be sure it works People say, “Huh? I can’t do that…” No code without a test Use one of the XUnit testing frameworks, e.g., JUnit. Write a class that subclasses TestCase. You have a test method that makes an instance of the class & call a method on it. Then make an assertion about result you get back. At 1st, the test won’t even compile. Then it runs, but “red bar”--means failure. Write just enough code to get the test to pass—no more. How long does this take? One to 5 minutes, maybe 10 at the outside. What if it’s taking longer? Move to smaller tests All about confidence--it is just to give you confidence that your code works. Some systems have 1000 tests; they all need to pass. This may be extreme (XP …). Otherwise, you’ll probably run out of time & don’t have time to test. Can’t happen w/XP--you don’t have any code unless you have the tests 1st. I’ve never seen any tests anywhere near as comprehensive as with XP. Writing just enough code to make test pass--keeps you closer to the simplest poss. code. Also, if I want to know how to use the class, it helps to look at the tests! Tells you how to instantiate & use the object. And is up to date. Complete test coverage, simplest code that could possibly work, clear intent Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Continuous code review, more efficient learning, lower project risk Pair Programming 2 developers, 1 computer, solving problems together One person “drives,” the other “navigates” Not Driver/Passenger Not Pair Watching Pairs should rotate Love your pair All production code gets two pairs of eyes Why do people not do it? Pride. Code reviews are good. Do them all the time! Research shows code reviews are good Hate them Hard to do well Pairs should rotate. You don’t have a pair for a week. You may switch after 30 min. That spreads expertise around, discourages reliance on heroes. Jim Coplien: Truck #. This way, everyone learns. Yes, I could go read a book, post something to a newsgroup. But if so. would just sit down & teach me, it would take a couple min. Mantra of medical residency: “See one, do one, teach one.” Seems interesting if so. is removing an organ. We have it easier--all we lose is information. Each member of the pair has a job High “truck number” – no heroes Love your pair. Treat your pair as you would want to be treated. You will be embarrassed. If so. gets upset & is going to be a pill the rest of the day, then your pair will suffer. Continuous code review, more efficient learning, lower project risk Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Keep code simple, build learning in Refactoring Changing the design of existing code without changing function All about speed Refactor when code “smells” Methods, classes that are too long. Duplicate code (or “almost” duplicate code). Switch statements (instead of polymorphism). “Struct” classes—getters & setters but little else. Refactor before adding a feature, and after Can’t do this well without tests Refactoring is about speed. If there is duplicated code & you want to change the business logic, it takes longer. So you use the “extract method” refactoring. Examples of code “smells” (Wake, XP Explored) Classes, methods that are too long. Switch statements. “Struct” classes--getters & setters but not much else. Duplicate code, almost-duplicate code. Overdependence on primitive types (instead of introducing a domain-specific type) Useless or wrong comments. Scope of variables larger than necessary. You refactor before adding a feature to make it easier to add. You refactor afterwards “to atone for all your sins.”--Kent Beck. Keep code simple, build learning in Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Convert “my code” to “our code” to lower risk Collective Ownership Any developer can change any code anytime Programmer tests and customer tests tell you if you broke something You break it, you fix it Exercise: Is this a good idea? Look up points pro and con. Submit here. Convert “my code” to “our code” to lower risk Who should own code? No one? Then everyone will avoid it or treat it as a black box. “Black box” results in awkward interfaces. What’s wrong w/individual ownership? You have to negotiate w/someone if you want to change the interface. pressure to get interface done early so the rest of the project can proceed. The owner of a class may veto a change, and then others design around it, worsening the design in general. If the owner leaves, then this reverts to “no one.” Can’t do this well without tests You don’t need to ask permission to change anyone’s code. If you don’t get green bars, you fix it. But-- Hurts people’s pride--I like my code; you keep your hands off! “Tragedy of commons”--everyone is responsible can mean no one is responsible. But, test first & pair programming tend to mitigate this; no one can pollute in secrecy. Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Continuous Integration Integrate changes multiple times each day One failing Programmer Test = no integration Daily is not enough No “Big Bang” Exercise: Is this a good idea? Look up points pro and con. Submit here. Maintain speed and spread risk by integrating many times per day If you don’t integrate frequently, people can go off in drastically wrong directions, which becomes apparent only at the end. Integration becomes a lot of work for whoever must resolve problems. Daily is not enough. If you build once/day & something breaks, you have to investigate who is responsible. If you build immediately after finishing your change & it breaks, you are responsible. Can’t do this well without tests Developers must keep all unit tests running at 100%. You have to check in your code when you finish. The manager should verify that you are doing this. For our Expertiza projects, you need to integrate frequently w/the projects that are related to yours. Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Just-In-Time Design Only design for what you’re building Always keep the design as simple as possible (OAOO) Simplicity allows for change Change is constant Exercise: Is this a good idea? Look up points pro and con. Submit here. Simple design: passes all tests, has no duplication, expresses intent, has least amount of code Expresses intent--refactored to the point where people can understand it. Runs all tests, OAOO (once & only once), fewest classes/methods, clear intent Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
The closer you get to all, the better off you are All Or Nothing? Some practices can stand alone Refactoring, Test-First Development, Pair Programming All is better, some often better than none All doesn't mean starting all at once The closer you get to all, the better off you are Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Agile Practices Roadmap Copyright 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc.
Project Success Revisited Source: Dr. Dobbs, 2010 Ad-hoc projects 49% are successful, 37% are challenged, and 14% are failures. Traditional projects 47% are successful, 36% are challenged, and 17% are failures. Iterative projects 61% are successful, 28% are challenged, and 11% are failures. Agile projects 60% are successful, 28% are challenged, and 12% are failures. Ad-hoc. On ad-hoc software development projects the team does not follow a defined process. Traditional. On a traditional software development project the team follows a staged process where the requirements are first identified, then the architecture/design is defined, then the coding occurs, then testing, then deployment. Traditional processes are often referred to as "waterfall", "classical", or simply "serial" processes. Iterative. On an iterative software development project the team follows a process which is organized into periods that are often referred to as iterations or time boxes. On any given day of the project team members may be gathering requirements, doing design, writing code, testing, and so on. Rational Unified Process (RUP) is an example of an iterative software process. Agile. On an agile software development project the team follows an iterative process which is also lightweight, highly collaborative, self-organizing, and quality focused. An example of an agile process is OpenUP, Scrum, and Extreme Programming (XP). Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Agile vs. Waterfall Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
So What? Agile doesn’t matter – results do Agile reflects the true nature of the problem (complex) Agile is change-tolerant Agile is realistic Agile has the potential to facilitate organizational change Agile increases likelihood for success Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer
Resources (Ron Jeffries) (JUnit testing framework) Addison Wesley XP Series: Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, Beck Extreme Programming Installed, Jeffries, Hendrickson, Anderson Planning Extreme Programming, Fowler and Beck Extreme Programming Applied: Playing to Win, Auer and Miller Refactoring, Fowler IBM developerWorks XP Column, starting in August ( Growing Software (working title), Addison Wesley, 2003 (Agile Alliance) Copyright © 2002 by RoleModel Software, Inc., © 2017 Edward F. Gehringer