Project Plan, Task Checklist, Estimates Project Prototyping Objectives Introduction of Project Checklist Estimate Spreadsheet Compile Detailed Project Plan, Estimates, Gantt Chart Introduction to Prototyping Techniques Determination of Best Prototype Strategy Introduction to Power Supply Design Resources Deliverables (Team) For Each Team: Completed Excel task template for Project Level Tasks with Block level tasks integrated for project totals Create Summary PPT Slides incl Gantt chart: (see template guide) Overall prototype summary slide showing total # of bds, area, technology
Project Plan, Task Checklist, Estimates Project Prototyping Deliverables (Individual for each Block) For Each Block: Completed Excel template for Block Level Tasks For Each Block: Create PPT Slide Prototype Plan (see template)
Excel Task Estimation Tool Project Level Task Estimation Sheet Manhours Totalize at bottom of Sheet Material $ Totalize at bottom of Sheet Data Is Entered into Beige Shaded Blocks Only ! Start/End Date should be realistic and be dependent on other tasks Use Week.Day Numbering (ie. Class Week #, Monday=1, Sunday=7) Example: 4.4 = 4th class week, Thursday Customize for your own use by Number of Design Blocks Cut/Paste the Detailed Design Section for Each Block Owner Use as Project Plan for Tracking Team Members to Weekly Deliverables
Excel Task Estimation Tool Project Level Task Estimation System Design Tasks Detailed Design Blocks from Next Sheets Material $ and Manpower Hrs Totalize in the Green
Excel Task Estimation Tool Project Task Estimation Tool Verification & Integration Tasks Presentation, Report and Validation Manhours Totalize at bottom of Page Material $ Totalize at bottom of Page
Excel Task Estimation Tool Block Level Task Estimation Sheet Manhours Totalize at bottom of Sheet Material $ Totalize at bottom of Sheet System Design (Block Definition) Tasks Detailed Design Tasks Customize for your own use by Number of Design Blocks Cut/Paste the Detailed Design Section for Each Block Owner
Project Plan Summary Templates Overall Project Plan Summary SLIDE Template: 1st Slide: Estimation Summary Total Manpower Estimated vs Available (from lab 1) Total Material $ Estimated vs Available (from lab 1) ~ % of total manpower for system design tasks, detailed design tasks, verification tasks, and documentation tasks Suggested down/up scope if needed 2nd Slide: Project Plan Create single page high level GANTT chart for entire project Show chronological interdependencies (example: can’t prototype until parts are procured, can’t procure parts until part list is compiled, etc)
Example of Simple Gantt Chart showing dependencies
Block Prototyping Plan Template Name Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors