Odysseus as a Leader
Which ‘leaders’ do you admire in our society? Task: Briefly answer the questions below (2 mins) In pairs, discuss your answers. Do you agree? (5 mins) Which ‘leaders’ do you admire in our society? What qualities make a good leader? What responsibilities does a leader have to his men?
What were the qualities of a Homeric leader? Perseverance Bravery Self Control Strategy/ Intelligence Strength Nobility Desire for kleos Authority
When do we see Odysseus as a leader? Example Leadership Quality Analysis Cicones Lotus Eaters Cyclops Aeolia Laestrygonians Circe’s Island Sirens Scylla & Charybdis Thrinacie
Odysseus on Trial TASK (15 mins) In groups of five assign the following roles: Prosecution Defence Odysseus Witness 1 Witness 2 Prepare a short speech in character that discusses Odysseus leadership and whether or not he is to blame for the deaths of his crew members
You might want to consider: “There is more to admire about Odysseus when he is without his men rather than when he is with them”. How far do you agree with this statement? You might want to consider: The qualities Odysseus shows as a leader How admirable these qualities are Anything else that you think is significant [30]
What is this question asking? “There is more to admire about Odysseus when he is without his men rather than when he is with them”. How far do you agree with this statement? You might want to consider: The qualities Odysseus shows as a leader How admirable these qualities are Anything else that you think is significant [30] What is this question asking?
What are my examples? With his men Without his men Calypso’s Island Cicones Lotus Eaters Cyclops Aeolia Laestrygonians Circe’s Island Sirens Scylla & Charybdis Thrinacie Without his men Calypso’s Island Phaeacia
See the rest of the PowerPoint What are my examples? With his men Cicones Lotus Eaters Cyclops Aeolia Laestrygonians Circe’s Island Sirens Scylla & Charybdis Thrinacie Without his men Calypso’s Island Phaeacia See the rest of the PowerPoint
What are my examples? Without his men Episode Leadership Quality Analysis Calypso’s Island Phaeacia (Nausicaa) Phaeacia (Alcinous)
You can choose one of these arguments or more than one! What’s the argument? Once you have an understanding of all the examples and their significance, you can put them together to form your argument. Odysseus is more effective as a leader when… He is with his men He is without his men He is always effective He is never effective Some combination of the above You can choose one of these arguments or more than one!
Essay Structure! Introduction Your chosen argument Only A03 here With his men (a paragraph for each episode) You don’t have to include every example on this PowerPoint Make sure your examples are detailed Connect your examples to your argument Without his men (a paragraph for each episode) Conclusion Acknowledge other arguments if you have time Your chosen argument again